Downswing 'Cut The Brakes' song premiere
Up-and-coming hardcore band Downswing unveil a brand new track.

Have you heard of Downswing yet? The Albany, New York quintet hasn't been around for particularly long, but they've already started to gain some traction with their audacious brand of East Coast hardcore (the band coined the term "SwingStyle" to encapsulate their aesthetic and mission).
Later this year Downswing will release their debut EP. Fortunately, you need not wait any longer to hear something new, as today we're streaming the band's new song "Cut The Brakes."
Check out the video below and while you're moshing, look Downswing up on Facebook and Bandcamp.
Post CommentKids should get more hyped! Great Expire cover comming at you from Downs Swing!
perfectly sums up albany, ny. full of douche bags, and disappointing.
A video with numerous shots of the backs of hardcore shirts. This shit is so goofy.
Total dorks! Black bass player automatically makes them awful in Trumps America! These kids love bullshit internet attention and I can't wait until they break up! Albany as a whole sucks and has for years!
They are mad tight live! And Albany NY doesn't only have hardcore bands you bunch of stinkpots.
Stick to taking selfies and jumping through tables because this music sucks.
Don't worry guys they'll last like a year go on a "tour" and that'll be it from them. Until they make a new band with a different drummer or something and change their name for the 7th or 8th time, and they'll still be making the same kind of whiney metal
Who else thinks most of these comments are chad sutliff ?
Hey its me Chad. Cut the crap, i'm really sick of being everyones target. Jeez, get a life aha!
Band RIPS f*ck the naysayers, its probably all one dude hahaha
Lol at Chad sutliff! The kid who is in a new awful band every three months?
Did someone put the mouse effect on the vocals of a hate breed song, play that song from a dorm refrigerator full of stale beer and sadness. Is that what this is?
My dudes are hard. Chad is cute. Downswing and SWTCH are both dope. Glad my friends do what they enjoy, regardless of how many bands they're in. Albany is cool. Eat my nuts. Cummies.
Justin Johnson here, if you got something to say, be my guest buddy.
Even Adam Merendinosaur wouldn't pit to this.
All the hate is probably from some bitter band that goes on shot runs and calls it a tour.
Cj from Pittsfield here. I support all of the homosexuals in this band. Although I only actually know two of them personally. So I support both homosexuals in this band. Good band, backed hard by my hard ginger c-ck. 10/10 would bang. Show me your f*cking metal hornz you motherf*ckz! #swingstyle #staywoke
All the women hating in these comments mad because their crease smell like miracle whip.
Lol at chris lee for acting like he can do anything to anyone without 6 people helping him. Get a job loser!
Lmfao. So glad someone called out Chris Lee. Mother f*cker legit mooches off the world and talks so much shit. Brush yo f*ckin teeth boy
Lmfao. So glad someone called out Chris Lee. Mother f*cker legit mooches off the world and talks so much shit. Brush yo f*ckin teeth boy
Pretty sure all the hate is coming from Chris Lee because this shit is fireee-Chad
Worst thing to come from upstate NY since Recon, take off that Madball shirt you gay you ain't New York Hardcore.
Albany already used up its token success story with State Champs. f*ck his band! They will get bored with it in six months and break up. The chubby guitarist is a nice kid though.
I'm sure that jobless loser Isaiah Johnson will tag along with this band so he can feel like his life has purpose and hopefully get laid so he can stop bitching about whores who f*ck everyone but him.
Yo this is Chris Lee you pssys. Kee talking shit and I will f*ck you up. I been to wrestlemania. I will end you
Lmfao. Song rules. Band slays. Albany crew sucks
The day chris lee gets a job is the day he will stop looking like a pedofile... nevermind that will never happen
why the f*ck is everyone so shitty in the comments? The song is mad good. Too bad they're from such a shitty scene. Literally the best group of musicians in the 518
The "chubby guitarist" is the love of my life.
Morgan Johnson here, come check my nudes out on anonib
"why the f*ck is everyone so shitty in the comments? The song is mad good. Too bad they're from such a shitty scene. Literally the best group of musicians in the 518" Being the best musicians in Albany is like being the gayest gay!
Albany hardcore here....not sure what this band is. Please stop affiliating with us.
That "can we not" chick at the end ruined this for me. Let the dude have some stupid fun. Band rules.
Jesus apparently albany New York doesn't like it when one of their own grts a little love
There hasn't been a good band in Albany since HEAL THESE WOUNDS. Don't even bother you pssy asses. Spencer Marzello will f*ck you up.
