AlbumsNovember 29, 201119,607 views

Misery Signals Mirrors

01. Face Yourself 02. The Failsafe 03. Post Collapse 04. Migrate 05. One Day I'll Stay Home 06. Something Was Always Missing, But It Was Never You 07. Reverence Lost 08. Sword Of Eyes 09. An Offering To The Insatible Sons Of God (Butcher) 10. Anchor 11. Mirrors
2006 Ferret Music
Our score 6

by Cory

A lot of bands whose look or personality doesn't fit neatly into metal or hardcore have been lumped together into the generic genre of "metalcore," but to me, metalcore always had a stricter definition and aesthetic, one that hasn't really seemed to fit a lot of what gets tossed in together these days. Misery Signals plays metalcore in that more specific vein, combining roots in the hardcore community and music with more adventurous song structures and riffing more commonly found in metal. I honestly didn't think bands were still making records like this in 2006. Misery Signals were formed from the ashes of 7 Angels 7 Plagues and brought along with them much of that band's style. After years at it, these guys have taken the whole Shai Hulud-style epic metalcore thing and run with it and after much controversy surrounding the Devin Townsend production of their last album, they've decided to play it relatively safe on Mirrors, an album that should have a little something for pretty much everyone capable of enjoying real metalcore. Misery Signals do two things on Mirrors that really endear them to me. First, there is hardly a trace of Scandinavian influence. They've also avoided clean singing for the most part. There's no overtly "tech" parts and there's no doom or noise or black metal influence. Misery Signals have wisely avoided the current trends in heavy music and stuck with what they know. There's plenty of chugging parts but most either work on their own or by way of what the rest of the band is playing at the time. The disc's leads are generally played clean and drowned in a sea of reverb, creating a signature sound that flows throughout Mirrors. Ben Schigel (Chimaira, Zao) engineered this record remarkably well and it shows in the depth of the low end and the excellent mix. The problem with Mirrors is that while it may generally be pretty solid, its flaws are glaringly obvious and difficult to forgive. The few times that a cleaner vocal does rear its ugly head, it sinks the song like "One Day I'll Stay Home," while having a similar near-disastrous effect on "Reverence Lost." There's also a point in "Sword of Eyes" that features the worst cymbal sound I've heard in a long time on what is otherwise a great sounding record. Another major problem that some might have with the disc is that the band does play a style that hit its peak nearly ten years ago and hasn't been particularly appealing since the turn of the century. Bottom Line: Misery Signals have carved out a neat little niche for themselves, one that some of their members have been working in for quite some time now. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like there's a lot of room for them to grow doing something that was pretty much done to death. At the end of the day, the parts of this CD that work are a pleasant throwback and the parts that don't are a reminder of why more bands don't do this anymore. Mirrors is definitely worth giving a listen but it's not really anything to get too excited about.


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mike_ 9/23/2006 12:46:56 PM

i know this is a lil late, but i just got this cd yesterday. and i must say, its pretty good. good work guys. i like the art work in the cd. very nice

mefuckyeah_ 11/2/2006 8:27:39 PM

I love this cd, and I can see it not getting a f*cking gold metal but a 6????? while so many other shitty cd's...donnybrook *coughs* gets an 8 along with many others is ridiculous

Nick_ 11/2/2006 8:43:22 PM

I really like this CD. They're just good at what they do.

blood_ 11/2/2006 9:02:08 PM

i disagree with the low rating here. these dudes def deserve more than that. music is music man. lame.

sweetzombiejesus_ 11/2/2006 9:06:24 PM

"hasn't been particularly appealing since the turn of the century." lol.

ztip13_ 11/2/2006 9:26:06 PM

I like this shit. Def deserves more than a 6. Think Of Malice... is a better album tho

truthsayer_ 11/2/2006 9:32:18 PM

Not to beat a dead horse, but this definitely deserves higher than a 6. It's not album of the year, but it's definitely not a piece of shit like most other metalcore releases.

snails_ 11/2/2006 9:40:29 PM

shit band. accurate rating. shit.

littlemac_ 11/2/2006 9:42:45 PM

not enough in the review about how br00t this record is

promotedmartyr_ 11/2/2006 10:09:30 PM

i think the last one is def better so i dont disagree with the rating...but i gotta say that i dont think this review is totally accurate..sure they got some metalcore aspects but i would hardly lump them in with all those bands so easy....but def agree the clean vocals are horrid and bring down every song they are in...than again from 7angels to misery signals they have yet to have a "great" vocalist

slockey skneck neck_ 11/2/2006 10:26:48 PM

there is no need to buy this album. it has been streaming on Decoy for the last almost 3 months. go to the stream section in the middle

elliot_ 11/2/2006 10:39:11 PM

the cymbal sound on "sword of eyes" you're talking about is obviously intended to sound that way, and it rules. cory, you need to seriously rethink this review, because mirrors deserves way more than a 6, and i think it's pretty apparent that nearly everyone agrees.

