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Seventh Star Dead End

Dead End
01. Intro 02. Take It Back 03. I Quit 04. Thick and Then 05. Everyday 06. In The Lies Of The Beholder 07. Bondservant 08. Coldest Day 09. Game Over 10. Blood Money 11. Dead End
2003 Facedown Records
Our score 5


Seventh Star is a hardcore band from Ocala, FL. About four years ago, I saw these guys in Ocala, and they sound nothing like they did back then. Then I saw them play here, about a year ago, and I was very surprised at the change, but I think they had a bit of a line-up change. As far as I know, “Dead End” is Seventh Star’s first full-length record. If you know a bit about Facedown Records, I bet you can guess exactly how this sounds. I have heard many releases from Facedown, and they pretty much all sound like this. If you are familiar with Figure Four, Cast in Stone, or Point of Recognition, then you are familiar with Seventh Star. The only difference there might be is that Seventh Star (at least on this record) doesn't appear to be foaming at the mouth about Jesus. With only one song dedicated to their religion, they don’t come across as pushy as some other christian bands. I must say the production for this record is pretty damn impressive for a first full-length release. As with many Florida bands, Seventh Star recorded with Jeremy Staska at Studio 13. While being a very well recorded album, there is still a raw sound that makes the hardcore sound a bit more authentic. I think that was a good move. Musically, Seventh Star follows Figure Four’s lead, with an enormous Despair/Buried Alive influence. However, these guys don’t pull it off as well as Figure Four. Everything about this record is really typical: fast, then mid-tempo (with sing-a-longs), short build-up, and then open-D breakdowns. You’ve heard it a million times before, and Seventh Star strictly follows this formula. There are the rough vocals, some spoken parts, and the gang-style backing vocals. Every song on this album sounds exactly the same to me, no matter how many times I listen. The “secret” track is a complete waste of time. Here we have a bunch of people yelling “represent” like they’re in some gangsta-rap song. Seventh Star offers a little in the lyric department. While they touch on typical hardcore subjects of integrity, being strong, and being betrayed, they also dig about 5 inches deeper and touch on some personal/social matters, such as rape and divorce. Most of the layout and artwork for this album just makes these guys look silly. There are a couple of the tough-guy, we’re-all-standing-in-a-line pictures. I think that type of group-shot only works for Hatebreed. I do really like the art on the cover though. Bottom Line: If you like Figure Four, xDisciplex A.D., or No Innocent Victim, then there is really no reason why you wouldn’t like Seventh Star. I’m not a big fan of this kind of hardcore, unless it’s done very well. I am pressed to come up with anything exceptional about “Dead End,” but I’m sure many kids, who only want a new soundtrack for kick-boxing their friends, will dig this.

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anonymous 12/27/2005 3:52:06 AM

cast in stone rules