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serious question for the 'men' of lambgoat

kort 2/11/2023 10:35:43 PM
if you eat chunky peanut butter does your manjuice come out chunky

kort 2/11/2023 10:36:49 PM
kortlyn bonus points if you cite fauci in your answer

Bortslob 2/12/2023 7:01:40 AM
Get back in timeout you f*cking idiot

kort 2/12/2023 12:01:35 PM
lurk you plan on doing something about this? oh right you won't ban your own stooges, what was i thinking

Jemenez_Cricket 2/12/2023 12:26:32 PM

B__DAWG 2/12/2023 12:38:22 PM
i think korts kinda funny

kort 2/12/2023 12:43:02 PM
thats because i am funny

B__DAWG 2/12/2023 12:44:41 PM
well i like that you annoy lurk at the very least

B__DAWG 2/12/2023 1:00:30 PM
imagine actually buying lambgoat? what a f*cking dork

Jemenez_Cricket 2/12/2023 1:18:38 PM
Imagine being B Dawg or Boogerhead 🤣

B__DAWG 2/12/2023 1:21:13 PM
it ain't easy, brother

lurkcity 2/12/2023 1:37:43 PM
kort 1 hour ago lurk you plan on doing something about this? oh right you won't ban your own stooges, what was i thinking kort stfu cricket is literally a byproduct of your dumbass gimmick to annoy carve and now carves not here so you probably shouldn't be either. move to the discord, oh wait. you were kicked out. bull, how many local restaurant competitive eating contests did you win this week?

kort 2/12/2023 3:05:37 PM
why are you trying so hard to make sure no one posts on your messageboard

Lurk_Nanbanny_690 2/12/2023 6:44:23 PM
lurkcity 5 hours ago kort 1 hour ago kort stfu cricket is literally a byproduct of your dumbass gimmick to annoy carve and now carves not here so you probably shouldn't be either. move to the discord, oh wait. you were kicked out. An excellent theory my Lord!

Lurk_Nanbanny_690 2/12/2023 6:51:29 PM
All hail Lord Lurk, owner of lambgoat, the most POWERFUL. How may I beseech thine honor? Doust thou desire thee of a draught from the great shaft?