Post Commentagree with the review. its just a good enjoyable metallic hardcore album. however you should of proof read your review as there are at least 3 mistakes that probably should get corrected.
madball's ferret debut was called legacy and it came out like two years ago, gluck. god you f*cking suck so bad.
I didn't read and won't read reviews from Gluck ever.
what ever happened to reviewing the ACTUAL MUSIC? i dont want to read a f*cking band bio when i click on the cd review section. wtf webby, get people that know how to write reviews.
Just about everything is stronger than Madball's new album.
"Madball's new Ferret release Infiltrate The System" ...clearly you cannot read properly, as your accusation is unwarranted. This is Full Blown Chaos' Ferret debut, as stated precisely in the review.
goddamnit i thought it said debut i was wrong though i wouldn't be surprised if you went back and changed it though that's just cause i'm an jerk and you did in facty change the label info from this morning up top
it actually did say "debut." I corrected it.
*sighs*...i feel like the heckler from happy gilmore but this album does NOT deserve an 8 out of 10.....gluck is the worst reviewer ever, even worse than cory.........album certainly isn't awful but it isn't anything innovative or interesting.......gluck = shit....use a spellchecker
Will be proof reading more in the future! Doesn't change the fact that the album rules, though. It's as though Pantera dropped all the cheese and hired Max Cavalera on vocals. Sick.
Anyone else read that review and wonder when Gluckbitch was gonna actually review the f*cking music and stop writing stupid shit? I like FBC but 8/10 yet you slag on Lamb of God? More Lambgoat inconsistent opinionated bullshit
This is a boring CD, and every single writer on lambgoat is illiterate and needs to go back to grade 1, seriously, these guys should go to metalreviews.com and learn something from there, atleast reviewers there can properly write a review.
Maybe when I have ten years, I'll read this f*cking tome of a review.... wait... gluck review... *NEVER f*ckING READS*
i can't even get through the bottom line the review is so boring
Stick to making threads about the curative power of water, gaygor.
i enjoy this album alot, but what was so horrible about within the grasp of titans?
Looking back now on Within The Grasp, it is a pretty good album, but at the time it didn't catch me like Wake the Demons and this new one.
Gluck, if you just trimmed down the sentences and stopped ranting incessantly, people wouldn't be such jerks. Focus.
You are overly optimistic...I like ranting and goaters love trashing. This is a place where we can all be ourselves!
full blown scrote