AlbumsNovember 29, 201111,645 views

Veil Of Maya All Things Set Aside

All Things Set Aside
01. The Uprising 02. Entry Level: Exit Wounds 03. Your World of Lies 04. Mark My Words 05. All Things Set Aside 06. Indefinite Bloodlust 07. Sever The Voices 08. Black Funeral March 09. [bonus track]
2006 Corrosive Recordings
Our score 7

by Nick

It's been a while since I've truly been excited over a tech metal release. I have nothing but respect for the talent of tech musicians, but songs boasting fifty different riffs and time signatures attempting to one-up Chris Pennie and friends have been finding less and less time in my listening rotation. Enter Chicago's Veil of Maya. The five-piece throws together a recipe of melodic death, technical metal, and a sprinkling of metalcore to produce an abrasive, yet listenable debut record in All Things Set Aside. It's just enough melodic death to be catchy, but not enough for At The Gates rip-off spotters to have something to yell about. It's just enough tech for the listener to be impressed, but not lost. And finally, it's just enough metalcore to find room for those obligatory breakdowns, but not enough to fall under that frowned upon deathcore label. Veil of Maya must have been listening when their mothers gave them the "everything in moderation" speech, because with this album, they've managed to hit a sweet spot in between three styles that haven't exactly been clicking with me lately. However, All Things Set Aside isn't quite a release of perfection. While I'm impressed with their combinations of genres, I still find Veil of Maya's songwriting to be a bit lacking. Transitions between the genres, though more fluid than those of other attempted genre benders like From A Second Story Window, are still rather abrupt in many cases. As this is the five-piece's debut full-length, I'm sure that this is something they can improve upon in the future. Also, the production on this record is a bit puzzling to me. Although I enjoy most aspects of the raw sound on All Things Set Aside, their decision to have that infamous triggered bass drum clicking sound is baffling. It's as if Adam Dutkiewicz snuck into the studio overnight and the only thing he could get his hands on was the bass drum sound. One can only imagine. It's also probably necessary to comment on the definite hit or miss bonus track on this album. This CD goes one track longer than the listed eight, and does so to include. a rap track. Sure, it's been done before, and the goal is always up for debate (Is it a joke Is it serious Or is it just Terror), but it caught me pleasantly off guard the first time through and I've come to embrace it. As it will will surely rub some fans the wrong way, don't worry, it's the last track. It's not the end of the world if you skip it. Bottom Line: Veil of Maya set out to find an equilibrium between melodic death, tech metal and metalcore and have somehow managed to succeed with All Things Set Aside. There's room for songwriting improvement, but overall, this record isn't too shabby. They're definitely a band I'll keep my eye on in the future.


Post Comment
diediedie_ 1/28/2007 4:50:47 PM

first. no heard. no care.

justhaveheart_ 1/28/2007 4:52:31 PM

good dudes. good music.

okarma_ 1/28/2007 5:16:40 PM


menfuckyeah_ 1/28/2007 6:06:32 PM

good cd

AndrewChrz_ 1/28/2007 6:18:21 PM

I actually really like the last track on this album. It's a pretty fun listen.

ailc_ 1/28/2007 6:21:33 PM

didnt mcfeters already review this?

anonymous 1/28/2007 6:24:14 PM

I bet at least 10 people will call this nu-metal just because of the bonus track.

bombs_away_ 1/28/2007 6:29:29 PM

good cd.

TheJamesDeanTrio_ 1/28/2007 6:36:33 PM

"I have nothing but respect for the talent of tech musicians"....Stoped reading once I read "tech musicians". f*cktard review

threexs_ 1/28/2007 11:29:03 PM

good band, fun live

???_ 1/29/2007 12:40:02 AM

What the hell does the introduction of this review have to do with the rest of it?!

Jeff_ 1/29/2007 2:35:17 AM

I like how people comment on the triggered drum sound of this record and its not triggered

squidbilly_ 1/29/2007 2:52:01 AM

i like how at the f*ckin gates is name dropped in 75% of metal reviews on earth

Godfatherofsoul_ 1/29/2007 5:22:53 AM

Damn, that was pretty workmanlike.

blackasstim_ 1/29/2007 8:57:50 AM

i like how this f*cking review spends more time talking about blending styles and production bullshit than the actual songs on the album. whack review.

CuntSnot_ 1/29/2007 9:05:26 AM


Rachel_ 1/29/2007 12:03:45 PM

the kicks were not triggered at all.

alexcreate_ 1/29/2007 4:20:43 PM

good band, good cd

Altronics_ 1/29/2007 4:51:07 PM

kick ass cd, kick ass dudes.

poops_ 1/29/2007 4:54:48 PM

bad review. too much generalization on these new reviews. Talk about the songs and high and low points, where there are abrupt changes, etc. Cmon LG get it together.

bobby brown_ 1/30/2007 2:56:35 AM

why waste your time reviewing shit if you just sound like a jack ass. the kick isn't triggered, its layered eat a dick

dance_machine_ 1/30/2007 3:04:29 AM

man...I was looking forward to the somewhat talked about Veil of Maya\Carnivale split

Snickelfritz_ 1/30/2007 3:48:50 AM

What he's saying is EXACTLY right. Pin-pont accuracy.

baobab_ 1/30/2007 9:38:39 AM

good band.

anonymous 1/30/2007 5:24:55 PM

shitty review, shittier band

Amanda_ 1/31/2007 10:19:21 AM

Straight up awesome CD. Straight up awesome dudes. The review...not so straight up. No triggers, no in-depth listening. Definitely could have been a better review.

Nick_ 1/31/2007 1:52:35 PM

You guys sure do whine a lot... and my apologies if the bass drum isn't actually triggered, although that still doesn't change the fact that it sounds stupid and doesn't fit the recording at all. Besides that, it's still a good cd.

yourmomandme_ 2/2/2007 7:43:56 PM

ohh nick.

brb123_ 5/23/2007 6:03:25 AM

this review saddens me everytime i read it

ItAteEverybody_ 2/7/2008 5:00:56 AM

amazing live. marc's ridiculous. not as much fun without adam, though. :[

Nick_ 2/15/2009 11:50:38 AM

I'd like to note I have no idea what I was thinking on this one. In retrospect, this CD is unmemorable in every way and I'm a little embarrassed to have given it a 7/10. My apologies.

Nick_ 11/16/2010 7:11:18 PM

I also like sucking big fat black c-cks, and eating poop.