seriously listening to immortal
Pilgrim 5/28/2023 3:56:56 AM
No. Paying my buddies bill for his bday party was dumb. I wanna shoot myself.
Immortal rules
B__DAWG 5/28/2023 8:36:28 PM
95% of black metal fans are f*cking retards. probably, i never really did a survey or anything
kort 5/29/2023 7:38:32 AM
black metal is great except for the massive amount of the RAW TRVE stuff that blows. recording your album backwards through headphones is the dumbest shit ive ever heard
ShadowBlade 5/29/2023 8:12:26 AM
It all depends on the band. Some bands really do pull off that "necro" production, and can be a benefit to the overall aesthetic. It doesn't work for everyone though. Some of my favorite stuff is quite modern though. Inquisition usually has great sounding production. Pretty much all of the (superior) Swedish black metal doesn't really utilize the raw production techniques either.
ShadowBlade 5/29/2023 8:15:01 AM
Horna has a lot of albums with that raw production, and they are all fantastic. Behexen has some raw albums too. You can blame it all on Darkthrone though. They made so many great albums in that vein. Of course, Darkthrone hasn't put out anything worth a shit since "Hate Them".
B__DAWG 5/29/2023 8:31:12 AM
i'm listening to Stikky right now. it sounds like shit. but it would sound stupid if it sounded good
toxicnacho 5/29/2023 9:43:56 AM
Unblack metal is some pretty funny stuff.
The state I live in has one of the better known ones. Frost Like Ashes.
ShadowBlade 5/29/2023 11:21:07 AM
It's better than anything Vargbhas ever done. Except for maybe his first 3 releases where he basically just rips off Bathory.