AlbumsNovember 29, 201110,017 views

Electro Quarterstaff Gretzky

1. Neckwrecker 2. Twisted Squid 3. Charmony 4. The Right To Arm Bears 5. Get Sick 6. Titanium Overlords MP3 7. Eyepatch Romance 8. Something's Awry in the Hetfield of Dreams
2006 Willowtip Records
Our score 7

by Cory

Electro Quarterstaff are a technical metal fan's wet dream. Gretzky is fifty minutes of intricate and varied technically adept metal that shreds from front to back without the aid (or hindrance) of vocals. I'm generally not a fan of instrumental metal, but you can definitely tell that much of what Electro Quarterstaff does wouldn't be possible if they had to make room for a vocalist. This streamlined approach lets the music speak for itself and, more often than not, it speaks quite eloquently. Most of the disc's eight compositions sit at or around the six minute mark. I was a bit skeptical that EQ's brand of high-intensity instrumental prog-thrash could keep such ambitious pieces afloat, but ambition should be this band's middle name. They effortlessly switch gears from song to song, filling songs like "Charmony" with excellent, mid-tempo melodic leads and underline its follow-up "The Right To Arm Bears" with furious grinding before giving way to a sludgy odd-tempo midsection. The band's three guitarists and lone drummer accomplish everything musically that Mastodon wishes they could. By eliminating the vocal aspect, they've also found a way to tie all the album's various concepts together fairly easily. While the lack of vocals often works to the band's advantage, I did occassionally find myself getting lost in the album or even in a single track. The lack of vocals also often seems to lead to a lack of structure that sometimes hurts what could otherwise be incredible tracks. Honestly, this album has more great riffs than just about anything I've heard in the past year and every lick gets the listener's complete and undivided attention. It's just a little harder for me to keep focused on a metal band without any vocal presence. Listening to Gretzky repeatedly is helping me cope with my deficiency, but it hasn't completely cured my attention deficit issues. Finally, I'd be remiss not to mention the amazingly bizarre artwork comprised of paintings by Blane Throttle. This is definitely some of the most immediately intriguing stuff I've ever seen on a metal record and probably ever will. The sheer absurdity of all its cartoon-ish glory truly has to be seen to be believed. Bottom Line: The musicianship on Gretzky should be enough to turn any music fan's head. Thankfully, the songs generally rise far above mere technical wankery and actually form memorable and worthwhile compositions. I highly recommend this disc to anyone with an appreciation for metal, regardless of your penchant for the instrumental side of things. Electro Quarterstaff ain't your hipster douche friend's instrumental metal act.


Post Comment
mstevens_ 2/5/2007 1:41:29 PM

first post...f*ck you

sarcophagus_ 2/5/2007 1:49:17 PM

lambgoat seems incapable of rating an album past a 7

anonymous 2/5/2007 1:57:26 PM

You couldn't have forced that Mastodon reference in any harder

Nick_ 2/5/2007 2:01:08 PM

Haha, yeah. They're all 7's aren't they?

Cory_ 2/5/2007 2:14:10 PM

I'd like to throw out there that this was actually reviewed over three months ago. I'm not this far behind, I promise.

whiskeydick_ 2/5/2007 2:33:57 PM

one of the best releases of 2006.

What?_ 2/5/2007 2:49:22 PM

"The band's three guitarists and lone drummer accomplish everything musically that Mastodon wishes they could." Woah - back that train up, Charlie. What the hell are you talking about?

mike_ 2/5/2007 2:52:42 PM

yet another shit review from a shitty dude

Din_ 2/5/2007 2:58:13 PM

Mastodon? WTF?

hotaction_ 2/5/2007 3:22:36 PM

maybe you dbags should flush the c-m from your ears because right off the bat i heard the mastdon "sound" as soon as i pressed play. but i like mastodon so so far this rules.

anonymous 2/5/2007 5:34:00 PM

it's amusing that the mastodon ref instantly tells you who wrote this review, my hipster douche friend cory!

anonymous 2/5/2007 5:40:25 PM


KissThePig_ 2/5/2007 8:48:38 PM

You're a f*cking loser cory with horrible taste in music.This shit sounds NOTHING like Mastodon at all not a f*cking riff.And this album is a f*cking 9 at best.You are such a f*cking failure its amazing you can even function to take a piss.

roger_ 2/5/2007 8:59:21 PM

pardon me, but i don't think he ever said they SOUNDED like Mastodon you dumbf*ck

anonymous 2/5/2007 9:32:23 PM

don't you mean a 9 at worst?

hxcobd_ 2/5/2007 10:33:46 PM

Instrumental metal needs to stop being produced

Godfatherofsoul_ 2/6/2007 8:12:40 AM

I agree with the above comment, but this my friend is gold

mojotfb_ 2/6/2007 9:53:17 PM

I can definitely hear where the mastodon reference came from and I love both. Its kind of like they took the style of mastodon and applied it to other genres of metal depending on the song. This shit rips. 9/10

skeletontickler_ 2/7/2007 1:15:31 AM

great record, rating is too low, f*ck the mastodon comparisons

Andrew_ 2/7/2007 1:59:51 PM

I feel the Mastodon comment is warrented for the sole reason that 2 of the members were once a part of one of our main influences, Lethargy. We've never written songs with the intention to sound like Mastodon so any similarities probably stem from similar influences for both bands (the downpicking stylings of James Hetfield). The comments are appreciated, good or bad keep them coming.

onemanfistttfiiiiightttt_ 2/7/2007 6:16:15 PM

I can dig it. Keep it up.

upperdeckered_ 2/8/2007 3:15:21 PM

Am I just crazy or was this review posted like two months ago? I swear it was up at one point. Oh well. Love this cd.

Nick_ 2/10/2007 11:53:34 AM

Also, this CD is excellent.

Swamplord_ 2/15/2007 12:39:08 PM

Sweet album. 8/10