Post CommentThey can't touch the Locust, I'll tell you that much
good review. i agree with the 7/10 but i still think Devouring is slightly better although the solos on the new one are a good addition
Very good album. It's very epic sounding death metal
great album, just as good as Devouring
score is way too low... 9/10 far more acurate. review is fine though.
Goddamn, the locust f*cking sucks. Get over the mental masturbation and move on. This record f*cking pummels!
the only problem with santa cruz is all the damn vampires
Yeah...I didn't say that thing about the Locust. Damn these anonymous posts.
9/10? that means your putting it on par with Immolation - Unholy Cult or Afflicted - Prodigal Sun or something like that. and its not. its a good technical death metal album. one thats growing on me more and more. but still, saying its a 9/10 is saying its damn near perfect
Why do people keep on trying to post as me??? BTW I got off The Locust's c-cks, I now get my cherry popped by Cattle Decapitation.
not a huge fan of thier last album, but if ron jarzombek is guesting im gonna have to check this out
I'm surprised I like this... I think 7/10 is a little low for what I have heard..
i would have given this an 8/10 The vocals are similar to Job for a Cowboys new album Genesis..which is not even close to this good. Cory did a decent review...better than Gluck
KC howard's blasts combined with these riffs are a combo for the ages
Now this is a beautiful example of technical death metal. The proficiency is all here, and what Odious Mortem brings to the table with this release is a bit of estranged melody, not really found in technical metal (with the exception of bands like Neuraxis). Another impressive bit was how KC kicked it DOWN a notch with the blast beats. Sure, you will hear a ton of blasting, but unlike all these bands that blast from start to finish, he goes into some pretty crazy jazz oriented syncopated beats i