Carach Angren "There's No Place Like Home" song premiere
Dutch black metal band Carach Angren debut a track from their forthcoming LP.

If you read our news section, this past summer you may have noticed that Dutch melodic/symphonic black metal outfit Carach Angren was in the studio recording their fourth full-length. Well, fast forward a few months and the album has been completed and is scheduled for an early 2015 release via Season of Mist.
Today we're thrilled to premiere a new track from the effort titled "There's No Place Like Home." Stream the song below, and while you're listening, be sure to check out the band's tour itinerary on Facebook, because they're on the road right now in the U.S. with Deicide, Septicflesh, Inquisition, and Abysmal Dawn.
Post CommentI need the story and lyrics to fully enjoy this but sounds great
This band is amazing. Except for the f*cking horrible guitar tone, jesus christ come on.
f*ck yes! Been a fan of Carach Angren since Lammendam. Love these guys so much. Song is f*cking amazing. Cannot wait for album release! Much love from Australia!!!
great song....sounds amazing....see you in Mexico...
I believe that anonymous up there typo'd "terrific". Must've been a slip of the fingers. I forgive him.
"The f*cking horrible guyitar tone" .... Bro, do you even black metal?
Amazing and powerful track, the time just stopped while it was playing, no words!
i like it. sounds pretty good, just curious about how the other songs sound. Seregor's articulation is a bit... gone though. i miss that!
If you like Carach Angren. You propably like also this. http://karadarahu.bandcamp .com/
sounds terrible to you because there isn't second guitar to fill the first one. sounds pretty ok to my ear...
Sounds pretty good, still doesnt hold anything on lammendam. Guitar tone is still lacking. Wish they had a second guitarist once again. Still looking forward to the album though!
Isn't this like the third rerelease of Lammendamendingdong? What's that? Oh, this is the 4th studio album? My bad.
Oh man song was sick as f*ck these guys never disappoint. Can't wait to hear the new cd
Awwwwyeeeeah! Much haunting fromout beesel. Cant wait for the album in begin 2015!
I miss the articulation, the other albums had such clear vocals, now I can barely hear a thing. Sounds really good still though, I'm exited
this isn't black metal, listen to deathspell omega
lold at everyone complaining about mixing and guitar tone. It's goddamn black metal what do you expect?
awh yeah, I just want to hear the whole thing already (:
I'm extremely excited for this new album to come out. Even the name sounds incredibly ominous. It's the sereneness of the title that lets me know some extreme shit is going to go down. But this particular song is lacking melody, unfortunately
I've been waiting for new album for such a long time...i'm gonna cry, it is so f*cking awesome. I am listening to this track till an hour, and it is getting better and better. Great job !
i f*cking love this shit, carach angren are THE SHIT (THE BEST)
NICE! Can't wait to hear them all. What I hear from the lyrics sounds quite interesting, reminds me somehow of Little Hector... I might be mishearing though.
Is it like an inside lambgoat joke to pretend you like this band??
Someone post lyrics please. I love this band, but it's some hearing issue I have that I can't pick out words. Even in non-metal songs :(
Its indeed black metal, but we should admit this song sounds a little bit confusing compared to the last albuns sound. Its just different mixing, nevetheless it is a masterpiece like everything CA creates
Black metal is my favorite genre but these guys don't come in near the top of the list for me. I don't get the awesomeness that other people see.
I must confess I was bothered by the name of the song...
Awesome track! sorry to spam but please check out my solo project anatos. Theres a demo up but EP is nearing completion. For fans of Carach, Dimmu, Septicflesh, Ovids Withering, Behemoth, Opeth etc
If the title or lyrics bothers anyone, don't worry. I asked the vocalist, Seregor, while on tour, about the concept of the album, and trust me when I say that it will all make sense when you hear the rest of the album :)
Classical Carach sound pieces. Nice fresh music. Waiting for new album.
Although I hate black metal, I f*cking love CA..! And, once again, they haven't let their fans down. Amazing piece as always, something that allows us to belive that the new album is going to be in our main playlists for a looooong time..!!
Total cheese!!! sounds just like all the other gay bands with keyboards claiming to be black metal.Just because you wear make up like a woman does not make you a black metal band.
Ya abicim su gitar tonlarini biraz kalinlastirin gözünüzü seveyim ya
I hope this isnt going to be a second "where the corpses sink forever" album, but still this is a brutal song!
"Just sounds like every other gay band with keyboards)? I suppose the poser who wrote that listens to grindcore or some shit. Piss off you death metal elitist gay.
I just saw this band last night. They were amazing
Clearly a Lambgoat inside joke here... But, I think I actually like this? I'm Ron Burgundy?
This is indeed more like Blackened Death Metal (Behemoth style) I guess. Lammendam and Death Came Through a Phantomship were more Symphonic BM. Definitely digging this song so far. But the guitar tone bothers me a bit, make everything harsh sounding/lo-fi, or make it hi-fi not inbetween..
Sounds cool.The're a decent band Far to compressed though. Mp3 is a shitty music format. Hope the album has better sound.
Characters: Father: Drinker Mother: Strung out on Heroin, Wine and Pills (Abusee) Children: Ages of 12 and 9
The Father assaulted the wife meany times and stabbed her twice. There is also the mention of some children at the age of 12 and 9 who are neglected and traumatized.As the song progresses, the little girl is sleeping when all of a sudden she feels a hand cover her mouth and it reeks of alcohol. She has a hard time breathing while she's confused and thinks this is all a nightmare, but when the father closes the door, the child realizes that this was no nightmare.
Everyone complaining about audio/tones/blahblah, tweak your bass down a notch or two, cleans it way up.
I agree with others, I miss the articulation in this one. Still sounds sick though!
for those that say this band sucks you can all go suck it, because you can't do what they do and until then lay off
I bet the daughter and son kill the parents This song is awesome by the way, well done. Stoked for the album to drop
Um u r teribble. Carach angren ARE amazing!
Best Angren song thus faar. Not really a fan, because most of their prior releases have been kinda... meh. Same with Dimmu. Feels like dumbed down BlackMetal
It sounds pretty brutal to my ear! That's some good music!
Sounds amazing ! Can't wait to hear the full album ! Wrong forest motherf*cker !
people who waste a time hating on bands and fighting about it online should be entered into the f*cking RETARD OLYMPICS. and then drowned
Bass Guitar? Just lacking lows altogether. I know they tour without a bassist, but come on.
Love the song and CA. Now I want the lyrics. And I'm wondering about Seregor's big fantasy to write those lyrics.
Well, unholy shit, that was awesome. Also mixed by Peter Tägtgren? Even more f*cking awesome! Keep the brutality coming!
this band is terrible