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New tunes

_steelpanda_ 2/6/2022 5:50:49 AM
https://youtu.be/Di4VCy6sifY https://youtu.be/hd7eNCk1jqA https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZnDubvpDXP/?utm_medium=copy_link

evil_hero 2/6/2022 6:11:49 AM
i feel like your songs could benefit from a theremin or an eBow. you ever f*ck with a theremin?

_steelpanda_ 2/6/2022 6:38:25 AM
Ebow yes, therman would be a dream, I would be the Most annoying human on the planet if I had one. I know some people that play some strings instruments, cello, violin etc. going to get amps all situated and get away from acoustic for a minute lol. Me and homie I'm staying with have always played together. Emperor, unearth, shai hulud and Arsis are our favorite bands so we just gonna combine all that shit

_steelpanda_ 2/6/2022 6:40:47 AM
Probably just start wearing corpse paint around the house to just get in the mood, his momma is a catholic school teacher for over 30 years, I got upside crosses tattooed on me and shit and he's atheist af and we bang trap music all day and when she gets home we switch it jazz and make dinner and all sit at the table, it's actually pretty f*cking nice. Hell I'm about to go to church with her right now, respect, I'm house guest etc

carveyournamein 2/6/2022 6:42:16 AM
I'm excited.

carveyournamein 2/6/2022 6:43:26 AM
Drink some holy water next time you're at the church.

simon_belmont 2/6/2022 6:44:25 AM
First one sounds like Goo Goo Dolls

_steelpanda_ 2/6/2022 6:46:32 AM
Hell yeah Simon, I will take that.