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Full Blown Chaos Heavy Lies The Crown

Heavy Lies The Crown
01. Firefight 02. The Hard Goodbye 03. Halos For Heroes 04. Fail Like A Champ 05. Heavy Lies The Crown 06. Over The End 07. No Last Call 08. All For Nothing 09. Raise Hell 10. Standpoint 11. Mojave Red Pt. 1 12. Mojave Red Pt. 2
2007 Ferret Music
Our score 8


Amazing what more time spent on songwriting can do for a band. Granted, NY's Full Blown Chaos started out as a meat'n'potatoes hardcore band and ultimately they will die as one, whenever that time emerges. With their newest and also Ferret debut, Heavy Lies The Crown, these challengers of Crowbar's long-held reputation of being the physically heaviest in metal throw a curveball that will take many for a ride they weren't expecting. When Full Blown Chaos followed up their surprise success of an album, 2004's Wake The Demons, with the Eric Rachel-produced yet somehow unfulfilling Within The Grasp of Titans, it sounded as though the band's dangerously unadorned style had finally become too watered-down for their own good. Regardless, FBC were soon back on the road for a triumphant Ozzfest stint and countless other tours to cement their reputation as unfettered road warriors, an increasingly important trait in an era of scant album sales. While road work could easily tire out and often break a band into bitter disputes and ex-member-projects, in Full Blown Chaos' case it has clearly strengthened their resolve to become heavier and, in the case of Heavy Lies The Crown, write a more impressive album than the last. Difficult as it may be to predict how many more fans they would have sucked into their lethal dance floors had this new album followed Wake The Demons instead of Within The Grasp of Titans, it should be considered by all intents and purposes not only Wake's logical follow-up in terms of songwriting effort and lyrical bravado, but also just about as close to constructing an actual metal record than these Queens heavy hooligans will ever create. If anyone thought Full Blown Chaos were done with abusing the E chord like a drug habit after Wake The Demons, and the diversity of Within The Grasp of Titans hinted strongly at that possibility, Heavy Lies The Crown erases any doubt regarding that matter. For those who still recall when old-school hardcore met old-school death metal in the mid-90's with bands like Merauder, Hatebreed, and All Out War, Full Blown Chaos have always been among the more praiseworthy members of the generation that grew from those pioneers. New arrivals to the progressive and suddenly popular segment of heavy music will find Full Blown Chaos' approach archaic and uninteresting, but this album is not intended for those elitists. And while their previous album could have admittedly been hit with the accusation of being lackluster, Heavy Lies The Crown cannot. Despite the obvious limitations of their preferred style, Full Blown Chaos exhibit a loyalty to it that so few other bands have in recent years. The band certainly could not have been added to a more authentic and appropriate tour of veteran bands pushing old styles, as they embark this Fall on a month-plus-long U.S. run with Obituary, Alabama Thunderpussy (featuring former Exhorder and Floodgate vocalist Kyle Thomas), and Hemlock. Bottom Line: Since the tough-guy ship seems to have sailed years ago, few commendable bands remain to carry the torch for those who still care. Full Blown Chaos are one of them, and Heavy Lies The Crown is proof that the band still strive to champion this long-limited style. Notable mention goes to Biohazard frontman Billy Graziadei for producing the album, as it could at least partially explain why it easily blows their previous releases out of the water. Being that his own legendary band saw their time come and go despite their most noble attempts to continue, Full Blown Chaos sound as if his veteran leadership stirred their fire the studio. Every label seems to want a chugging hardcore band that tours non-stop these days, and now Ferret got theirs. What the label now has is a band that takes the sound Hatebreed created and ups the intensity and tightness more notches than most will care to admit. At the end of the day Heavy Lies The Crown may even be a stronger album than Madball's new Ferret release Infiltrate The System, a even more impressive feat under any circumstance.


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brutal hardcore man 2007_ 9/12/2007 2:03:42 PM

full blown scrote

doom_ 9/12/2007 2:38:56 PM

agree with the review. its just a good enjoyable metallic hardcore album. however you should of proof read your review as there are at least 3 mistakes that probably should get corrected.

james_ 9/12/2007 3:06:21 PM

madball's ferret debut was called legacy and it came out like two years ago, gluck. god you f*cking suck so bad.

Gluck is such a pussy_ 9/12/2007 4:00:22 PM

I didn't read and won't read reviews from Gluck ever.

wtf_ 9/12/2007 5:00:35 PM

what ever happened to reviewing the ACTUAL MUSIC? i dont want to read a f*cking band bio when i click on the cd review section. wtf webby, get people that know how to write reviews.

xote_ 9/12/2007 5:02:08 PM

Shit band.

ugggggh_ 9/12/2007 5:09:30 PM

Just about everything is stronger than Madball's new album.

Mike_ 9/12/2007 5:11:51 PM

"Madball's new Ferret release Infiltrate The System" ...clearly you cannot read properly, as your accusation is unwarranted. This is Full Blown Chaos' Ferret debut, as stated precisely in the review.

anonymous 9/12/2007 5:12:14 PM

madball >

james_ 9/12/2007 5:58:04 PM

goddamnit i thought it said debut i was wrong though i wouldn't be surprised if you went back and changed it though that's just cause i'm an jerk and you did in facty change the label info from this morning up top

webmaster_ 9/12/2007 7:55:02 PM

it actually did say "debut." I corrected it.

arty_mcfarty_ 9/12/2007 10:11:54 PM

*sighs*...i feel like the heckler from happy gilmore but this album does NOT deserve an 8 out of 10.....gluck is the worst reviewer ever, even worse than cory.........album certainly isn't awful but it isn't anything innovative or interesting.......gluck = shit....use a spellchecker

Mike_ 9/12/2007 11:03:59 PM

Will be proof reading more in the future! Doesn't change the fact that the album rules, though. It's as though Pantera dropped all the cheese and hired Max Cavalera on vocals. Sick.

anonymous 9/12/2007 11:33:55 PM

Anyone else read that review and wonder when Gluckbitch was gonna actually review the f*cking music and stop writing stupid shit? I like FBC but 8/10 yet you slag on Lamb of God? More Lambgoat inconsistent opinionated bullshit

IronBalls_ 9/13/2007 1:35:59 AM

so what does it sound like?

between the lines_ 9/13/2007 9:45:15 AM


lambgoat writers are fags_ 9/13/2007 5:14:42 PM

This is a boring CD, and every single writer on lambgoat is illiterate and needs to go back to grade 1, seriously, these guys should go to and learn something from there, atleast reviewers there can properly write a review.

chadster_ 9/13/2007 11:03:15 PM

Maybe when I have ten years, I'll read this f*cking tome of a review.... wait... gluck review... *NEVER f*ckING READS*

gluck_ 9/14/2007 1:18:52 AM

i can't even get through the bottom line the review is so boring

gluckLOL_ 9/14/2007 3:57:25 AM

Stick to making threads about the curative power of water, gaygor.

deez_nutz_ 9/14/2007 8:02:57 AM

i enjoy this album alot, but what was so horrible about within the grasp of titans?

Mike _ 9/14/2007 9:41:28 AM

Looking back now on Within The Grasp, it is a pretty good album, but at the time it didn't catch me like Wake the Demons and this new one.

anaturaldisaster_ 9/14/2007 11:15:17 AM

Gluck, if you just trimmed down the sentences and stopped ranting incessantly, people wouldn't be such jerks. Focus.

Mike_ 9/14/2007 1:12:12 PM

You are overly optimistic...I like ranting and goaters love trashing. This is a place where we can all be ourselves!

btmktc_ 11/18/2007 10:01:36 AM

5/10 at best.