AlbumsNovember 29, 201111,794 views

The Minor Times Summer of Wolves

Summer of Wolves
01. + + + 02. Casket City Lights 03. Van Zant 04. Ladder Devils 05. Blackhole Living 06. Amazing Grace 07. This Is The Blues 08. Bring In The Suit 09. Fine Line 10. Firespitter 11. Disappear Here
2007 Prosthetic Records
Our score 8

by Nick

Let it be known that I'm pretty receptive toward records like this. The Minor Times' latest album, Summer of Wolves, is yet another chapter in 2007's string of excellent Coalesce-type releases, and as much as I'm wondering when this sound will reach the tired proportions of Swedish metalcore, I love every bit of it. Perhaps the reason why this style of records has yet to grow tiresome lies in these bands' ability to provide small, but distinctive twists in order to keep things fresh. So while Architect takes a more metalcore oriented lean, Achilles emphasizes remarkable atmospherics and transitions, and Engineer just flat out destroys with unrelenting heaviness, the Minor Times carves out their own niche by displaying a slight throwback to late 90s hardcore (say, Turmoil) to round out their Coalesce heavy sound. It might be a little unnecessary to go in depth describing the basics of this genre. Gritty bass, powerful drumming and intense vocals are all expected and their presence on Summer of Wolves does not disappoint. Odd-time signatures and start-and-stop rhythms are pulled off effortlessly, and as a result, continue to engage the listener from start to finish. Even the breakdown in the intro of "Firespitter" feels mathy despite its adherence to 4/4 time. Much like other similar acts, the guitar and bass each pull their own weight, allowing the guitar work to often focus on the upper fret board while the bass keeps the track firmly rooted in the low end heaviness it deserves. And on top of all of this, the Minor Times adds a crushing level of intensity to drive these 11 tracks with an unmistakable hardcore mentality. Summer of Wolves also has a few smaller touches that boast the precision involved in its creation. "Bring in the Suit" provides a few moments of dirty feedback in the track's open spaces, allowing it to possess a raw feel despite their meticulous inclusion. "The is the Blues," the album's nearly nine minute long epic, delves into three and a half minutes of Radiohead-esque melody in its latter half, an event foreshadowed by the track's electronics oriented intro. Although I'd argue that the transition from metallic hardcore into synthy rock isn't as clean as it could be, I still find myself looking forward to the track's infectious mood and simplistically catchy singing of "Na Na Na Na Na" every single time. And all of this is executed with an excellent production job that allows room for such great departure to occur. One more thing: the packaging and layout of this disc is awesome. Yes, it's only a jewel case. And no, there's no Jacob Bannon paint splatters. But the combination of a very strict red, black, white, and gray color scheme with oddly drawn, almost cartoonish wolves and random lyrical excerpts of apocalyptic nature ("The radio says we're doomed and I pray to God they're right," for example) is quite unique and refreshing. Bottom Line: If you bought records from Architect, Achilles and Engineer this year, picking up the Minor Times' Summer of Wolves is a no brainer. Coalesce-style bands have yet to bore me, and as long as the albums are as intense and engaging as this, I don't foresee my loss of interest at any time in the near future.


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XOmeletX_ 8/4/2007 11:06:39 AM

first post

anonymous 8/4/2007 11:07:26 AM

Why must you proclaim things about yourself in your reviews?

Ash_ 8/4/2007 11:33:59 AM

It cannot be stated enough just how much this sounds like Coalesce.

butters_ 8/4/2007 11:41:14 AM

great record, sounds more like botch then coalesce

throwtheballyes_ 8/4/2007 1:20:57 PM

It doesn't really sound like Coalesce at all except for the low pitched vocals. Coalesce was way more spastic in their songwriting where as this record seems to focus alot on writing really cohesive songs with transitions that make sense. But hey...gotta compare it to something

Nick_ 8/4/2007 1:36:20 PM

a) Haha, this and the Hell Within review were written like a month apart. I apologize for the two in a row of self-proclamation. b) It doesn't sound identical to Coalesce. Very close, but a lot fewer spazzy moments that Coalesce used.

radcliffe_ 8/4/2007 5:59:16 PM

"parts that coalesce used.." HA! THAT COALESCE CREATED! This record does not deserve an 8/10. I have followed this band for several years now and have enjoyed their previous work. It lacks creativity. Also note how them and norma jean take turns ripping each other off. This record is way too cleaned up. Its like trying to take something angry, passionate and out of control.. and saying "ok..well play nice" I hope for much more with this record. A few shining moments... but no 8/10.

lepers_ 8/4/2007 7:24:48 PM

Good band, good review. Minor Times are one of the better bands of the genre, along with Engineer.

pukeskywalker_ 8/4/2007 11:37:30 PM

awesome band, AWESOME live

ARCHITECTkills_ 8/5/2007 1:18:18 AM

sweet f*cking band, great f*cking record. plus Tim sucks a mean D!

darthdeathstar_ 8/5/2007 4:41:50 AM

good review, but you messed up on that song name, it's supposed to be 'this is the blues'

Tomer_ 8/5/2007 5:29:58 PM

awesome review, awesome album, awesome band. nuff said.

LMN_ 8/6/2007 6:12:03 PM

If you spend all your time comparing bands, especially decent bands, you'll never fully appreciated what each of them individually has to offer. This is a solid record that has potential to be played over and over again. Good stuff. Great live show. Great d00ds.

chad_ 8/6/2007 10:15:53 PM


PugilistatWork_ 8/7/2007 11:30:17 AM

So f*cking awesome to see this album getting great feedback. Anyone reading this BUY ROBOTIC EMPIRE'S "MUTATION" COMP. To see where this band was born. And enough Coalesce comparisons already. These guys are Unsane meets Dillinger in a barfight. PERIOD

eyeinthesky_ 8/7/2007 11:31:37 AM

Hey: f*ck COALESCE, shit f*cking blows dead dogs. The Minor Times destroy that diaper shit.

anonymous 8/8/2007 4:02:51 PM

All these comments about how Coalesce suck, etc., are really ridiculous for one simple reason: If there was never Coalesce, the Minor Times would never have existed.

I_AM_FUCK_ 8/8/2007 7:37:09 PM

Finally listening. Already enjoying more than the last album.

monolithic_ 8/9/2007 2:49:21 AM

I don't know about this album, but the last one was more Botch than Coalesce.

rickrock_ 8/13/2007 3:47:00 PM

"BUY ROBOTIC EMPIRE'S 'MUTATION' COMP. To see where this band was born." - do know they had a CDEP before this, right? In fact, I kind of wish the vocals were more like the EP than the last album. Great band otherwise.

wingman_ 12/13/2007 3:11:00 AM

rickrock. they didnt put out an EP before this. the Only cd they had b4 this was Making Enemies

anonymous 6/19/2013 11:11:10 AM

That's not true. The first release from this band was an EP entitled "Chris Chambers Never Misses."