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Only Crime Virulence

01. Take Me MP3 02. Everything For You 03. Shotgun 04. Eyes Of The World MP3 05. Now's The Time 06. In Your Eyes 07. Just Us 08. There's A Moment 09. This Is Wretched 10. Too Loose 11. Framed Then Failed 12. Xanthology
2007 Fat Wreck Chords
Our score 8

by Cory

In 2004, supergroup Only Crime released their debut album To The Nines, a record that blended the individual styles of the group's members seamlessly into eleven thoroughly enjoyable tracks. Aaron Dalbec (formerly of Converge, currently of Bane), Russ Rankin (Good Riddance), Bill Stevenson (Descendents, All) and the Blair brothers (Hagfish, Gwar) joined forces on that album and the result was a solid slab of melodic hardcore. Three years later, Only Crime have gotten together again and their new album, Virulence, raises the bar even higher. Dalbec and Blair's guitar work is more interesting than it has been on their respective full-time bands' albums, Stevenson's drumming is solid and recognizable as always, and Rankin's vocals have far more presence and personality than most of his peers. Virulence is an inspiring album of thinking man's hardcore that should appeal to anyone who believes something new and interesting can actually be done with the genre. Those familiar with the previous work of Only Crime's respective members should have a general idea of what to expect. Russ Rankin is a talented vocalist and lyricist whose gruff vocals and melodic ability actually remind me of an edgier version of Descendents' vocalist Milo Aukerman. Rankin's vocals must be a comfortable fit for drummer Bill Stevenson who has spent nearly thirty years with that legendary punk outfit. Stevenson's drumming has always stood out to me and I've never heard another punk drummer that plays quite like him. His combination of laid-back surf and rolling punk gets kicked into high gear here and he sounds even better than usual. One of the big surprises for most listeners will probably be the imaginative guitar work. While Dalbec hasn't necessarily been pushing himself in the traditionally-styled Bane and Blair's days in Hagfish didn't necessarily win him much acclaim, these guys are both incredibly talented and Only Crime is apparently their prime creative outlet. The foundation of most of these songs can be traced to 90's melodic hardcore, but the rest of the guitar work ranges in style from the angular punk of SST Records circa 1981 to more modern sounds and patterns. Factor in that the end result of all of these elements is one of the catchiest records I've heard in a long time and you'll hopefully realize just what a feat this is. Bottom Line: A lot of hardcore fans seem resigned to the fact that there is nothing left to be done with the style. It's nice to see that these long-time veterans have gotten together to do something about that complacency. While it might not seem like what they're doing is necessarily anything "new," the manner in which all the pieces fit together is both strikingly unique and incredibly listenable. While I wouldn't mind seeing most of these guys focus on Only Crime full-time, I'll gladly wait another two and a half years for another record as good as Virulence.


Post Comment
HAR_ 2/16/2007 11:53:35 AM

the other virulence >

vCREATIONv_ 2/16/2007 12:03:29 PM

Great album. i love GR and i love Only Crime. Russ is one of the greatest punk rock/hardcore vocalists ever. He makes this band.

xslick_Mcfavoritex_ 2/16/2007 12:19:22 PM

Only Crime is awesome but I wish they'd held out on this release so f*cking Good Riddance would tour again.

CuntSnot_ 2/16/2007 1:49:02 PM

this review needs some work... I can't tell what this band sounds like...

anonymous 2/16/2007 1:53:50 PM

this review needs some work... I can't tell what this band sounds like...posted by c*ntSnot () on 2/16/2007 1:49:02 PM Then read the paragraph where he describes what they sound like and listen to the linked tracks, you twit

bolognapony_ 2/16/2007 1:54:13 PM

I forgot all about this band. I'll have to give this a listen

mefuckyeah_ 2/16/2007 2:44:39 PM

glad to see this got a good review. Well deserved

$hiz_ 2/16/2007 2:54:33 PM

"A lot of hardcore fans seem resigned to the fact that there is nothing left to be done with the style." <---statements like these are what makes this guys reviews shitty. a horde of mediocre bands swinging on each others nut-sacks does not mean there's "nothing left to be done" with hardcore in general.

justinbean_ 2/16/2007 3:15:18 PM

dig it.

xduderx_ 2/16/2007 4:40:13 PM

not really digging it, its not horrible...but not really my thing

anonymous 2/16/2007 6:01:37 PM

good shit

thereapersson_ 2/16/2007 8:38:34 PM

TWO mp3's? Nice work!

anonymous 2/17/2007 2:01:03 PM

Alright! Another mediocre hardcore band for Cory to give an 8 or 9 to, I thought we were all out.

cmd_ 2/19/2007 11:56:44 PM

maybe its me but that second mp3 is a lame ass song that doesnt sound anything like this review builds it up to be.

7oM_ 2/20/2007 2:52:52 PM

Hardcore is dead.. lack of technicality has bored the masses... the progression of music has turned towards being able to play more than 5 chords throughout a whole song.. Thakfully...

7oM_ 2/20/2007 2:55:01 PM

I meant "thankfully"... Off to buy the new Job for a Cowboy... Possibly the new Explosions in the sky... Maybe I'll pickup the new Fallout Boy and give it to my little sister.

gay@gay.com_ 2/20/2007 6:33:55 PM


gay@gay.com_ 2/20/2007 6:34:01 PM


gay@gay.com_ 2/20/2007 6:34:08 PM


gay@gay.com_ 2/20/2007 6:34:13 PM


Anthony_ 2/23/2007 3:53:46 AM

CMD: Then buy the album you internet shmuck. Be part of the hardcore/punk scene. Support the musicians instead of playing Warcraft all day. Mp3s are a luxury. If you had to buy the album you would understand why it's so good. f*ck all haters.

tony mike_ 2/28/2007 8:52:26 PM

last time i checked only crime were a punk band....not sure where the hardcore fits in other than dalbec's previous work.