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Odious Mortem Cryptic Implosion

Cryptic Implosion
01. Fragmented Oblivion 02. The Endless Regression Of Mind MP3 03. Dysmorphic Avulsion 04. Vile Progeny 05. Conjoint Species 06. Nux Vomica 07. Gestation Of Worms 08. Subcortical Desiccation 09. Domain Of The Eternal Paradox 10. Collapse Of Recreation
2007 Willowtip Records
Our score 7

by Cory

Hailing from the fertile Santa Cruz death metal scene, Odious Mortem are an extreme death metal act whose speed and ability rivals most of their peers and influences. Though they share a hometown (and now a drummer) with their heroes Decrepit Birth, the band has always had their own style and with the release of Cryptic Implosion, they've definitely come into their own. The album was recorded at Castle Ultimate with Zack Ohren (All Shall Perish, Go It Alone) and is a serious upgrade from their debut Devouring The Prophecy. Willowtip Records prove once again that they are extreme metal's premier talent scouts, delivering fans of the genre a well-recorded album by these quickly rising stars. If the names Unique Leader (the band's former label) and Willowtip don't give you an inkling of what these guys are all about, this album probably isn't for you. There are no breakdowns, no melodies and little that could be considered accessible for those unacquainted with modern death metal. Cryptic Implosion is overflowing with constant blast-beats, face-melting guitar riffs and shifting tempos that eventually find a groove. Finally, Odious Mortem have added one major weapon to their guitar arsenal: solos. Between the consistently impressive contributions of guitarist Dan Eggers and the guest spot by Watchtower/Spastic Ink axe-man Ron Jarzombek, this album has enough great guitar work to satisfy even the most demanding metalheads. One of the main things that sets Odious Mortem apart from the pack is their approach to vocals. Anthony Trapani varies a bit between low growls without ever really falling down into that gurgling guttural range. There are a lot of great death metal acts out there that I have a hard time listening to for extended periods of time because of bad vocals. Odious Mortem might not have a huge range of vocal styles throughout Cryptic Implosion, but the one style they've chosen works well. The sometimes convoluted philosophical lyrics aren't exactly treading new ground, but they work here just as well as the one-off ode to gore "Gestation of Worms." Bottom Line: This is strong follow-up to Odious Mortem's debut and a definite, albeit small, step forward for the band. If nothing else, this would be a great entry point for those not already acquainted with the band, as it offers a superior production value than Devouring The Prophecy. Fans of the genre will definitely want to pick this one up if they haven't already and more casual fans could certainly appreciate the musical talent and consistent quality of Cryptic Implosion.


Post Comment
b_a_ 5/7/2007 2:55:49 PM


Mike_ 5/7/2007 3:22:46 PM

Br00tal rekkid!!!

dudeski_ 5/7/2007 3:43:04 PM

7/10 is a little low...

truthsayer_ 5/7/2007 4:12:53 PM

Oh, knock it off.

faggot_ 5/7/2007 4:13:56 PM

lol, you're still a gay cory

Cory_ 5/7/2007 4:14:44 PM

They can't touch the Locust, I'll tell you that much

Fudge_ 5/7/2007 8:37:09 PM

good review. i agree with the 7/10 but i still think Devouring is slightly better although the solos on the new one are a good addition

xomertax_ 5/8/2007 1:49:44 AM

Very good album. It's very epic sounding death metal

LetMeEatThePooFromYourAss_ 5/8/2007 6:49:50 AM

great album, just as good as Devouring

Akuma_ 5/8/2007 10:06:21 AM

Santa Cruz has a fertile death metal scene?

CuntSnot_ 5/8/2007 10:09:13 AM

score is way too low... 9/10 far more acurate. review is fine though.

thereapersson_ 5/8/2007 2:27:21 PM

Goddamn, the locust f*cking sucks. Get over the mental masturbation and move on. This record f*cking pummels!

hcb_ 5/8/2007 5:47:57 PM

the only problem with santa cruz is all the damn vampires

Cory_ 5/8/2007 7:35:04 PM

Yeah...I didn't say that thing about the Locust. Damn these anonymous posts.

Fudge_ 5/8/2007 7:59:43 PM

9/10? that means your putting it on par with Immolation - Unholy Cult or Afflicted - Prodigal Sun or something like that. and its not. its a good technical death metal album. one thats growing on me more and more. but still, saying its a 9/10 is saying its damn near perfect

Cory_ 5/8/2007 8:10:21 PM

Why do people keep on trying to post as me??? BTW I got off The Locust's c-cks, I now get my cherry popped by Cattle Decapitation.

asfALF_ 5/9/2007 10:30:52 PM

the new locust rules!!! This cd is good too.

Cory_ 5/10/2007 8:08:25 AM

my movie is terrible

ralph_ 5/10/2007 10:00:23 PM

7 out of 10? lame rating, more like 9.5/10

murder_maker_ 5/11/2007 10:52:33 AM

9/10 - minimum score !

shredemdead_ 5/11/2007 12:37:55 PM

not a huge fan of thier last album, but if ron jarzombek is guesting im gonna have to check this out

STEEEVVEE_ 5/12/2007 12:12:02 AM

I could see this band BLOWING the f*ck UP

7oM_ 5/14/2007 11:09:55 AM

I'm surprised I like this... I think 7/10 is a little low for what I have heard..

Cory_ 5/16/2007 4:31:52 AM


Matt_ 5/27/2007 5:01:48 PM

i would have given this an 8/10 The vocals are similar to Job for a Cowboys new album Genesis..which is not even close to this good. Cory did a decent review...better than Gluck

bigtakeover_ 6/26/2007 10:19:22 PM

KC howard's blasts combined with these riffs are a combo for the ages

Lord Shredder_ 7/10/2007 7:16:46 PM

Now this is a beautiful example of technical death metal. The proficiency is all here, and what Odious Mortem brings to the table with this release is a bit of estranged melody, not really found in technical metal (with the exception of bands like Neuraxis). Another impressive bit was how KC kicked it DOWN a notch with the blast beats. Sure, you will hear a ton of blasting, but unlike all these bands that blast from start to finish, he goes into some pretty crazy jazz oriented syncopated beats i