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Viewing Pleasures For the Evening

toxicnacho 5/9/2023 3:00:11 PM
royals game may get rained out. not gonna stick around. tonight it looks like i'll be watching : eaten alive! fear party monster

jimbo 5/9/2023 3:27:42 PM
fear with marky mark?

dayman 5/9/2023 3:36:55 PM
nobody asked/cares

toxicnacho 5/9/2023 3:57:47 PM
haha that's the one jimbo. got my copy of hacksaw ridge. gonna zone out to that one this weekend.

ShadowBlade 5/9/2023 4:03:42 PM
Shut the f*ck up retard.

easyhateoven 5/9/2023 4:16:16 PM
strange days (1995) paint (2023) the latest yellowjackets episode

B__DAWG 5/9/2023 4:17:03 PM
i don't watch tv

toxicnacho 5/9/2023 4:20:20 PM
nice choices easy. look at shadowtrind. he's being a parrot now. lol

toxicnacho 5/9/2023 4:21:14 PM
isn't that what trind does? i don't keep tabs on the retard

jimbo 5/9/2023 4:27:22 PM
bull bird watches

VodkaVeins 5/9/2023 4:28:24 PM
Did you watch Hamburger Hill?

toxicnacho 5/9/2023 4:28:42 PM
bull probably still has an og antenna wondering why he can't get local stations.

toxicnacho 5/9/2023 4:29:13 PM
VodkaVeins 17 seconds ago Did you watch Hamburger Hill? i did last night. love the scene where that dude just ak's that guy's face.

easyhateoven 5/9/2023 4:35:23 PM
bull knows dozens of (sic) bird calls

toxicnacho 5/9/2023 4:38:44 PM
Hey Trind. f*ck you retard. https://ibb.co/zfqrnfK