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Spark Is A Diamond Try This On For Size

Try This On For Size
01. Diamonds Are Forever 02. Try This On For Size 03. ___ ___ Has a Deathwish 04. Look What You've Done to This Rock & Roll Town 05. Check Your Lease, You're in Fuck City 06. President of the Wrong Crowd 07. Destination: Awesome 08. Interlude 09. Push It (Real Good) 10. Oh, Captain! 11. Re-Wish // Death Mix
2008 Pluto Records
Our score 6

by Nick

A little praise is in order for Philadelphia's Spark Is a Diamond. The trio's debut record, Try This On For Size, is a mixture of fuzzy noise rock and dancy post-punk (think Death From Above 1979 meets older Thunderbirds Are Now!) topped off with female screamed vocals and a dash of electronica. And here's the shocker: it's not the worst thing ever. Despite being touted as a blend of rock, hardcore, and electronica, this album has little to do with the latter two genres. Yes, Alison Bellavance's nasally screams offer a unique layer to the otherwise melodic tracks, but outside of that, there isn't a second of hardcore influence on this record. And although a few electronic beats surface here and there, their inclusion tends to be either overshadowed, or in the case of a few interludes and the concluding remix track, relatively unnecessary and forgettable. Instead, the majority of the record's content offers a simplistic but enjoyable foundation of dancy drum beats and fuzzy one string guitar riffs. The failure of the band to achieve that aforementioned combination of genres is by no means a letdown, as Try This On For Size's predominantly rock substance is representative of the trio's strongest songwriting characteristic. And let's be honest, we don't exactly want another butchered version of The Shape of Punk to Come on our hands. After a short intro, Spark Is a Diamond locks into their bread and butter combination of energetic drum beats and catchy guitar work with the disc's title track. Rarely does the band stray from their predictable song structures and overall songwriting style, but individual tracks are kept concise, and the band has a knack for turning simplicity into memorable melody. "____ ____ Has a Deathwish" has arguably the album's best guitar riff, displaying guitarist Matt Boylan's ability to both anchor the disc with low end while mixing in higher fret work. And thanks to a beefy recording with much needed low end tones, the basic combination of guitar and drums holds up. It makes one wonder about the fullness of the band's live sound, but it's not an issue on Try This On For Size. However, Spark Is a Diamond still has a few kinks to work out before Try This On For Size can be fully praised. As mentioned before, the electronic influence is at its worst gimmicky and at its best an unnecessary supplement. And despite the band's attention to maintaining a concise songwriting technique (the record clocks in at a very manageable 24 minutes), the band doesn't pack any more stylistic surprises beyond the first track or two. They make a notable effort with a cover of Salt-N-Pepa's "Push It," but beyond the novelty of the opening riff, the song fails to differ from the rest of the record. Finally, lyrics such as, "I Saw your picture on the internet and let me tell you that we're so impressed. Where did you find the time to construct the life that you have online" can be quite difficult to swallow for those that have a mental capacity greater than that of a 13 year old girl. But despite these negative aspects, it's hard to deny that a lot of this album is impressively catchy when they stick to their combination of up-beat drumming and fuzzy guitar work. It has very little to do with anything hardcore or metal related, but Try This On For Size might surprise a few open minded listeners. Bottom Line: Spark Is a Diamond mixes the distorted rock of Death From Above 1979 with the energetic post-punk of Thunderbirds Are Now! to create some surprisingly catchy tunes. The record has some inherent flaws, but just the fact that this record exists and isn't deplorable in every single way is a victory in itself.


