Post CommentI've read many online reviews on this album, and they all gave out extremely high scores for this album. This is the only review i've come across that gave this album a low-scored review. I've had this cd spinning since I got the pre-order for it in august, it is really good shit. I cant agree more with the final statement at metalreview.com for this album, " I really can’t find any flaws here, other than it almost being too much of a great thing."
I agree with a lot of points in this review - I can hear the level of talent and complexity in this album, but it just hasn't clicked with me yet. Someone on the board called it a "riff vortex," which I think just about sums it up. Still, I think it deserves at least a 6 or a 7.
Yeah this cd sucked, bad willowtip.....bad!!!!
Gonna have to disagree with you soldier. From what I've heard this has better production and drumming than the ep...and just as excellent songwriting. And a "riff vortex" is no bad thing. Eric Burke-thumbs up.
KALIBAS was f*cking AWESOME! Sulaco is good but will never compare. Kalibas and Creation is Crucifixion was the best tour ever! This album is terrific. Hooray Willowtip, once again.
"technical" metal is becoming even more played out than "swedish" riffs.
this album is not spectacular, but still pretty solid. it's been done before, but then again Sualco does it pretty well. deserves better than a 5/10.
Riff-Vortex sounds f'in great to me, more noise, and more loudness. fvck, the mp3 sounds great, it's everything those shitty bands like BTBAM do but its way-TIGHT!!
Thanks for taking the time Cory. If you ask me, this band sucks donkey scrotum!
Sulaco kicks ass. I can't wait to hear the whole thing. Where's my CD? Lon? Burke? I know you guys are reading this. See you Nov. 4th bitches.
Cory, you suck balls, if you don't understand the greatness of the last Sulaco. Kids, it's a 11/10 album, don't read Lambgoat's crappy review.