AlbumsNovember 29, 20118,268 views

Deadlock Wolves

01. World Domination 02. We Shall All Bleed 03. Code of Honor 04. Losers' Ballet 05. Dark Cell 06. Crown of Creation 07. End Begins 08. As Words to Bullets 09. Praeludium II 10. Bloodpact 11. To Where the Skies are Blue
2007 Lifeforce Records
Our score 3

by Nick

Wow, if it wasn't for the opportunity to hear this latest offering by Germany's Deadock I may have gone about my entire life without knowing the answer to one of the world's most difficult questions: just what exactly happens if you fused the brutality of death metal with Michelle Branch Let me break it down for you. Lifeforce's Deadlock plays a slightly rehashed, but still competent brand of melodic death metal with a slight hardcore lean in the vein of Heaven Shall Burn. It is a little candy coated-the production is squeaky clean and the use of symphonic elements is a bit gratuitous at times, but overall, it isn't all bad. But then Deadlock had a brilliant plan. "Instead of merely having clean singing for melodic choruses," they thought, "let's one up everyone else and just stick an attractive girl in the band!" Of course this is all paraphrased, but I know a guy who knows a guy who knows one more guy and I'm pretty sure this is how it all went down. The first real track, "We Shall All Bleed," is quite blunt about letting the listener know exactly what type of pop/metal confusion they're getting into. Now, the experienced listener in me knew that as soon as the first vocals showed up, a hilarious guttural mumble of "Come on motherfuckers," I should have ran the other way and never look back. But no, I stuck it out, and for what So I get to hear vocalist Sabine Weniger belt out female power-pop vocals over cheesy melodic metal choruses Granted, Kelly Clarkson or Ally and A.J. aren't exactly about to sing lines like "But we shall all bleed together eternally / for this is the hell we all created," but it's really not that different. And then, Deadlock goes and does the unthinkable in the middle of "We Shall All Bleed" and delves into a minute and a half long shredding solo that is actually pretty damn good. That solo is completely representative of the main problem with Wolves: despite the awkward female vocals and trendy melodeath sound, there are just enough interesting metal moments to string the listener along as one hopes that they'll cut the bullshit and play up to the brief moments of potential that they infrequently display. But in the end you'll be left with 47 minutes of your life that you'll never get back and a slight sense of paranoia, hoping that no one heard you jamming along to Weniger's delivery of lyrics like "Sun goes down again / while I sit here and feel the tears running down my cheeks." Yet it would be unfair to completely blame Weniger for the downfalls of Wolves. The only track without her presence, "Losers' Ballet," fails for different reasons, mostly due to the overindulgence on unnecessary operatic touches and film score-style epicness. And then there's "End Begins," a song that suddenly breaks into about thirty seconds of laughable Euro-techno. I have no idea how something like that could even make it out of studio, but alas, it did and is wide open for ridicule. The mistakes come full circle with the disc's concluding track, "To Where the Skies are Blue," Weniger's solo piano number. You could honestly hand that track to your local Top 40 radio station and tell them it was Vanessa Carlton's latest single and they would buy it. I might actually try it. I'll keep you updated. Bottom Line: There's a few solid melodic death metal moments that keep Wolves from falling into complete worthlessness, but Sabine Weniger's cheesy vocals and a number of other blatant missteps make this disc laughable at best. The only thing more embarrassing than this album is the realization that I just wrote a review referencing Michelle Branch, Kelly Clarkson, Ally and A.J. and Vanessa Carlton. Shoot me now.


Post Comment
cameo_ 7/9/2007 10:44:43 AM

first post!!!!!!!

johnfuckingdenver_ 7/9/2007 10:53:57 AM

this is one of the worst worst worst things my ears have ever had the displeasure of hearing. its so laughably horrible.

Ghost of Partitions_ 7/9/2007 10:56:40 AM

This was probably the greatest review I've ever read on this site. And agreed 100%.

