Viewing Pleasures For the Evening
toxicnacho 5/9/2023 3:00:11 PM
royals game may get rained out. not gonna stick around.
tonight it looks like i'll be watching :
eaten alive!
party monster
toxicnacho 5/9/2023 3:57:47 PM
haha that's the one jimbo.
got my copy of hacksaw ridge. gonna zone out to that one this weekend.
toxicnacho 5/9/2023 4:28:42 PM
bull probably still has an og antenna wondering why he can't get local stations.
toxicnacho 5/9/2023 4:29:13 PM
VodkaVeins 17 seconds ago
Did you watch Hamburger Hill?
i did last night. love the scene where that dude just ak's that guy's face.