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LG bdays today- dog_boner! akso, xfathersgunx & a bunch of nystrom gimmicks lmao

evil_hero 3/17/2022 7:25:15 AM
dog_boner your account is 10 years old today. what an accomplishment fathersgun whats up with your sisters tits these days gunnhildnystrom, thornystrom and trindscleftlip gimmick. i shall assume xander is responsible for these lmao

evil_hero 3/17/2022 7:25:28 AM

theocean 3/17/2022 7:28:09 AM
fathersgun.........his dad really did kill himself if i remember right man

simon_belmont 3/17/2022 7:30:27 AM
Fathersgun was funny if I remember correctly

evil_hero 3/17/2022 7:56:56 AM
theocean 28 minutes ago fathersgun.........his dad really did kill himself if i remember right man idk if that was ever confirmed. the story was that their dad hung himself in the backyard. could be true idk but i would have comforted swanswing in my arms as if it was true

Portslob 3/17/2022 8:24:05 AM

skinsuit 3/17/2022 8:38:14 AM
Happy B-day!

_d0thack_ 3/17/2022 9:44:28 AM
Hero, I vaguely remember fathersgun coming into the thread where it was announced that Shat died. He mentioned how Shat use to clown on him about how his dad hung himself. So it's probably true. I never talked to the guy but I remember that.

evil_hero 3/17/2022 9:47:46 AM
i used to clown on him too for that. hope he makes an appearance in my death thread

_d0thack_ 3/17/2022 9:48:38 AM
I'll be there. Cryin' and ahooning.

dog_boner 3/17/2022 10:28:30 AM
I miss xfgx's weird art Didn't realize this account is a decade old, thanks for the shout out my guy

evil_hero 3/17/2022 2:20:22 PM
10 years bro. you better buy your account a bike