Post Commentwell first off bud, this isn't hardcore. This is metalcore. and didn't the acacia strain already put out this album?
it sounds nothing like acacia strain. not even close.
This album was mediocre. The last one was a thousand times better!
if there was a god, which there is not, he would smite these mediocre f*cks
If one loves breakdown-heavy, thuggy metalcore, they've already been clued in that this record is for them. For the rest of us that can only laugh at its cheap employment, it's not the most convincing start to the record. Wow this review sucks.
shit review from an even shittier reviewer. While I will agree the bass drops are annoying after a few listens, This album overall is a grower and a huge new direction for their sound. Returners was amazing, but there is no possibility they could have recreated it.
last album was pretty sweet, not crazy about this yet but it may grow on me. what happened to all the good bands? i think the best hardcore album ive heard lately is that hundredth "let go." open for any suggestions if you all know some decent new tunes...
f*ck this review. Look at the user rating. This album is sick. Band is sick. Will be attending warped tour to see this band.
not really a fan of the album but this review is even worse
Dudes with basketball shorts and get stoked on sik mosh parts are stoked
I would try to say something witty about the reviewer but I don't have to. He reviews music he doesn't make it.
I'm pretty sure this reviewer hasn't heard any of the bands he's comparing Tgi to. Also how is "clean" melodic singing thuggie when it sounds like adtr. I'm very confused by this review from the way It was described I think he put in a rag men record and not the newest record from Tgi?
look at the new wave of lamgoat gays... user rating = 8? kill yourselves gays
'Also how is "clean" melodic singing thuggie when it sounds like adtr' Probably cause it is ADTRs singer doing the cleans haha
The amount of heart on this album, is unbelievable. The Ghost Inside is known for having heart felt lyrics, inspiring riffs, and emotional heaviness.The message that Eric preaches comes through stronger on this album than any of their other previous albums' messages have. After reading the lyrics, realizing how well they've done without a drummer, and feel the message, I can say that I don't give a shitt about 808 drops, or what the opening lyrics were. Glad I BOUGHT it.
Who the f*ck is Eric? Don't you mean Vigil...
Doood ur obviously not a ghost inside fan if u think this is they're "most versatile album" u need to hear something besides this watered down studio bullshit yu probably dnt know what fury and the fallen ones is huh??
Bone Thugs N Harmony are stoked. Hundreth sucks, they aren't a hardcore band. gays 4 Jesus.
i dig the band, but realizing all these pussies are butt hurt makes me hate being a fan. devil wearz praada fans now have something to listen to apparently
looking for a sick ass new album to listen to (worth listening too) ... check out the new DYING FETUS album "Reign Supreme"...any fans?
This review does not give the album(or the band) justic. They are a part of a genre that is booming and have very loyal fans. Why should they not be cliche in their own genre when it is cleary the sound the fans want to hear?
I think that whoever is reviewing alot of these albums is a little too critical. Whatever just happened to listening to some music, and if you like it, cool. Now everyone tries to decode every part of every album. Just frustrates me.
i usually dont really care about much hardcore but this review sucks. this is one of the best bands in the genre. definitely deserves at least a 7.