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Cancer Bats Birthing The Giant

Birthing The Giant
01. Golden Tanks 02. French Immersion 03. 100 Grand Canyon 04. Ghost Bust That 05. Grenades 06. Shillelagh 07. Butterscotch 08. Death Bros 09. Firecrack This 10. Diamond Mine 11. Pneumonia Hawk
2006 Abacus Recordings
Our score 4


There's this new wave of what I consider emo-cockrockcore, with some of the style's biggest buzz bands Every Time I Die, Alexisonfire, The Gorgeous, and these very Cancer Bats, gobbling up the youth of today in a vacuum of irony. It seems like yesterday when Cancer Bats were born in Toronto (2004), and now Abacus is releasing their debut album, Birthing The Giant. When Abacus wants to put out an album they certainly get their asses in gear alright! Ever the increasingly accessible label, some of its best releases in the past year or so have included Turbonegro, Ignite, and Backyard Babies. But can Cancer Bats stand up to those trendsetters Not exactly, but they aren't trying to either. From the looks of things, they're just aiming to be what young trendies proclaim "good band, good dudes." Birthing The Giant will probably do what the title implies, with the Giant being a fanbase of emotional, fashionable, hardcore-lite scenesters. Cancer Bats are an easily marketed band, from their looks (tats and cute faces) to their lyrics ("Hell yeah, it's time to head out. All the kids with the black eyes grin. It's time to shred out, if you know what I mean. Two, three, four. Yeah, oh my god I swear" from "Shillelagh"). But just because a band has hype and marketing potential doesn't necessarily make them a dishonest or substandard band, so before fans/(MySpace friends) of the band or the review police shudder that the review will evaluate Cancer Bats solely according to the characteristics of their fanbase, shut your AIM window, grab a Starbucks no-fat Chai Latte, and read on. The band claims to be influenced by southern metal like Down and Corrosion of Conformity and there's no doubt that they bring in twangy, Sabbath and Zeppelin-type riffs during the breakdowns in "Golden Tanks" and "Butterscotch," but that's about where the influence ends. The bulk of Cancer Bats' music is in the vein of old school hardcore punk like Black Flag and Dag Nasty, essentially quite similar to something you'd hear from youthful Bridge 9 or Thorp bands feeding the flames of the eighties revival. The band also claims to be influenced by posthumous Swedish legends Refused, although the comparison is more wishful thinking than accurate. Cancer Bats vocalist Liam Cormier may very well be rabid, reckless, and uninhibited in his vocal style, but his band delivers too prescribed a sound for him to really break out like Dennis Lynxzen did when backed by Refused's unpredictable songs. Bottom Line: The mid-paced, half hardcore punk, half rock, or emo-cockrockcore that Cancer Bats play initially brings to mind a hybrid of Endnote-era Hope Conspiracy and their side project Bars. As the first impression dissipates though, I was left feeling unsatisfied by a hardcore attitude that's not half as urgent as Hope Con's, and rock riffs not nearly as effective as Bars'. I understand what Cancer Bats are trying to do on Birthing The Giant, but their confidence and Gavin Brown (Billy Talent) production are far too predominant for this to be considered true punk or hardcore. The kids will lap it up for its vibe and I suppose that's the intent here, but ultimately, the musical value wears thin quickly.


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fag_ 12/8/2006 3:45:25 PM

wow this is the first good review ive ever seen you do

wellwellwell_ 12/8/2006 4:00:19 PM

pull your head out of your ass, gluck, and listen to a band before you pleasure to their photos.

Fagatron_ 12/8/2006 4:02:26 PM

first "first post"

gluck's_#1_fan_ 12/8/2006 4:21:01 PM

once again, i'm not surprised by another shitty review by gluck, among the countless ones already in the archives. Vacuum of irony? I bet you were up for hours thinking of that clever line. Well done.

