I'm gonna play Quake.
kort 11/18/2023 9:12:04 PM
no arms? brain doesn't work? don't own a computer? you live in a cardboard box? you're too drunk?
_d0thack_ 11/18/2023 9:23:51 PM
Video games are dumb
I'd rather spend my money on music. I'm bored this sucks.
shitinyourhand 11/19/2023 6:39:04 AM
I only play Apex. Not a fan of Call of Duty gameplay. I need a new game to play any recommendations?
plaguestricken 11/19/2023 12:14:40 PM
Halo Infinite is still tight. Someone play with me. I also still f*ck with Warzone from time to time.
Just beat Dead Space remake today. Playing Starfield.. about to start Resident Evil 4 remake. I'm a loser and I love video games.