Post CommentI actually really like the last track on this album. It's a pretty fun listen.
I bet at least 10 people will call this nu-metal just because of the bonus track.
"I have nothing but respect for the talent of tech musicians"....Stoped reading once I read "tech musicians". f*cktard review
What the hell does the introduction of this review have to do with the rest of it?!
I like how people comment on the triggered drum sound of this record and its not triggered
i like how at the f*ckin gates is name dropped in 75% of metal reviews on earth
i like how this f*cking review spends more time talking about blending styles and production bullshit than the actual songs on the album. whack review.
bad review. too much generalization on these new reviews. Talk about the songs and high and low points, where there are abrupt changes, etc. Cmon LG get it together.
why waste your time reviewing shit if you just sound like a jack ass. the kick isn't triggered, its layered eat a dick
man...I was looking forward to the somewhat talked about Veil of Maya\Carnivale split
What he's saying is EXACTLY right. Pin-pont accuracy.
Straight up awesome CD. Straight up awesome dudes. The review...not so straight up. No triggers, no in-depth listening. Definitely could have been a better review.
You guys sure do whine a lot... and my apologies if the bass drum isn't actually triggered, although that still doesn't change the fact that it sounds stupid and doesn't fit the recording at all. Besides that, it's still a good cd.
amazing live. marc's ridiculous. not as much fun without adam, though. :[
I'd like to note I have no idea what I was thinking on this one. In retrospect, this CD is unmemorable in every way and I'm a little embarrassed to have given it a 7/10. My apologies.
I also like sucking big fat black c-cks, and eating poop.
first. no heard. no care.