Post Commentthis guys obviously never seen them live. Shits miserable.
Without having heard this album, but having heard this band's previous work, I'm completely comfortable stating this album can't possibly be worth more than a 6, and that'd being incredibly generous.
Apparently if you tour with a band you're allowed to use their song titles to complete a trilogy.
eh i saw these gays qith 1D3W and all I can say is that this band was massively gay. boring as hell!!! gay review also
I listened to their songs on myspace and I really like what I hear. May look for their album.
their first record, "it's time to decide" was awesome. this shit's weak.
ive listened to this album all the way through, and there is absolutely nothing that would bring me back to it. boring and at times, absolutely unlistenable.
what the f*ck, leave the eating lightning to The Jonbenet
What the f*ck? I saw these guys a few years ago and got their CD at the show, there was one song they made a video for that was honestly awesome, but the rest of the CD didn't stand up to it. Listened to one song so far on Myspace...they're the same. They have potential, but aren't tapping into it. Does he still use the "Cher"/Techno voice effects? That was kinda neat for a minute.
HAHA The second song came on. This is better, but he totally DOES still use Cher's voice effect! This song ("The Message") is way better than "Circle of Demons" which is suck captured on record. 6/10 from 2 songs
Chercore. This is a terrible band and you're a terrible person for liking them. Ever hear the saying "jack of all trades, master of none?" Yeah? Well that's not these guys, because they're not even average at playing any of the styles they attempt. The processed vocals are horrible. Did they really need to make it more awful than it already was? Christ, that's like puking on a pile of shit. Talk about over kill.
for the record, the dudes are close friends with The Jonbenet. take a look at their t-shirts sometime and you'll realize some of their designs include the faces of members of at all cost. so sck a dck. this review rules.
This band BLOWS they have been a band for quite a while. Well actually I think they only have 1 original member. Must be nice for the rest of the band to have a record deal handed to them.
At All Costs from Buffalo, NY was better.