Post CommentGreat album. i love GR and i love Only Crime. Russ is one of the greatest punk rock/hardcore vocalists ever. He makes this band.
Only Crime is awesome but I wish they'd held out on this release so f*cking Good Riddance would tour again.
this review needs some work... I can't tell what this band sounds like...
this review needs some work... I can't tell what this band sounds like...posted by c*ntSnot () on 2/16/2007 1:49:02 PM Then read the paragraph where he describes what they sound like and listen to the linked tracks, you twit
I forgot all about this band. I'll have to give this a listen
glad to see this got a good review. Well deserved
"A lot of hardcore fans seem resigned to the fact that there is nothing left to be done with the style." <---statements like these are what makes this guys reviews shitty. a horde of mediocre bands swinging on each others nut-sacks does not mean there's "nothing left to be done" with hardcore in general.
not really digging it, its not horrible...but not really my thing
Alright! Another mediocre hardcore band for Cory to give an 8 or 9 to, I thought we were all out.
maybe its me but that second mp3 is a lame ass song that doesnt sound anything like this review builds it up to be.
Hardcore is dead.. lack of technicality has bored the masses... the progression of music has turned towards being able to play more than 5 chords throughout a whole song.. Thakfully...
I meant "thankfully"... Off to buy the new Job for a Cowboy... Possibly the new Explosions in the sky... Maybe I'll pickup the new Fallout Boy and give it to my little sister.
CMD: Then buy the album you internet shmuck. Be part of the hardcore/punk scene. Support the musicians instead of playing Warcraft all day. Mp3s are a luxury. If you had to buy the album you would understand why it's so good. f*ck all haters.
last time i checked only crime were a punk band....not sure where the hardcore fits in other than dalbec's previous work.
the other virulence >