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The Human Abstract Nocturne

01. Harbinger 02. Self Portraits Of The Instincts 03. Nocturne 04. Crossing The Rubicon 05. Sotto Voce 06. Mea Culpa 07. Movement From Discord 08. Channel Detritus 09. Polaris 10. Echelons To Molotovs 11. Desiderata 12. Vela, Together We Await The Storm
2006 Hopeless Records
Our score 7

by Nick

Contrary to the thoughts of many Dragonforce fans around the globe, amazing guitar work doesn't always directly translate into amazing songs. It's entirely possible to be able to shred the life out of a guitar and yet fail at writing songs of any substance. Led by guitarist A.J. Minette, Los Angeles' The Human Abstract possesses incredible musical talent for such a young band, but as their debut full-length displays, have yet to find a their own unique songwriting style and sound. But first, let's get one thing straight: Minette can straight up play. Technical guitar work characterized by sweeping arpeggio after sweeping arpeggio leaves the listener no choice but to respect the guitar playing abilities of The Human Abstract. The problem, however, lies in that it would be a huge understatement to say that these guys are fans of Between The Buried And Me. Vocals aside, some tracks on Nocturne might very well be unused BTBAM tracks that didn't make the cut on Alaska. This is quite the dilemma for me because I actually do enjoy listening to this record, as it is far more entertaining than the majority of boring and repetitive metalcore on the market today. Just like Alaska, Nocturne is also fitted with all the musical bells and whistles, as classical acoustic interludes and jazzy breaks are used to round out the record. Since The Human Abstract is the first group that I have come across that so closely resembles BTBAM, and this year's The Anatomy Of was such a sub-par release, I just might try and justify myself in liking this poor man's Alaska. Vocally, Nathan Ells provides both mid-range screams and clean singing on the record, as well as lyrics that, as the press sheet so elegantly describes, "[invite] the listeners to closely and precisely examine the inner workings of their own lives for the sake of a greater peace." I've read through the lyrics, and I can't quite say that they changed my life. For future reference, I would recommend that The Human Abstract, and all bands in general, lay off the pretentiousness when trying to convey how their lyrics and themes are so awesomely introspective. If a band's lyrics truly are impressive, people will discover it on their own. Lyrics aside, the vocals themselves are enjoyable, as the strong emphasis on clean singing is a welcome change from monotonous screams. Although the vocals aren't nearly as powerful as the singing/screaming combo found on an Into Eternity record, they do give Nocturne at least some distinction from their idols in BTBAM. The production on this disc is incredibly clean, and in order for the guitar work to shine, I wouldn't have it any other way. And who was the man behind the great production job Jamie King, known for his production on... well, Alaska. Bottom Line: Even though this record just screams BTBAM at every musical chance it gets, and the not-so-life-changing lyrics rub me the wrong way, I can't help but say that this is simply a solid record that, given the proper marketing, will be a huge success in the metalcore scene. I would be very interested to see how The Human Abstract develops as a band once they find their own brand of songwriting. In the meantime, I know this isn't as good as Alaska, but I guess it will have to do.


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Nick Scandy_ 9/4/2006 9:39:11 PM

typo in the last sentence of the first paragraph. balls.

jamie_ 9/4/2006 9:43:42 PM

bastard reviewer stole first

littlemac_ 9/4/2006 10:19:09 PM

i was going to read the review, but the reviewer had to let everyone know his opinion about dragonforce in the first sentence. no thanks, what a dumbass.

jshaft37_ 9/4/2006 11:18:48 PM

this band is f*cking terrible live. they are a bunch of bedroom shredders that dont know how to play in a band.

gozer_ 9/5/2006 8:43:15 AM

a poor mans Alaska? no f*cking thanks. Alaska was a poor man BTBAM already.

Fur_Beach_ 9/5/2006 1:21:18 PM

Shit band, can't believe that this got a 7 whereas BTBAM's "the silent circus" got a 5. didn't you say they're basically ripoffs of BTBAM? where's the continuity in that?

goddamn_ 9/5/2006 1:32:18 PM

decent band shit review enough said

Nick Scandy_ 9/5/2006 3:56:14 PM

"Shit band, can't believe that this got a 7 whereas BTBAM's "the silent circus" got a 5. didn't you say they're basically ripoffs of BTBAM? where's the continuity in that?" I clearly said it was a fake version of Alaska, not The Silent Circus. Alaska got an 8 (for me, about an 8.5). At least read the review before you get all whiney about it.

Phil_ 9/5/2006 5:40:05 PM

* be's on track 5 * be's enjoying

Chase_ 9/5/2006 9:21:49 PM

Great Band, and Great Album, I would give it an 8, bedroom shredders is the funniest thing I've ever heard, these guys outshred BTBAM's face off. Hell these dual shredders in this band outshred necrophagist... Seen em live and they definitely pull everything off flawlessly, and are more energetic then BTBAM by far. BTBAM just stand still the whole time and never move, which is cool, but in no way are they a better live band in my opinion.. TTFN

shredtacular_ 9/5/2006 10:24:14 PM

this cd is amazing, best one of the year so far. BTBAM knockoff i think not, they are just influenced, Alaska and Nocture are two of the best albums released in a while. Great songwriting, emotion, passion and technicality wrapped into a whole? sign me the f*ck up

threexs_ 9/6/2006 8:47:28 AM

A great CD. Some songs are hit or miss, but a really strong debut. Good live band.

piecemaker_ 9/6/2006 10:27:05 AM

outshred necrophagist? bah. plus the vocalist from necrophagist gets exta points for playing lead and growling all at once like a beast,

d-dog_ 9/6/2006 5:22:54 PM

this album blows c-ck I don't even need to listen to it to know it sucks.

