Post CommentWhy must you proclaim things about yourself in your reviews?
It cannot be stated enough just how much this sounds like Coalesce.
great record, sounds more like botch then coalesce
It doesn't really sound like Coalesce at all except for the low pitched vocals. Coalesce was way more spastic in their songwriting where as this record seems to focus alot on writing really cohesive songs with transitions that make sense. But hey...gotta compare it to something
a) Haha, this and the Hell Within review were written like a month apart. I apologize for the two in a row of self-proclamation. b) It doesn't sound identical to Coalesce. Very close, but a lot fewer spazzy moments that Coalesce used.
"parts that coalesce used.." HA! THAT COALESCE CREATED! This record does not deserve an 8/10. I have followed this band for several years now and have enjoyed their previous work. It lacks creativity. Also note how them and norma jean take turns ripping each other off. This record is way too cleaned up. Its like trying to take something angry, passionate and out of control.. and saying "ok..well play nice" I hope for much more with this record. A few shining moments... but no 8/10.
Good band, good review. Minor Times are one of the better bands of the genre, along with Engineer.
sweet f*cking band, great f*cking record. plus Tim sucks a mean D!
good review, but you messed up on that song name, it's supposed to be 'this is the blues'
awesome review, awesome album, awesome band. nuff said.
If you spend all your time comparing bands, especially decent bands, you'll never fully appreciated what each of them individually has to offer. This is a solid record that has potential to be played over and over again. Good stuff. Great live show. Great d00ds.
So f*cking awesome to see this album getting great feedback. Anyone reading this BUY ROBOTIC EMPIRE'S "MUTATION" COMP. To see where this band was born. And enough Coalesce comparisons already. These guys are Unsane meets Dillinger in a barfight. PERIOD
Hey: f*ck COALESCE, shit f*cking blows dead dogs. The Minor Times destroy that diaper shit.
All these comments about how Coalesce suck, etc., are really ridiculous for one simple reason: If there was never Coalesce, the Minor Times would never have existed.
Finally listening. Already enjoying more than the last album.
I don't know about this album, but the last one was more Botch than Coalesce.
"BUY ROBOTIC EMPIRE'S 'MUTATION' COMP. To see where this band was born." - Uhh...you do know they had a CDEP before this, right? In fact, I kind of wish the vocals were more like the EP than the last album. Great band otherwise.
rickrock. they didnt put out an EP before this. the Only cd they had b4 this was Making Enemies
That's not true. The first release from this band was an EP entitled "Chris Chambers Never Misses."
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