CuntSnot_ 12/8/2006 4:28:20 PM

this holds no interest for me... but there is nothing wrong with this review

bigego_ 12/8/2006 5:00:02 PM

what the f*ck is ass hole, stop making up stupid names like you are the one who gets to decide the genre of every band EVER. suck it.

bigego_ 12/8/2006 5:05:35 PM

although i do agree the music isn't that great...but still, emo-c-ckrockcore.....that should never be used for any type of music unless its music that goes behind gay fun pornography films

troy_ 12/8/2006 5:19:33 PM

ahah. i dig this band but i saw them grow up the last couple years. i haven't listened to this record or seen them in about a year, so i guess i don't care. way to represent toronto punk rock. hurry up and review the f*cked up record.

mefuckyeah_ 12/8/2006 5:23:56 PM

I dig this cd, it's rockin. Yes it's not the best but it's certainly better than a 4, especially when you consider the ratings some cd's get on here

drewcifer_ 12/8/2006 7:15:26 PM

i have a feeling that i would agree with this review if i could f*cking stand to read it.

drewcifer_ 12/8/2006 7:17:05 PM

first and second paragraphs are unnecessary but the last two paragraphs are 100% accurate. i really tried to like this album.

m00k_ 12/8/2006 7:24:57 PM

No read Gluck review ever. But couldn't agree more on the rating. Shit band/album.

anonymous 12/8/2006 9:20:15 PM

f*ck I really wished this sounded like dag nasty. Oh man I'd be so stoked. But unfortunately for me they sound nothing alike :(

big_daddy_grip_n_rip_ 12/8/2006 9:26:14 PM

blood brothers 9/10

anonymous 12/8/2006 11:57:54 PM

jesus christ, fire this guy please. i dont need your commentary on whatever trend is going on or the business practices of a label, thanks for reviewing what the dudes look like for the majority of the review

fuckfreedom_ 12/9/2006 1:25:44 AM

thats canadian music for you...all the wayy

dup_ 12/9/2006 10:19:16 AM

good f*cking band

Virtue_ 12/9/2006 3:11:38 PM

Good gluck review wow. I had to sit through these guys like 4 times in one month last summer, it was excruciating. This band too suck balls, no like ever.

Alexander_ 12/9/2006 6:22:15 PM


vCREATIONv_ 12/10/2006 7:50:57 AM

seriously, this release is pretty good stuff. At least a 6/10.

xomertax_ 12/10/2006 7:34:56 PM

f*ck Cancer Bats, Everytime I Die, Alexisonfire, The gorgeous and everyone of these shitty ass bands.

methmouth_ 12/11/2006 11:04:06 AM

should have been a -4 in my opinion... cancer bats is what happens when straight edge kids try and play souther rock/metal... oh my god, music just sucks sooo much right now...

panzram_ 12/11/2006 4:37:23 PM

But just because a band has hype and marketing potential doesn't necessarily make them a dishonest or substandard band, so before fans/(MySpace friends) of the band or the review police shudder that the review will evaluate Cancer Bats solely according to the characteristics of their fanbase, shut your AIM window, grab a Starbucks no-fat Chai Latte, and read on.

anaturaldisaster_ 12/11/2006 5:15:58 PM

This is an excellent record. Gluck, I've gone easy on you before, but f*ck man, you failed at this one. Ten bucks says you liked it and won't admit it.

wizardsbeard_ 12/11/2006 6:38:46 PM

This band sounds like Alexisonfire, Dag Nasty, Hope Conspiracy AND Black Flag?

aner_ 12/11/2006 9:04:50 PM

no care ever. nice bang fang gaygario. bing bong bang

falling down_ 12/12/2006 10:28:53 PM

is this a fashion/scene review or a music review? asspuppet.

anonymous 12/14/2006 10:26:49 AM

f*ck people who say "no care ever". Cancerbats f*cking rule, get over it gays.

PoopShit_ 12/19/2006 9:37:28 AM

cancer bats eh... more like GAY!

Scott_ 12/19/2006 9:40:01 AM

cancer bats are gay they are just a little metal wannabees from st cathrins with sandy vjayjays