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Burden Of A Day Pilots & Paper Planes

Pilots & Paper Planes
01. For Tomorrow We Die 02. High Noon 03. Escapism as an Art Form 04. No Blood No Foul 05. "Oh the Humanity" (A Prologue to Tragedy) 06. Ashes to Ashes 07. Hello My Name Is Euphoria MP3 08. Cupid Missed His Mark 09. Anatomy of a Scene 10. Bite the Bullet 11. Sound of Solace 12. Lost in the Shuffle
2006 Blood & Ink Records
Our score 3

by Cory

I'm having a wicked case of deja vu today. I popped in the Burden Of A Day record today and was greeted by the sound of melodic "post-hardcore" from Christian kids from Florida's west coast. If you can't figure out what I'm getting at, these guys resemble Underoath in every way imaginable. Apparently their PR people wanted to avoid the comparison because they instead compared them to Refused (what) and All That Remains (huh) but I don't hear any of either of those bands in this. Instead Pilots & Paper Planes is a predictably lame retread of a retread with just enough going for it to grab the attention of the easily pleased Christian fanbase they're going for, but nothing to offer otherwise. So if for some reason you're still reading, you might be wondering "What exactly do Burden Of A Day have going for them" Well, I'll tell you what these guys have going for them: decent guitar licks and great production. That's it right there. Everything else is so derivative that I can't even give them credit for it. Yeah, a couple songs are catchy, but Burden Of A Day can barely even claim writing credit for them, so why should I praise them for it I don't know how many more ways I can say this: these guys are an Underoath rip-off so blatant they should be sued. Bottom Line: I can't always expect that music listeners will appreciate the innovators or influential artists, but when that band is incredibly popular, still around, living an hour away from the band ripping them off and even playing to the exact same audiences, I hope someone is smart enough to choose the lesser of two evils.


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esfsef_ 9/7/2006 4:35:30 PM

this eats more dick than set your goals

Greg_ 9/7/2006 5:38:29 PM

And I though Set your Goals was bad ...listen to this the mp3 ...this is f*cking shit ... this is the way this band thinks Sweet new hair cut .... 45 bucks The new Underoath cd ...16 bucks Having f*cked all your friends in your band and getting ready to hit the road !!! pricesless f*ck THIS BAND !!!

truthsayer_ 9/7/2006 5:57:42 PM

Good review. I will stay clear of this nonsense.

Coldchain_ 9/7/2006 6:04:58 PM

This genre is on its way out, about time too.

Steve Irwin_ 9/7/2006 6:32:18 PM


Coldchain_ 9/7/2006 6:38:44 PM

Aussies don't talk like that

hells satans_ 9/7/2006 7:21:26 PM

trendy, wanna be christian hardcore. btw i've seen them too many times opening for friends bands and the people that go to see this band are either former pop punk girls who think that screaming is cool as long as its for god and the boyfriends. Btw sarasota hates you BOAD.

ironballs_ 9/7/2006 7:40:55 PM

Cory, this review is some of your finest work!

CuntSnot_ 9/7/2006 8:30:12 PM

ultimate scene band... 0/10... Underoath are leagues better than this crap, and they are not good...

xtroyx_ 9/7/2006 9:30:18 PM

question: why does lambgoat review this stuff? and why do labels send lambgoat records they know will get a bad review? this is a hardcore/metal site. the labels should be sending their pop records to pop sites.

SATAN!_ 9/7/2006 9:32:58 PM

Worship me instead of jesus. I gave life to metal, don't make me take it away.

.357_ 9/8/2006 4:07:32 AM

This might suck, so does Underoath (!)

thisaintsweettea_ 9/9/2006 10:22:48 AM

every time i have seen them they say "we dont do this to look cool, or make money, we do it for our love of jesus" or some shit, but the whole time, they are sporting fashion mullets and doing cartwheels while they play. f*cking terrible bullshit band.

Joe Burden of a Day_ 9/9/2006 11:50:53 PM

OOOH, you don't like our music! boo f*cking hoo. Cry me a river fanboy. We have more talent in our little finger than you do in your whole body. What band do you play for tough guy? huh? probably some bull shit in flames rifoff. gays.

thegoddamnawesome_ 9/11/2006 4:53:12 AM

^ Your band, and Jesus, are quite gay.

CuntSnot_ 9/11/2006 10:20:42 AM

rather be in an In Flames rip-off than an Underoath rip-off...

._ 9/11/2006 12:03:53 PM

Nice Christian values brohh

mike_ 9/11/2006 8:54:02 PM

towering inferno is more deserving to be signed than you are.

me_ 9/14/2006 6:59:25 PM

Joe Burden of a Day ( is not in the band so whatever he said does not reflect boad