XOmeletX_ 7/9/2007 11:27:36 AM

Perfect review.

anonymous 7/9/2007 11:44:44 AM

Pics of the chick?

yourcityliesindust_ 7/9/2007 12:19:49 PM

Sounds to me like you wrote this off the minute you realized there was a female vocalist.

anonymous 7/9/2007 12:24:32 PM

just what exactly happens if you fused the brutality of death metal with Michelle Branch? lol

hxcobd_ 7/9/2007 12:41:13 PM

"Sounds to me like you wrote this off the minute you realized there was a female vocalist." Yeah, and?

OfGO_ 7/9/2007 1:47:00 PM

this one is shit.. though, i can listen to earth.revolt

Set_phasers_to_gay_ 7/9/2007 2:03:52 PM

LOL @ deadlock *kills selves* - deadlock

anonymous 7/9/2007 2:08:58 PM

*shoots nick*

bombs_away_ 7/9/2007 2:17:30 PM

lol, ysi of said "come on mothef*ckers" song plz?

anonymous 7/9/2007 2:32:22 PM

You could honestly hand that track to your local Top 40 radio station and tell them it was Vanessa Carlton's latest single and they would buy it. I might actually try it. I'll keep you updated. once

riverrunsblack_ 7/9/2007 3:18:39 PM

This is really some of the worst stuff out there ... 2 tracks and my skull shut down .... you could give away an ounce of the sweet sticky with this and I still might turn the cd down.

advocate_ 7/9/2007 4:17:01 PM

"Deadlock breaks up"

wow.just wow_ 7/9/2007 10:38:37 PM

I should have ran the other way and never look back. besides the fact that you cant speak english - how are you, dude? If you are actually 15 then i apologize and forget this comment exists but if not and you are a grown person then stop reviewing albums based on the sexes of band members and start reviewing the music....(the funny thing is if you subtract the nonsense you say in this review about everything else - it sounds like the album isnt bad at all.......but you gave it a 3.....? lol

anonymous 7/9/2007 10:54:37 PM

Lambgoat: "caterting" to only the finest "corwds"

Bobby_ 7/9/2007 11:03:04 PM

I like this album and band. Basic but catchy music and good politics. Hope the reviewer enjoyed his 15 minutes.

EmeraldSword_ 7/9/2007 11:17:11 PM

This alums is not bad. Old people always complains about new trend. "Brutality of death metal with Michelle Branch", I say "YES YES TES" to them.

GFormat_ 7/9/2007 11:33:47 PM

ugh this record bums me out. their last one was f*cking excellent.

listen you dumb hicks_ 7/10/2007 2:44:53 AM

when a reviewer shits on something, its because thats his job, paid or unpaid. so stop being a f*cking muff and accept the fact that your taste in music sucks. no one is looking to get 15 min of fame off a review on the internet you twit. the music sucks, and who can blame the dude for being cynical about the fact the band has a hot girl who serves no other purpose but to ruin the band?

jerseyislame_ 7/10/2007 6:33:20 AM

I should have ran the other way and never look back. besides the fact that you cant speak english - how are you, dude? If you are actually 15 then i apologize and forget this comment exists but if not and you are a grown person then stop reviewing albums based on the sexes of band members and start reviewing the music....(the funny thing is if you subtract the nonsense you say in this review about everything else - it sounds like the album isnt bad at all.......but you gave it a 3.....? lol how

Bobby_ 7/10/2007 11:57:03 AM

The girl doesn't ruin the band you sexist, homosexual, man-loving gay.

anonymous 7/10/2007 1:16:10 PM

the girl doesn't ruin the band, but the fact that she sounds completely out of place does

panzram_ 7/10/2007 4:05:54 PM

10/10 opening paragraph

anonymous 7/11/2007 8:50:46 PM

"aim it at her t-ts, eddie."

metal_mania_ 7/12/2007 2:18:07 AM

this band is sweet.. cept for the female vocals.... I CANT STAND GIRL VOCALS unless they are screaming ie walls of jericho, arch enemy and light this city

ahahahhaah eww_ 7/16/2007 12:33:35 PM

i prefer women singing vocals than that of arch enemy or walls of can you even consider the chicks in those bands female, they sound like dudes, and its disgusting, women should not scream, its sounds bad and is unattractive