Post Commentgood review. ive been extremely EXTREMELY hesitant to listen to this album. Lifetime lovers are a strange breed.
i can never get a band that wants to copy lifetime. its never going to be as close to the real thing. sure it makes bands stars (ala Saves the Day) i cant get into this band.
A fair review. In Shook One's favor, I will say that if you look at most hardcore and punk bands out there right now, few of them are doing anything much more ground-breaking than them, which is really saying very little of the creativity in the genre. At least they straight-up admit to their hero worship and the fact that they exist for the sole purpose of ripping off two seminal bands.
The score is more or less accurate, but this review is f*cking retarded: 2 paragraphs generalizing about their sound and 1 paragraph that actually addresses the album itself.
So... does this band sound like anyone at all? Cory you're much too vague in your reviews. You should really say what you feel.
...and for the record, Saves The Day didn't blow up until they stopped sounding like Lifetime.
band rules. record rules. anyone that does not like this band should choke on a gigantic dick. rip off or not this band is sweet.
"(They) have been picking up a lot of steam lately and... that steam will likely build into a huge following." All hail, this new breed of STEAM PEOPLE! They can enter our air conditioning ducts and fog our glasses!
It's hard for me to be critical about mimicry when it's done this well. Shook Ones took a sound they loved and ran with it. Is this really so different than what any other bands in Punk and Hardcore have done? Where would any of these bands be without the Ramones? Where would any of the "metalcore" acts of today be without if not for the Scandinavian Death Metal scene? What you really should be critical about are bands that blatantly rip off a sound, and do it badly (i.e. Norma Jean).
lifetime and kid dynamite don't sound exactly alike. just call this record what it is : kid dynamite worship. it's still awesome, and they got their name from a mobb deep song.
i hear KD with more lifetime type melody plus some talent
Sweet band. Sweet Record. Dumb review, its obvious that they sound like Lifetime and Kid Dynomite.
Slaughter Of The Insole