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Coalesce - OX

simon_belmont 7/12/2022 9:42:08 AM
That's the one I'm currently listening to

Hox_Ablation_PhD 7/12/2022 9:47:46 AM
That's a good one to listen to. Very fond of Functioning on Impatience as well

nothinlefttogive 7/12/2022 9:54:52 AM
I enjoyed Ox. Saw them when they toured on it with coliseum. Sean burned his voice out in like the middle of the first song or by the 2nd song. Still, fukkin good live.

dayman 7/12/2022 9:56:41 AM

Hox_Ablation_PhD 7/12/2022 9:59:52 AM
Don't efrain up this thread, efrain.

dayman 7/12/2022 10:10:31 AM
creepy f*ck stfu

nothinlefttogive 7/12/2022 10:15:46 AM
Functioning on impotence >

Hox_Ablation_PhD 7/12/2022 10:43:57 AM
Efrain, it wasn't that long ago you were posting as ponyboy/cash and everyone f*cking HATED you. Don't forget your history, son.

Qiang 7/12/2022 11:20:47 AM
I love Coalesce

evil_hero 7/12/2022 11:26:27 AM
i forgot about ponyboy. ponyboy talked helllaa shitt hahahahahahaha

dayman 7/12/2022 12:45:36 PM
Hox_Ablation_PhD 2 hours ago Efrain, it wasn't that long ago you were posting as ponyboy/cash and everyone f*cking HATED you. Don't forget your history, son. Keep hiding behind a gimmick, tough guy

dayman 7/12/2022 12:46:08 PM
its also really weird you remember my cash username i barely remember it

butlerianjihad 7/12/2022 2:07:34 PM
Never forget, CRAP