I've never vaped so hard in my life BandRules Yes I'm wearing a knockedloose beanie
the one in the blistered shirt, slay my life please
This comment is for the other comment about the one in the blistered shirt, stay away from my baby.
Morgan you posted them yourself on reddit you f*cking idiot
Name one Albany thot who hasn't slept with someone in this band or one of their shitty friends
Convinced that every negative comment here is from people in the scene who pretend to be best friends with these kids and then talk shit about them the second they walk away. That's just how the Albany hardcore scene is I guess. Everyone's fake and none of us are willing to say any of this to someone's face.
Legit better than any other Albany hardcore band.
Can ant and Taylor just f*ck already? We all know she's the one leaving those comments about him
Good job everyone. Now ya got losers like Chad and Chris thinking they're "famous" because people are talking shit about them on something that has nothing to do with them. lol
Heal These Wounds wasn't even that good though.
If there's one thing I got out of the Albany scene it's that you are all fake individuals that act buddy buddy when you're together but have a novel of things to say behind each other's back. I am sad to see what this scene has become. I miss coming out to shows but this scene isn't filled with good, real people. There are very few and the few that are real I do cherish! My advice, grow up and support each other instead of making fun of everyone.
Taylor f*cked half this band and half of the albany scene.
Does the bassist even take care of his kid ?
Somewhere to call home was terrible live ....
I'm sure the dude that mentioned Taylor's weight is some loser that got shot down by her. Y'all are lame as f*ck.
I am so embarrassed to say I'm part of this scene.
Taylor is hot as f*ck, y'all are crazy. Nobody wants a girl who's a stick
Dang, y'all are mean. Taylors cute as hell. If she was into chicks I'd probably be all over that.
What self respecting female would lay with Isaiah or Chris Lee?
This whole thread is making me question if I even have true friends in this scene. You guys have something to say about everyone.
that fcking rhythm guitar BEATDOWN riff at 1:23 goes in. get bent metal loser dudes! SWING HARD
song is F*cking sick "chubby guitar player" is a babe and all of these comments are f*cking stupid. you guys need to grow the f*ck up.
"Chubby guitar player" here: Thanks for the love; btw I have a chubby and I'm uploading it to social media right meow.
Alright well since I'm the only one here not posting anonymously I hold my statement on a higher level than anyone else here. Anyone who wants to talk shit about my friends (in Downswing or in general) can start talking shit about me too. And give me your worst. Anyone who wants to shit on Albany's local music community can personally message me with all their dumb bloated baggage. And anyone who wants to man the f*ck up can hit me up at any time. You all know who this is.
Can the bassists baby's moms fake subscription to hardcore be canceled? I want to get it but she's in my way. Nasty ass fupa.
You don't get to be in hardcore if we don't get to know who you are.
Alright well since I'm the only one here not posting anonymously I hold my statement on a higher level than anyone else here. Anyone who wants to talk shit about my friends (in Downswing or in general) can start talking shit about me too. And give me your worst. Anyone who wants to shit on Albany's local music community can personally message me with all their dumb bloated baggage. And anyone who wants to man the f*ck up can hit me up at any time. You all know who this is." LOL
"You don't get to be in hardcore if we don't get to know who you are." As if that is some sort of great privilege. LOL!
If you don't wanna be a part of it you can leave whenever you're ready. Better hurry before I tell your Mommy and Daddy and they take away your computer privileges.
A part of me thinks some of these comments are from the Christian M Hunt kid trying to be a troll. You know. That lose that comments on everything but doesn't go to shows?
That kid is on the same ugly level as Chris Lee, Isaiah Johnson and Zombiecrowdsurf
I may be ugly but at least I'm not afraid to show my face in public so cut this Ashley Ventura bullshit and come out of your hole.
The homies getting mad hate but keep on doin it heavy, tearing it up. Mad love
Albany scene has been exposed for what it is! Full of people who won't say anything to anyone's face
shawn sousa backs the hell out of this entire thread, Lambgoat is wild
My name is Lumpy and my man breasts approve this thread.
Last night when I jerked off I was dreaming about licking up and down the thick shaft of a man before stuffing it all down my throat
by the looks of this video, these poor c*nts have drinking problems. also, the music is not good.
Chris Lee and Chad have been jerking off to Morgan's nudes every day on this tour. Thanks Jaimie.
arf arf