AlbumsNovember 29, 201112,354 views

Narrows Narrows

01. Life Vests Float, Kids Don't 02. Crooked Tongues 03. The Touch Test
2008 Deathwish Inc.
Our score 8

by Nick

Sometimes you just know that band's debut will be good. In Narrows' case, a cast of musical veterans led by the trio of Rob Moran (Unbroken and Some Girls), Ryan Frederiksen (These Arms Are Snakes), and Dave Verellen (Botch) represents one of the most appetizing "hardcore super group" line-ups in recent memory. On paper, it's a no-brainer to count on these guys to pump out some impressive tunes, and with their self-titled EP as evidence, Narrows has no difficulty in doing just that. Musically, the three tracks deliver a Botch and Breather Resist influenced attack with the vast majority of the chaotic, off-kilter rhythms and noisy unpredictability smoothed out into a more hardcore groove oriented sound. "Life Vests Float, Kids Don't" rides a foundation of fantastically gritty bass lines, urgent vocal delivery, and a driving tempo to draw a few similarities to the recent output of Deathwish labelmates The Hope Conspiracy. "Crooked Tongues" features brilliantly intertwined guitar work and punk influenced drumming before delving into a massive groove-laden latter half. The EP's dynamically inclined closer, "The Touch Test," continues with slower tempos as it showcases the band's abilities in the arena of subtle melodies and sparse songwriting, though still firmly anchored by tremendously thick bass lines and Verellen's exceptional vocal performance. Thanks to Narrows, the math is simple: a group of veteran musicians plus a well-respected label equals quality music. With the exception of the awkwardly abrupt ending of "Life Vests Float, Kids Don't" (sure, it's unpredictable, but its inclusion doesn't seem to accomplish much), these three songs combine to form one of the year's best EPs. Any fan of any of the members' other musical projects (or even Deathwish records in general) needs to check this out. Bottom Line: Narrows, an all-star group of musicians from acts like Unbroken, Some Girls, These Arms Are Snakes, and Botch, has offered up quite an impressive EP for their Deathwish debut. Fans of all of the aforementioned bands, as well as Breather Resist and Deathwish-style hardcore, will find a lot to love in this self-titled release. And then we'll all join together to anxiously wait for what matters most: a full-length.


Post Comment
anonymous 10/4/2008 11:05:36 AM

can we get someone a little more discerning to do a few reviews please?

tuefel_ 10/4/2008 11:06:54 AM

wtf? it's like the only criteria for scoring an 8/10 is to record your music and release it.

Nick_ 10/4/2008 11:35:06 AM

For every CD that I give a good review, I have five more sitting on my pile that range from shitty to mediocre. I can only review so many CDs, so I often choose to review the ones that stand out and deserve exposure. Reviewing the shitty ones is counterproductive.

anonymous 10/4/2008 12:18:41 PM

I happen to appreciate reading reviews for albums i might give a shit about. so thanks, nick. reading about terrible music is funny, but kind of a waste of time.

xcorruptx_ 10/4/2008 1:12:19 PM

Is this a 7" or did they actually release a 3 song ep. Cause that would be dumb.

blow_ 10/4/2008 2:00:49 PM

"For every CD that I give a good review, I have five more sitting on my pile that range from shitty to mediocre. " You should include this in your five shitty to mediocre. If this were on Victory you would not give it an 8.

blow_ 10/4/2008 2:16:54 PM

"plus a well-respected label equals quality music." Stop basing your reviews on hype and perception and try reviewing the music instead.

dot357_ 10/4/2008 2:45:43 PM

Killer release 9/10

Zach_ 10/4/2008 4:04:45 PM

Decent release, even though all this really accomplishes is make me want a Botch reunion. 6.5/10

tower_ 10/4/2008 4:08:51 PM

no f*cking WAY! i can't imagine nick doing another f*cking review... jesus f*cking christ.

tiger_ 10/4/2008 4:42:23 PM

who the f*ck cares that much about Nicks opinion of an album? its giving exposure to a band that deserves it. solid release by a solid lineup, bottom line, good review. stop being gays.

tower_ 10/4/2008 5:01:19 PM

umm no one does care of nicks opinion. that's exactly the point, and how he does way too many reviews.

blow_ 10/4/2008 9:40:20 PM

Here's my review: This record has already been made 100 times before. The groove feels goofy and every note predictable. More of the same from an over hyped label. 2/10

theaxis_ 10/5/2008 11:16:52 AM

bottom line: this record rules. if you don't like this, then you're probably f*cking retarded.

Chris_ 10/5/2008 11:21:21 AM

who the f*ck cares that much about Nicks opinion of an album? its giving exposure to a band that deserves it. solid release by a solid lineup, bottom line, good review. stop being gays. posted by tiger () on 10/4/2008 4:42:23 PM Oh give me a f*cking break tiger. I don't think a band with members of botch and unbroken need a goddam reviewer on Lambgoat to get it exposure. The review was a joke and while its a decent release, he's gotta take off the sunglasses that deathwish has given

anonymous 10/5/2008 1:15:50 PM

bottomline- if you care at all about a band because it has ex-members of an outdated metalcore band, you deserve to be reviewing records for

xomertax_ 10/5/2008 8:05:46 PM

outdated metalcore>>>any metalcore band ever in the past 5 years.

FUCKNICKLOL_ 10/6/2008 9:56:33 AM

I hate nick because he hates victory and:

Omegaman_ 10/6/2008 10:55:43 AM

I like this, just needs to be longer.

cantfakethepunk_ 10/6/2008 5:45:37 PM

they decided to name thier band after a Halo 3 map? hmmmm. either way, this is a pretty solid release! im digging it. cant wait for more!!!

xomertax_ 10/6/2008 6:10:52 PM

good album. Technical without all the bullshit fret board wankery

another faggot comment_ 10/7/2008 5:16:01 PM


commentwayoveryourhead_ 10/8/2008 3:33:12 AM

Goofy groove: one of the drummer's legs is longer than the other. Uneven.

bpm_ 10/26/2008 9:45:52 PM

outdated metalcore band? LAWLZ

anonymous 12/20/2011 7:37:13 AM

Jesus am I on Lambgoat?? why of course man!!! The I.Q's for some of the readers on Lambgoat is measured only by my shoe size LOL!!!!!!! . Narrows are incredible. f*ck YA All who think otherwise!!!