Post Commentshit band, meshuggah rip off, always on time warner metal channel. penis.
meshuggah has a older cd called none. it's not really an album though. more of a ep.
What a stupid rating to give after having said so many good things about the band
This would of been a big album for themif it was released a few yrs back...Its been done before but ist done well..Kyle there guitarist is probalby one of the better young guitarist right now in metal...The kid can play with feeling..The drums onthis cd are programmed...Not a real drummer....
why the f*ck do reviewers always review cd's that suck dck just so they can talk shit about them, how about you shut the f*ck up and review a good cd without all your moaning
4/10? - What a f*ckING joke! Don't be reviewing music you can't wrap your feeble mind around! THREAT SIGNAL (great band name, btw!) are one of the best things to come along in the last 5 years and a fresh breath of air in a sea of faceless hardcore, metalcore (please, no comparisons to shit bands like As L Lay Dying who couldn't write a decent song if their lives depended on it!) and bad Dillinger rip offs. 'Under Reprisal' unites the best of Pantera, Meshuggah, Soilwork and Fear Factory and
Bad band-Bad album-Bad review. Comparing this band to Soilwork shows your complete lack of understanding of anything metal.
this band is f*cken garbage sound like a fear factory ripp off .... who would want to rip off them they suck too lol this is a prefect example of a mainstream band that fails . 1 good part in this whole cd other then that its just crap and the new cd they just came out with is even shittyer then this lol i give that one 2 / 10
first post.