Post Commentthis band is absolutely f*cking terrible. the female vocalist ruins everything...worst band i've heard in years...
i would bend their singer's legs behind her head while shoving a pastrami on rye down her c*nt as my pet dog (Rover Cleveland) licked my taint.
will there be enough pastrami on rye to go around sir?
Next up....Lambgoat merges with Pitchfork!!!!! They call it.....Lambfork.
f*ck. Talk about crap. Total crap. Total f*cking crap.
Has anyone else noticed that all of Pluto Records album designs look like total shit?
my gf likes this album more than me, but i do like the artwork tho.
Music's not so bad, melodies are alright but I don't see the point of screaming over the music. I feel it's totally misspaced.
Agreed...decent music, terrible vocals. Doesn't work at all.
this is the worst album ever... It's the honestly the sound track to my very own personal entry into the pain olympics, where I use this disc instead of A cutting board in the process of chopping off my dick and severing my balls with a hatchet.
Holy crap this album is just so goddamn groovy. The vocals work fantastically in an avant garde sort of way, i love the tone of the guitar. Whenever a band wants to break out from the norm they get hated on. This band is gold. (and tons of fun)
Next up....Lambgoat merges with Pitchfork!!!!! They call it.....Lambfork. posted by LOL (LOL@LOL.com) on 5/29/2008 10:11:32 PM Mildly amusing... 8/10. I am not even sure if I want to waste my time listening to this shit.
the review says for open minded listeners, but you won't find many on lambgoat. i like this shit.
idiots with open minds and bad taste in music are still quite simply... idiots. this is trendy garbage.
not liking this album has NOTHING to do with being close-minded...it just sucks. they picked a cute girl to front a band and scream because she obviously can't sing...and it appeals to lonely gays who use parentheses in their screen names.
so let me get this right, you are admitting to being closed minded? lol
this is better than i thought it would be. 7/10
Matt works at Blockbuster and Allison is my cousin.
Matt works at Blockbuster and Allison is my cousin. posted by smashy () on 6/6/2008 8:17:56 AM<<< Oh shit, then you're f*cking famous!
excellent band. it's nice to see bands (and labels) willing to take a chance on something different.
Agh, what a real shame - For me the album started off brilliantly and it got me excited that it was all going to kick off really well. But for me, the vocals really spoil it, ruin it infact. It's all subjective, but for me this album would be a million times better with vocals in the style of Black Widows/Cross, Every Time I Die or The Bronx - do you know what I mean? Something that'd carry over a swagger and a strut haha. Right through the album the music is rocking and really cool, but t
gay shit