Post Commentthis shit rules, deserves way more than a 7.
also that was a joke if you retards didnt notice cd deserves a 2
what f*cking buzz are you talking about? none ever existed.
yeah.. terrible review. I'd give a 5/10. it's not the worst thing ever.. i can bear it
i got this cd early from the college station and i was unimpressed then..and now im listening to it again while reading the review...and still nothing. i feel like they need to focus more and stop hiding behind all that distortion.
ok after listening again. they do have some (some) good parts and the recording sounds awesome. but the songs are all over the place. but hey different strokes.
so wait. does this cd sometimes sound like....botch?
so far... listening through.. I've heard a million botch ripp offs on some level, even chariot and norma jean? hard to refute. the recording sounds excellent if they we're shooting recreate the chariots "everything is alive...." which, I, being a fan of the botch lineage... can tell undeniable that they were shooting for that sound. +pig destroyer
I try to stay out of the hype/buzz and subsequent shit-storm when the reality doesn't live up to the hype. I try not to get defensive at all when people have fair criticism. However, I feel it important to note that we're not TRYING to do anything besides write shit that we like to play. I'm not going to say that we don't like Botch (although I honestly don't see the comparison too much, but I trust that it must be when so commonly referred to) or whatever band, but the bottom line is we play wh
One time I saw these guys at a rock concert, and I swear that they sucked a baby's penis LIVE. In concert. One time.
love what little ive heard of the album. id probably given it an 8/10.
U.S.A. is death metal / ??????????? from Salt Lake City, a 1st album of Gaza. It is the band name which is slow like HiroshimaWillBurn, but the contents of a sound are considerably brutality. It is music after DillingerEscapePlan / Converge / Mastodon to do it, and the style doesn't have newie, but bloodiness and gravel gravel and the touch that I did that ??????? and the chaos that I did are filled with bring about a strong impact. A core ??? part to press which it grinds is seen everywhere, bu
i think lambgoat just found a new reviewer. foreign mike gluck songs.
when i first heard this i thought it was the new Chariot CD. the recording is just like "everything is alive" and both singers even do that annoying groan (see Gristle) thing. 6/10 record.
Was someone from Gaza drunk and behind the keyboard again? *Numberica*
This is very good stuff! I'm sure these guys got influenced by bands ala Botch and Coalesce and the like but to say they sound like Botch is not quite true. The Gristle song (may be indeed the weakest of the album) is also on their first EP ("East") and it sounds way better on that one. And I mean way better. Check that disc, out on exigent records!
"Was someone from Gaza drunk and behind the keyboard again? *Numberica*" Nope.
Gristle is one of the better tracks on this album. Good stuff, overall. I agree with Nick.
So wait... All you have to do these days is get wasted, act like a gay, and make demands on threads to get your album reviewed and it happens? Good to know. Terrible band.
This review was written over a month ago, way before any type of "demands" were made for a review.
Most of the dudes in this band used to play in a screamo band called Day Of Less and they were f*cking terrible. Gaza is worse. The lyrics are f*cking pointless and boring just like the songs. I saw them play live and all I heard was Norma Jean so I mean to say Botch and Coalesce. Quit sullying the good names of those bands with your boring f*cking music. The end.
This band deserves absolutely no hate. Amazing dudes, amazing musicians, amazing live show, amazing album, etc. One of the only bands to come out in recent times that I stand 100% behind. And I have impeccable musical taste, so there.
Decent review. Except I'm goddamned tired of reading 'Botch'. Fuuuuucccckkkkk.
I thought this record was perfect. great band
Since when did "Most of these dudes" mean 1 guy?
took shots at hatebreed eh?? did the shots hit 'em??
Excuse me folks, but has anyone seen my riffs??
holy f*cking pissed off, wow i'm lovin' this
Buy THIS f*ckING CD if you wanna hear how grizzly it can possibly get all while flipping the genre on it's ass. Seriously this is the best shit I've heard in a long time. Very f*cking addicted
P O R K F I N D E R owns your goddamn souls
f*ck anyone who talsk shit about GAZA, they will destroy you live. And in general, go play guitar hero
this is like the chariot minus jesus. the last song is infact a chariot song. whatever still pretty good.
two firsts in a row!