AlbumsNovember 29, 201114,246 views

Noriega Desolo

01. You Are God Songs 02. Bernard 03. Detriment 04. Life By Myself 05. Ballacaust
2009 Viable Records
Our score 9


After garnering attention throughout 2007 and 2008, Los Angeles' Black Sheep Wall had a brief but bright existence in the extreme music scene, both domestically and abroad, with their brand of gut-bustingly heavy, doomy hardcore. Now with the bulk of its line-up making up the like-minded Noriega, a similarly sludgy monster has reared its head with Desolo, the new band's debut EP for upstart label Viable Records. Imagine Black Sheep Wall re-envisioning its I Am God Songs full-length in a more cohesive, concise, EP-length record, and you might be on the right track for what Noriega is and has become. If you've got to pinpoint the band's sound, though, have fun. The whole 'Band A-meets-Band B-meets-Band C, but with a lot of Band D influence' thing won't really work for Noriega, since it would just leave readers scratching their heads much more than making sense. Just know that it's not too far from Black Sheep Wall's sound that garnered some acclaim, but doomier in a different way, sludgier in a similar way, and dirtier in the cleanest, best way possible. Pretty much, it's like Black Sheep Wall, but not really. But sort of...Or something. Doom-driven, mathematically-constructed hardcore Sure. That ought to work for argument's sake. From the opening jazz-sounding dissonance of "I Am God Songs," to the 12-minute closer, "Ballacaust," Desolo is all over the map in its short, five-track length. On the latter track, vocalist Trae Malone joins guest screamer Chris Lindblad (Admiral Angry) amidst a wall of feedback from guitarist Andrew Hull and bassist Brandon Gillichbauer, topped by drummer Jackson Thompson's cymbals crashes, showcasing Noriega's ability to keep such a long song interesting in a completely different way from the aforementioned opener. All over the map though it may be, though, Desolo's 27 minute length is decidedly heavy and handily performed. On top of all that, the digipack display is wonderfully refined; it's elegant but simple, engaging and cleanly crisp at the same time. Plus, there's meaning behind the musical madness. Dedicated to Admiral Angry's Daniel Krause, who passed away during the album's construction, Desolo is slab of heavy, original extreme music used much as a release for what Jackson coins negative energy. The result: a record as mutually meaningful to the band as it is monstrously heavy to listeners. Bottom line: Desolo is forward-thinking, musically-astute, and heavy as fuck. What's not to like Angular riffs, some serious passion, and almost completely devoid of boring derivatives, this is a keeper. Whereas Black Sheep Wall might have been heavy because heaviness was the goal, Noriega is heavy not only because of its content, the momentous music factors in there too. "Life is conflict, and we want our music to express this," Jackson says about the band. The only conflict here is wanting more of a good thing and having to wait until Noriega gets cracking on a full-length.


Post Comment
Shellac_01_ 1/2/2010 7:58:49 PM

9/10 really? Just listened to the one song on Myspace and it is nothing new or innovative nor is it a better version of something that has been done before. For me it is completely forgettable. Maybe the other songs are better but if they are, why did they put the shitty one on Myspace?

dob_ 1/2/2010 8:19:50 PM

yea 9/10? reminds me of ion dissonance and the vocals threw me off. BSW or AA are both better, and neither are near 9/10

Nick_ 1/2/2010 8:41:17 PM

This band needs better riffs.

Tinfins_ 1/2/2010 8:53:20 PM

is this a joke?

pork_destroyer_ 1/2/2010 9:12:50 PM

yeah f*cking right,9/10?sounds like the rest of shit released this year.4/10 f*ck.

roman_ 1/3/2010 12:54:48 AM

my exgirlfriend sucked the singer's dck at one of their shows. She said it's small and he doesn't know what to do with it.

Lochlan_ 1/3/2010 2:10:04 AM

This EP rules!

keep_it_wolf_ 1/3/2010 11:16:01 AM

I'm going to agree with the above poster. I was immediately convinced I was listening to Ion Dissonance when I heard the track featured on Myspace.

anaturaldisaster_ 1/3/2010 11:30:38 AM

Sorry this isn't ripping off Disfear or His Hero is Gone. Chumps.

emilio_ 1/3/2010 1:20:24 PM

vocalist is one of the nicest and most genuine dudes i have ever met. i shared a much needed clove with him afterward.

Payola_Patrolla_ 1/3/2010 1:32:11 PM

Label pays for ad space, album gets a 9/10: the review.

