Post CommentAnd I though Set your Goals was bad ...listen to this the mp3 ...this is f*cking shit ... this is the way this band thinks Sweet new hair cut .... 45 bucks The new Underoath cd ...16 bucks Having f*cked all your friends in your band and getting ready to hit the road !!! pricesless f*ck THIS BAND !!!
Good review. I will stay clear of this nonsense.
This genre is on its way out, about time too.
trendy, wanna be christian hardcore. btw i've seen them too many times opening for friends bands and the people that go to see this band are either former pop punk girls who think that screaming is cool as long as its for god and the boyfriends. Btw sarasota hates you BOAD.
Cory, this review is some of your finest work!
ultimate scene band... 0/10... Underoath are leagues better than this crap, and they are not good...
question: why does lambgoat review this stuff? and why do labels send lambgoat records they know will get a bad review? this is a hardcore/metal site. the labels should be sending their pop records to pop sites.
Worship me instead of jesus. I gave life to metal, don't make me take it away.
every time i have seen them they say "we dont do this to look cool, or make money, we do it for our love of jesus" or some shit, but the whole time, they are sporting fashion mullets and doing cartwheels while they play. f*cking terrible bullshit band.
OOOH, you don't like our music! boo f*cking hoo. Cry me a river fanboy. We have more talent in our little finger than you do in your whole body. What band do you play for tough guy? huh? probably some bull shit in flames rifoff. gays.
^ Your band, and Jesus, are quite gay.
rather be in an In Flames rip-off than an Underoath rip-off...
towering inferno is more deserving to be signed than you are. www.myspace.com/toweringinferno
Joe Burden of a Day (joe@burdenofaday.com) is not in the band so whatever he said does not reflect boad
this eats more dick than set your goals