anonymous 11/2/2006 11:08:29 PM

cory, youre sucha goddamn gay

Gluck_ 11/2/2006 11:44:17 PM

Agree with the review. After the EP (which were leftover 7A7P songs to begin with), the band went downhill. They were faceless enough on the last album WITH Jesse, but without him, they don't stand out whatsoever.

anaturaldisaster_ 11/2/2006 11:58:58 PM

The first record and the EP are much better, but this is overall an excellent record. The clean vocals are done by the dude from Fallout Boy, no joke. I don't know what the f*ck you're talking about with the production though - the drums sound processed and clicky and the depth of Townsend's mix is completely lost. The guitars sound wimpy as f*ck too.

chadster_ 11/3/2006 12:00:37 AM

After reading The Bottom Line, I wholeheartedly agree with this review/rating

anonymous 11/3/2006 12:20:34 AM

this album blows hard, and this band is boring as hell live.

BenSY_ 11/3/2006 12:45:43 AM

Deserved a 7 or 8.

J_ 11/3/2006 12:59:33 AM

I will say that I'm glad that you're not jumping all over them for having Fall Out Boy's singer on their record, but I must say I think his vocals compliment that song in an unusual but nonetheless worthwhile way. Also, that cymabl sounds you speak of in Sword of Eyes is awesome - so trashy and dirty, it makes that whole section like a breakdown, but not a breakdown. This album has enough unique elements to it for it to stand out. While not as memorable a record, I think they've done well for th

jordan_ 11/3/2006 1:09:48 AM

i would hardly call a style, that really only had a few notable bands, beaten to death. misery signals is great at this style, and made an awesome record. great live, and really nice guys. one of my favorites of the year.

xnvb_ 11/3/2006 1:28:43 AM

totally unfair review, it deverves more than a 6. i'd give it an 8 easily. it's so much more daring and original than anything any metalcore band in years has put out.

todd_ 11/3/2006 3:06:32 AM

This record is great.....I liked the first one as well, I don't know why people didn't like the Devin T. production. It made them stand out. New one is excellent as well. Have to say I agree that the 6 is a litttle harsh

nils_ 11/3/2006 6:41:28 AM

I disagree with the review. They deserve more than that. I would give 8 points or higher it´s not fair to put them into the metalcore pot and to ignore their unicate style on this record. Cory, you have to re-think your review it´s one of the best ferret releases of 2k6 REALLY.

braap_ 11/3/2006 7:11:12 AM

sounds like the record hopesfall should have made instead of A Types. good cd

Imalwaysright_ 11/3/2006 8:31:48 AM

Crap review. This cd needs to get at least a 7-8.

CuntSnot_ 11/3/2006 9:13:59 AM

this band is, and always has been, pure shit... 7A7P was a million times better... listen to Burnt by the Sun....

burzum_ 11/3/2006 9:24:47 AM

7a7p will always be better, but that's irrelevant... i think this MS album was way better than the previous one. I still like their 1st s/t album the best - minus the production of course. They definitely should stop singing though -- however (even though i hate talking in any kind of music) i've always liked their spoken/yelled parts, it carries well with their particular type of music.

your_mother_ 11/3/2006 9:25:12 AM

Deserved AT LEAST an 8. "There's no overtly "tech" parts and there's no doom or noise or black metal influence." -- and thank god for that. Isn't anyone else sick of having EVERY band use those stupid influences?

ryan_ 11/3/2006 9:38:01 AM

this proves that cory is a stupid douchebag, and that lambgoat has some of the worst reviewers i have ever seen. Jucifer got a f*cking 9, you guys are morons.

deadwithfear_ 11/3/2006 9:48:50 AM

this is one of Cory's gayest reviews. this is just as good as of malice. it deserves an 8.

