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did you hear the new in flames song?

Zordon 6/11/2022 7:26:55 PM
its called 'state of slow decay'

jimbo 6/11/2022 7:28:17 PM
haven't heard, zordy .. got a link?

Zordon 6/11/2022 7:29:56 PM
there is only a live version of it out right now the single is coming out on the 13th

carveyournamein 6/11/2022 8:14:41 PM
No and I probably never will.

carveyournamein 6/11/2022 8:14:58 PM
I saw them once in maybe 2000. It sucked.

Zordon 6/13/2022 2:22:33 PM
turns out all in flames had to do to 'return to form' was put in a 2-step at the gates drum beat and now its like old in flames to everybody apparently

B__DAWG 6/13/2022 2:23:19 PM
nobody wants old in flames in 2022 either. we've moved on

evil_hero 6/13/2022 2:24:28 PM
they suck

Zordon 6/13/2022 2:25:50 PM
nobody has really moved on lets be honest every metal band out there today is still either ripping off meshuggah or at the gates

Godfreyjones 6/13/2022 2:26:50 PM
Sounded good at first, but quickly turned back into nu in flames garbage. If you want that old school in flames sound, just listen to The Halo Effect

Zordon 6/13/2022 2:27:40 PM
the halo effect is gaining popularity i can see it happening right before my eyes and im gonna crack up if they end up huge by just being the band in flames refused to be for like 20 years lol

Zordon 6/14/2022 2:20:05 PM
the positive reception to the new in flames song is surprising to me, they have a song that sounds basically exactly like this on literally every single one of their albums and nobody cares. its never the single but they always have songs like this

Zordon 6/14/2022 2:21:22 PM
here it is on 'come clarity' https://youtu.be/09TGfjU-y0w

Zordon 6/14/2022 2:26:02 PM
here it is on 'i, the mask' https://youtu.be/x0sujFluBlE