when its raining really heavy for hours and hours
willy_wanker 35 days ago
dont you feel bad for the animals that have to endure the deluge out in the open
Bortslob 35 days ago
Sometimes I'll be at my office and it's like-20 out and a seagull will be sitting on my windowsill. I'm like, wtf is wrong with this thing? He's got the same feathers he has in the summer when it's 90+
Bortslob 35 days ago
I'm like, you gotta dive in that ocean to get some fish snacks in this temperature ?!
straightedgehack 35 days ago
I do. Especially domesticated animals.
I get really sad when I see animals dead on the road or the side of the road. Saw a beautiful dead this morning on the way to work that bummed me out.