Post Comment
anonymous 5/29/2008 4:52:43 PM

gay shit

john collier_ 5/29/2008 5:08:50 PM

worst vocalist ever

xnotsoedgex_ 5/29/2008 5:35:11 PM

this band is absolutely f*cking terrible. the female vocalist ruins everything...worst band i've heard in years...

benji_ 5/29/2008 5:54:29 PM

i would bend their singer's legs behind her head while shoving a pastrami on rye down her c*nt as my pet dog (Rover Cleveland) licked my taint.

nicktakesitintheass_ 5/29/2008 6:50:51 PM

will there be enough pastrami on rye to go around sir?

manny_ 5/29/2008 7:26:34 PM

i would hit it

LOL_ 5/29/2008 10:11:32 PM

Next up....Lambgoat merges with Pitchfork!!!!! They call it.....Lambfork.

LEX_LUGER_ 5/29/2008 11:35:04 PM

f*ck. Talk about crap. Total crap. Total f*cking crap.

anonymous 5/30/2008 12:32:06 AM

like it.

Tony Victory_ 5/30/2008 12:49:33 PM

Has anyone else noticed that all of Pluto Records album designs look like total shit?

baobab_ 5/30/2008 1:15:47 PM

what the f*ck is this shit?

johno_ 5/30/2008 1:58:38 PM

my gf likes this album more than me, but i do like the artwork tho.

Gary_ 5/30/2008 4:46:59 PM

Music's not so bad, melodies are alright but I don't see the point of screaming over the music. I feel it's totally misspaced.

TREE580_ 5/30/2008 5:15:49 PM

Agreed...decent music, terrible vocals. Doesn't work at all.

fuck this band_ 5/31/2008 6:57:59 AM

this is the worst album ever... It's the honestly the sound track to my very own personal entry into the pain olympics, where I use this disc instead of A cutting board in the process of chopping off my dick and severing my balls with a hatchet.

Fur_Beach_ 5/31/2008 2:07:04 PM

hell, Lumbergh f*cked her.

The Juke Monkey_ 5/31/2008 4:18:54 PM

Holy crap this album is just so goddamn groovy. The vocals work fantastically in an avant garde sort of way, i love the tone of the guitar. Whenever a band wants to break out from the norm they get hated on. This band is gold. (and tons of fun)

professor_judgereinhold_ 5/31/2008 8:28:38 PM


thereapersson_ 6/2/2008 8:19:06 AM

Next up....Lambgoat merges with Pitchfork!!!!! They call it.....Lambfork. posted by LOL ( on 5/29/2008 10:11:32 PM Mildly amusing... 8/10. I am not even sure if I want to waste my time listening to this shit.

anonymous 6/2/2008 12:51:52 PM

the review says for open minded listeners, but you won't find many on lambgoat. i like this shit.

tiger_ 6/2/2008 4:07:14 PM

idiots with open minds and bad taste in music are still quite simply... idiots. this is trendy garbage.

xnotsoedgex_ 6/2/2008 5:26:16 PM

not liking this album has NOTHING to do with being just sucks. they picked a cute girl to front a band and scream because she obviously can't sing...and it appeals to lonely gays who use parentheses in their screen names.

anonymous 6/2/2008 11:54:08 PM

so let me get this right, you are admitting to being closed minded? lol

romeoisbleeding_ 6/4/2008 1:39:25 PM

this is better than i thought it would be. 7/10

smashy_ 6/6/2008 8:17:56 AM

Matt works at Blockbuster and Allison is my cousin.

mcdirt_ 6/6/2008 11:51:50 AM

Matt works at Blockbuster and Allison is my cousin. posted by smashy () on 6/6/2008 8:17:56 AM<<< Oh shit, then you're f*cking famous!

bluto_ 6/6/2008 2:33:35 PM

excellent band. it's nice to see bands (and labels) willing to take a chance on something different.

Jamie M, Leeds, UK_ 6/14/2008 10:56:53 AM

Agh, what a real shame - For me the album started off brilliantly and it got me excited that it was all going to kick off really well. But for me, the vocals really spoil it, ruin it infact. It's all subjective, but for me this album would be a million times better with vocals in the style of Black Widows/Cross, Every Time I Die or The Bronx - do you know what I mean? Something that'd carry over a swagger and a strut haha. Right through the album the music is rocking and really cool, but t