weindsdaie pleighleist
dog_boner 3/23/2022 1:49:21 PM
avowal - transformation
genocide of prescription - genesis
drug church - hygiene
suffocate for f*ck sake - fyra
ion dissonance - minus the herd
dog_boner 3/23/2022 1:54:29 PM
Avowal is like DSO but more black metal
GOP is beneath the massacre with more weirdness
drug church will be good if you like new turnstile
SFFS is Plebian Grandstand type shit
And I know you've already heard ID
Vince 3/23/2022 1:56:40 PM
Haven't listened to ID in years. I still have one of their cds I think. I'll check the others out.
Ok I tried Drug Church. Not really my thing I guess.
Vince 3/23/2022 1:58:28 PM
I'm listening to this song. It's probably the best HoF song ever.
evil_hero 3/23/2022 2:06:39 PM
Vince 9 minutes ago
Ok I tried Drug Church. Not really my thing I gues
BULLHEAD 3/23/2022 2:08:37 PM
urfaust - ritual music for the true clochard
wobbler - from silence to somewhere
the minutemen - my first bells (1980-1983)
starflyer 59 - silver
willy_wanker 3/23/2022 3:17:23 PM
i just figured out the company car ive been given has xm radio and ive been listening to liquid metal for the last 2 days. 99.9% of the music im hearing played is garbage
BABAR 3/23/2022 3:21:11 PM
liquid metal is god awful. once in a blue moon they'll have "history of" (insert genre) and play something decent but usually its like spiritbox and slipknot, and lurkcity shit.
the new wave channel (33), classic hip-hop and vinyl deep cuts are the best channels on it imho