Trae Malone_ 1/3/2010 1:37:48 PM

I masturbate to cottage cheese.

seriously?_ 1/3/2010 4:56:25 PM


peskymongrel_ 1/3/2010 5:09:21 PM

i know these guys personally and since jackson tells me that its customary to talk shit here i wont be offended but if you give the whole ep a listen its an amazing mix of anger, loneliness and despair all rolled up into a very heavy and unique sound that everyone will be wanting to hear more of, which is most certainly in the works and will be awesome

SLAM DUNK_ 1/3/2010 5:46:52 PM

listen to the other black sheep wall spin-off noriega kicks butt

SPIRIT BREAKER_ 1/3/2010 9:11:43 PM

shut the f*ck up Dan

SPIRIT BREAKER_ 1/3/2010 9:21:19 PM


zombiesaretight_ 1/3/2010 11:15:20 PM

i know these guys personally and even though the music may not be your cup of tea i respect how musically talented all these dudes are. ....... and your a f*cking moron if you think admiral angry doesnt deserve a 10/10

chugchug_ 1/4/2010 10:39:00 AM

considering how many good records get tops 8/10 here, this is definitely a bit overrated. all three bands are just 'okay'. no more no less.

areyouserious_ 1/4/2010 12:16:35 PM

rob needs to stop doing reviews and drink some bleach. this band almost blows as hard as emmure.

Kevin Cloud_ 1/4/2010 2:35:26 PM

there are SO many better bands/albums to be reviewed. This band has done NOTHING and thier label has done NOTHING. Give credit to bands that actually work hard and have stronger talent

satans_dong_ 1/4/2010 9:13:10 PM

9/10 Wow. Lambgoat is really showing it's true colors. Dillinger throwaway riffs, predictable with mediocre sludge parts. The clicky, soundreplaced sounding drums and line 6 with ESP guitar sounding tone doesn't help matters either. This is a 4/10 maybe.

anonymous 1/4/2010 11:54:01 PM

probably not a 9 but i still think it sounds pretty good

anonymous 1/5/2010 9:19:20 PM

html flip

anonymous 1/7/2010 10:29:31 AM

What is it with the members of this band and choosing rap group names?

Omegaman_ 1/7/2010 12:34:41 PM

Haha, I like this better than Admiral Angry, less than BSW, which keeps it in rotation, for now.

GodsOwnAddict_ 1/7/2010 2:06:29 PM

Forward thinking? Musically astute? Have we heard the same band - this band boringly regurgitates the worst popular conventions heavy music of the last decade. Not to mention the production is absolutely shite.

anonymous 1/8/2010 3:43:48 PM

review is horribly, horribly written

rob_ 1/11/2010 8:44:37 PM

lol, ur dumb @ writing bro

Vince Offer_ 1/15/2010 5:16:04 PM

This shit is almost as bad as some of the shit you'll have to clean with up with the ShamWow. It's like a shammy, it's like a towel, it's like a sponge. An ordinary towel doesn't work wet, the ShamWow works wet or dry. It's for the house, the boat, the car, the RV. ShamWow holds 20 times it weight in liquid! Why do you want to work twice as hard? It doesn't doesn't drip! It doesn't make a mess! Wring it out and wash it in the washing machine. Made in Germany, you know the Germans always make g

GorillaTriscuits_ 1/16/2010 10:09:21 PM

i was very impressed with this record. i love the "candiria meets old norma jean" sound. its new, different, and exciting. i look foward to the full length Lp.

Big Fatso_ 1/22/2010 11:17:20 AM

This seem like drunk review. Me think.

xxWEEDxx_ 1/23/2010 1:33:11 AM

where the f*ck can I download this? myspace song is killer.

don_king_lip_froth_ 1/27/2010 11:08:09 AM

if i listen to this twice in a row, i'll whip my cats at an industrial floor fan.

dick_ 10/6/2011 4:31:45 PM

good band. not 'innovative' though lol. nothing out of the mold. ehh.

anonymous 8/19/2023 12:43:03 PM

This band is brilliant. I cry to Bella caustic. I have struggled with addiction my whole life. I had 7 years and recently relapsed. I feel the emotion in the vocals and I can relate so much. I wish they produced more albums

anonymous 8/19/2023 1:01:15 PM

I think this band is brilliant and very emotional. IF you have struggled with addiction this band will make you tear up because you can relate to the pain. I love this band. I wish they were still around.