Jesper_ 9/7/2006 12:27:08 AM

I would have to agree this band is shredtastic. Most people are turned off by the vocals, these same people would probably love this exact album if you put a shitty cookie monster on there instead.. I don't know if they outshred necrophagist, but they are pretty damn close upon further listening, there's shred all over the place you don't notice the first couple times through.

Steve Irwin_ 9/7/2006 11:09:34 AM

OH CRIKEY! This album sucks dck!

anonymous 9/7/2006 8:12:59 PM

Jesper speaks the truth, I didn't even realize half the shred until I saw them live.

CuntSnot_ 9/7/2006 8:32:27 PM

*plays guitar warm-up exercises over blast-beats, causing kids who think Bane is technical to suck my c-ck

bdmguitarist_ 9/8/2006 4:26:18 AM

seriously good instrumantation but the song structure was a little week. tho i wil be followin and am looking forward to the next release

goo_ 9/12/2006 8:08:25 AM

IMHO, they don't outshred Necrophagist -that guitarist is something of a prodigy, who's vocals are terrible, and if you sing-a-long to that filler crap you're an idiot. This band has a superb lead guitarist, a very good rhythm guitarist and drummer, an above-average vocalist, and a somewhat lousy bassist. Not the best songwriting, lots of guitar glitter here, which inevitably compromises well-written songs, but these dudes are 20 and 21 -excluding vocalist- a very young, developing band (!) and

somewhat angry man_ 9/12/2006 8:14:54 AM

Why do all of you dumbf*cks say Crossing the Rubicon is the standout track of this album? Scandy, you're a pssy and I bet you didn't listen to this more than once. Mea Culpa is the best track by far as it shows what this band is really about: shred. It's probably one of the more recent songs they wrote before recording. Their next album should be very good. Just wait and see if I'm wrong.

not gozer_ 9/13/2006 8:30:19 AM

i heard this shit last night and i think i vomited on my cat. "shred" i think not, i heard some sweeps but thats about it.

@not gozer_ 9/13/2006 2:42:09 PM

what a dumbass; AJ would shred you, your cat and your filthy mattress to pieces.

Nathan Ells_ 9/14/2006 9:24:36 PM

It seems that the only one in this little review that is obsessed with our good friends in Between The Buried And Me is the reviewer. I've never actually heard Alaska in entirety, although I did see them live once. My only message to Nick Scandy is that he should interview me before making accusations about my character based on some press sheet that he believes we wrote about ourselves. Otherwise he might end up sounding like a novice journalist.

Nick Scandy_ 9/15/2006 4:39:51 PM

The purpose of reviews are to give my opinion on albums, many of which that are accompanied by a press sheet to provide a brief introduction to the band. I've read one too many press sheets and seen one too many banner ads and commercials that have unnecessarily pretentious descriptions in them. I have to imagine that bands get some sort of say in what goes on their press sheet for an album that is their creation. If not, I suggest you should either look for a label that gives you more free r

anonymous 9/18/2006 7:28:29 PM

Yeah, whoever says the we're "the saviors of rock" first, wakes up to animal heads in their bed. That's my least favorite and most overused magazine hype title. No bad blood here, and thanks for the well wishing. I HAVE to defend my integrity, you must understand.. It's all I have.

your god_ 9/27/2006 6:31:40 PM

Best f*cking band singer ever...god gives this record 2 thumbs up...

anonymous 10/1/2006 8:35:18 PM

this band needs Mike Patton

anonymous 10/24/2006 5:41:13 AM

this band owns your f*cking band. commit suicide you little idiots.

Heaven Beside You_ 11/21/2006 10:03:06 AM

Honestly...I'd never heard of these guys until some girl talked to me about them. I listen to a lot of shit...but these guys...provide a brand new inspiration to my writing. I wouldn't say their lyrics are "life changing" but then again no one's have been for me. They are however...not boring. They're well written...with some of the best guitar I've heard since all I knew was Metallica and Megadeth. They do so much more than just shred. Yes they shred but it sounds so damn good and It's not mind

anonymous 12/2/2006 7:56:07 PM

kid above me is a f*cking idiot. production/songwriting tip: this album should have been much more aggressive.

D_ 12/24/2007 9:35:36 AM

^ The piano part is technically on Desiderata, though they play from there on for the video and when they play it live. I think it's awesome, and actually well written and not some filler piano piece like most bands use. Stop comparing this band to BTBAM. They're technical, but when I listen to this I don't go "OMG Alaska!" and neither does anybody I know that's heard both CDs.

anonymous 7/5/2022 6:51:33 PM

Still rocking out in 2022.