Post CommentGood album, but a 9/10? That's really pushing it.
alright, scandy, you weasly prick, i will get this only because of your last sentence.
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Easily a 9/10, this album is f*cking amazing. Dead on review.
im all about this stuff. and this does sound pretty sweet. but 9/10?
9... pushing it? Maybe. Doesn't stop me from absolutely loving this band and everything they do. Since the one guitarist/vocalist left I think their vocals lost something. Regardless this is a great band.
i love everything about this band and every single thing that they do
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Sludge/doom bands are really hit or miss with me. This band is a big hit however. Great review. Kayo Dot AND Sunn0))) < MOTA
the cover looks like mickey mouse. Good music though.
Fantastic album, good review. Hasn't this been out for quite a while though?
Matt, it came out at the end of August, Translation Loss sent it to me around the end of september/early october. I listened, submitted a review, and abracadabra, here it is. There's reviews that take way longer than this one to get out.
this album is incredible. the review is dead on.
24 comments and still no whiney bitches complaining about Lamboat reviewing progressive/sludge/whatever metal? Good review, but I think they overdo the vocals. I get kind of a feeling of monotony out of the sheer depth of the screams, which seems to also come off in the guitars. Doesn't Translation Loss also have Cable and Dysrhthmia?
The Cable "Last Call" cd/dvd will be out next month. hear a sample & see the trailer: www.translationloss.com
I blast this out of the car window when Im cruising Wal-Mart
I'm not sold on the many Isis comparisons with this band, but I do think they sound like a Through Silver in Blood era Neurosis packing in Australasia style soundscapes. This album is more than worthy of a 9. f*cking brilliant stuff. No One Wished To Settle Here is the standout.
this album isnt bad, its probably not a 9 for me as im not into has heavy of stuff anymore and this bands vocals get a bit tiring. the Exlosions-esque parts are the best, and when it gets heavy it hits hard, but its like a 7 for me. good review though, im sure id love this more if i still loved constant screaming.
These guys are fabulous on CD, but holy jebus, they are soooo amazing live. It's just too bad they only typically only have enough time to play 3 or 4 songs. Can't wait for a headlining tour. Whoa, mama!
Agreed. I've been listening to this album alot.... but it wasn't til i saw them live for the first time last week that it totally knocked me on my ass. These guys destroy live. Can't wait for CMJ.
is it just me or has nick given everything a 9/10. but as for the album, its pretty good. but not 9/10, 7 or 8
It's just you. Of the 20ish reviews I've written (including ones pending posting), I've only given two 9/10's and it was just a coincidence that they were posted right after one another.
I honestly do not understand why 90% of LG is on this band's nutsack. They are dull, unoriginal and completely INDISTINGUISHABLE from all of the other Neurosis/Isis clones(Minsk, Callisto, Rosetta, etc.) There is nothing unique or enjoyable about this album. This band sucks hard
SARSmaster is a boner. This album is beyond any rating scale. By far the only band who can contend with Neurosis. This shits all over the new ISIS which just plain sucked. This album can stand right alongside Oceanic. Siiiiiiiiick dewd.