Post CommentHow you choose to gussy up and present your music is as revealing and important as the music itself. i dont even know the band but "as important as the music"???? wow.
what the f*ck did i just say? i suppose no one is listening. "question: why does lambgoat review this stuff? and why do labels send lambgoat records they know will get a bad review? this is a hardcore/metal site. the labels should be sending their pop records to pop sites. posted by xtroyx () on 9/7/2006 9:30:18 PM"
this review is waaayyyy to polite. this album is trash, and is a terrible let down especially considering how strong there old material was. this review should of teared into the album much more.
seriously, there are bands that i care about releasing cds right now. why even bother reviewing this band?
I read the first paragraph of this review and stopped. This guy's a moron.
A young woman bathed in make-up of purple hues looks forlornly askew, perhaps at the coterie of reveling adolescents in the background. Could she be the object of the lyrics on the album, those limning the implosion of a romantic relationship? Perhaps the author intends to wish ill will upon her in the guise of total ostracization from her friends. uh, what?! this guy has got to be an english major. no one else would write crap like this.
OOOH, you don't like our music! boo f*cking hoo. Cry me a river fanboy. We have more talent in our little finger than you do in your whole body. What band do you play for tough guy? huh? probably some bull shit in flames rifoff. gays.
this band turned from promising hardcore/posi band, to boring melodic radio-screamo drivel. seriously. f*ck this band.
shitty shitty shitty. horrible music tryin to sell out and they cant even pull it off right.
5/10 is very generous, especially considering that this band was once worth listening to. The split with With Honor is great.
horrible awful garbage. thanks for making me hate music, guys.
if the music is anything like the cliche cd cover i would rather listen to hornets stinging me in the ears
Should of could of would of, the little engine that couldn't...get off Jasta's balls
this is flat-out awful writing webby. keep a tighter rein on these fancy-boys.
hey bitch, this isn't a rhetoric class. no need for all your nonsense
I know I'm probably preaching to the choir... but this record is pretty terrible. Selling out and going into a completely mainstream direction while 'trying' to keep your hard edge is definitely questionable at best... but the music is f*cking terrible on top of it. The guy just can't sing and the songs are boring. I even liked their older material too.
... ohhh, and that album cover is the worst pile of shit ever.
yeah the cd sucks, but this review is worse. Try journalism 101 next time.
the only reason people like this SHIT is to get cred in the ct scene! lame gays.
"I really dig this stuff and will definitely be waiting to see what these guys can do with an LP worth of material. "Your Closest Enemies"" this was written by a reviewer named Josh L. i only have one thing to say. what the f*ck happened. how the f*ck can you go from B9 to this sappy bullshit. somebody tell these guys to stop hanging out with the likes of a worthless human being such as bert mcdicklick. please guys. redeem yourselfs. or hang yourselfs.... either one.
i happen to love this record. possibly because i never heard them before, possibly because i never saw the cover art until after i heard it, or possibly because its actually a really good record. who knows...
this is such f*cking bullshit. their older stuff is f*cking great. this reviewer is shit thought..."comback kid-like galloping beat"? are you 16?