FlexYoFace Chase_ 11/3/2006 12:08:48 PM

Bad review, definitely deserves at least a 7. I've give it an 8, this band rocks

Brian_ 11/3/2006 12:13:48 PM

Easily an 8, almost a 9 but I'm picky about a few things on this album.

weightsf()()tbaLLandseX_ 11/3/2006 1:57:18 PM

cory- you gave MUTINY by SET YOUR GOALS a 9/10 and you honestly think this album is a 6??? i mean hey... its no l0ose unit man... but c'mon... A 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999?????????!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? I f*ckING 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/10 youre a pHeG.

diex3_ 11/3/2006 2:24:12 PM

good cd

penguinsrock_ 11/3/2006 3:37:00 PM

It seems to be the consensus that this review sucks ass and your opinion is off base. It's still your opinion though, and you are a generally intelligent guy. I don't understand how after you point out all the endearing things about the record all you can and the only negatives being some singing parts and a cymbal sound on one song. And why is this particular genre subject to critiscism about being tired or having hit it's peak years ago, when sometimes traditional or toughguy hardcore records

revspin_ 11/3/2006 4:53:51 PM

lol a 6? f*ck you cory and your f*cking pretentious piece of shit reviews.

hotaction_ 11/3/2006 7:16:58 PM

good review. why dont you gays just go listen to sattelite years instead. wah wah. "it should at least get a 7 or an 8" bologna!

clint_ 11/3/2006 7:53:01 PM

This band is whats up in metalcore..this album is amazing and they are some of the best muscians i've shared the stage with. They are on every night, sounds just like the cd and karl is an amazing vocalist and has definitly filled jesse's shoes and that's sayin alot. SO get f*cked on your 6 rating.

PIG_DESTROYER_ 11/3/2006 9:36:54 PM

you don't have to like this cd, so cory didn't have to give it a high score. he only gives high scores to bands that are super hyped. its like, "you don't like mastodon? what is wrong with you?!" so cory has to give mastodon a 9 or something, but nobody hypes misery signals, so he can say that it sounds like everything else, and give it a low score

hotaction_ 11/3/2006 9:58:50 PM

but...mastodon got a 6 too...

surfjam_ 11/3/2006 11:07:08 PM

im going to have to agree with penguinsrock in saying we all think it is better than you give it credit for. it definitely is a step backwards for the band, but its still a good cd

Uffe_ 11/3/2006 11:12:38 PM

It's alright, I like "Malice.." more though, the new vocalist does a pretty good job, better than I expected actually.

pnutt_ 11/5/2006 5:46:44 AM

This album is amaaazing and definitely should have made a 7, 8, or even 9 status. I love 7A7P, but some of you kids are stuck on that band, and need to make an effort to progress. There are more layers than 7A7P on this cd and it's definitely a lot more progressive than that. Don't be a trendy kid who gets stuck on that band because of hearsay. This band is awesome and step up their game every cd. If you want 7A7P style go check out their "Self Titled" (Misery Signals EP) and see the movement th

anonymous 11/5/2006 7:35:51 AM

lame review it deff needs a 7 or 8

peno_ 11/5/2006 9:56:04 AM

No way, this album is great! If you don't own it buy it, you won't be disappointed.

Draper_ 11/5/2006 9:09:19 PM


wolfpack_ 11/6/2006 3:56:04 PM

crap band

mike_ 11/7/2006 10:48:31 PM

bad review...deserves way more than a 6

bo_ 11/8/2006 5:01:05 AM

"after much controversy surrounding the Devin Townsend production of their last album" what was controversial about it? honest question... cause i havent heard it?

anonymous 11/9/2006 2:19:39 PM

this is good but there last album was much better

monarchy_ 11/14/2006 8:26:34 PM

wow cory, you're a f*cking idiot. congradulations at sucking at life.

breee_ 12/2/2006 12:47:17 AM

6/10? this is the worst review ever. this cd is perfect.

Promicide_ 12/8/2006 1:06:17 PM

I agree with braap whole heartedly. Hopesfall has the same abstract theme.

RyanATF_ 2/5/2007 10:03:03 AM

The production on this c-ds does make me cringe a bit, but all that set aside I think they've really out-done thmselves w/ this record. Only greater things can come now.

anonymous 4/4/2007 10:07:44 AM

this cd is way more diverse then whats been reviewed and i definitly think it got shfted on its rating!!!!

headlesshorseman_ 7/10/2007 3:12:09 PM

Cory = gay

Scuba Steve_ 10/31/2007 12:37:55 PM

Cory you are retarded. I have never read so much garbage in my life, it's like trying to decipher the scribblings of a 4 year old. Stop reviewing/writing in general.

Travis Aker_ 7/25/2008 12:17:23 AM

That more like an 8/10

urine_for_a_treat_ 11/27/2009 7:50:11 PM

wow. drastically underrated and underappreciated album. probably one of the most (if not the only) honest pieces of songwriting to have come out in the last decade until Misanthrpoy Pure came out

anonymous 3/26/2013 10:46:48 AM

so unfair to say this style had been played to death...misery signals are one of the few original bands of the genre. your review sucks.