Post CommentDecent release. Not the "heaviest album of the year" like the banners say, though.
this is the album RN tried to make
i'm not too sure about that RN comment. i was expecting this album to get a 4/10.
"get the f*ck out of dodge!" - thisheartscoma
"The threatening and foreboding vibe that emanates throughout gives The Dead Walk one of the most haunting atmospheres this style has ever seen." you can't be serious...
This album is insanely heavy. The vibe is quite disturbing.. the music and lyrics are quite violent.
I was expecting this to get like 3/10. Not really that good at all, and though Ash states that they tried to avoid redundancy, that's what I got a lot of out of this album. Repetetive and monotonous.
This is a really suprrising review for a band like this to be reviewed on LG. Still, really good review Ash! Oh, and Cory? STFU!
big money makers, big big money makers. shake it over town, shick shake it over town. bizzy b.
you really dropped the ball with this review Ash. metalcore can not be haunting, maybe silly. But not haunting
the track that you can listen to is 5/10 at best. MEH
I actually can't wait to hear this since I enjoyed 3750.
I've heard better music coming out my arse.
More like the Dead HEADWALK!!1 AMIRITEGUYS?
"THE HEAVIEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR. PERIOD." you idiot. you know nothing of heavy music if you think literally open chord breakdown after open chord breakdown for 30 mins is the heaviest album of the year. f*ck this band sucks way too much, why people suck this shit up is beyond me. CHHUUGGG CHUG CHUG CHUUUGGG CHUUG CHUGG! gays.
certainly not the heaviest album of the year. theres too many good death metal cds that have yet to come out this year. but still from what ive heard not as bad as i thought it would be. this mp3 is actually a little groovin.
not that i expect most readers of this site to realize such things, but if you really think about it, youd realize that you all know the tagline for this album verbatim....hmm....wonder if Prosthetic's promotional team did thier job right
Someone tell me what the f*ck happened to Blood Has Been Shed?
are you serious?! the bass drum sounds like someone making fart noises with their mouth
great band, solid disk. saw them last week, they put on a good show.
lambgoat reviews suck, don't bother reading them. its all elistist bullshit.
"THE HEAVIEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR. PERIOD." you idiot. you know nothing of heavy music if you think literally open chord breakdown after open chord breakdown for 30 mins is the heaviest album of the year. f*ck this band sucks way too much, why people suck this shit up is beyond me. CHHUUGGG CHUG CHUG CHUUUGGG CHUUG CHUGG! gays. and you know nothing about Lambgoat itself if you took that goddamn statement seriously, you stupid f*cking douchedrinker. Gurgle broken glass while som
im f*cking tired of people always putting metalcore down... metalcore is f*cking sick shit dumb bitch ass motha f*ckas need to get a life and let metalcore be its here to stay and theres nothing u gays can do about it...8/10
Whoever said that shit about the RN record can blows me, Remembering Never are easily one of the best bands playing metalcore right now, and piss all over these guys. That being said, this is nowhere near as bad as I expected.
f*ck rn even thought there new album is solid......they use to sing way to much and are all about the politics....the acacia strain is about shooting people
Love this record. The song Demolisher makes me feel like I'm going crazy
In terms of "heaviness," this one's a lightweight. Dull, boring as shit, been-there-done-that metalcore, Adam D. type bullshit.
booooring awful contrived horse shit. Tune lower, gays. Also, the lyrics are f*cking childish.
This album crushes, f*ck all you pussies...
pretty bored with this one. every song sounds almost exactly the same. listen to blood has been shed. they're a lot better. 6/10
Dude you have no where to talk this album got 7/10 so get right Dick
f*ck this bullshit, just listen to Blood Has Been Shed...
this cd is about a 3 or 2 for me. i like 3750 alot....but this is too metalcore. and who wants more metalcore...not me and yes DEFF not the heaviest album of the year. theres bands that are way heavier than they are
i loved 3750, but the dead walk sucked, all sounded the same to me. i give it a 1
and childkiller, what do you listen to. oh i sure you listen to those bands that play solos after solos after solos. yeah the bands that try to show off their talent but end up looking like a bunch of 12 year old boys with more energy than the monster i drank an hour ago. finally a band puts out a cd that doesnt kill me with guitar solos. this album rocks and yes, it is the most heavy album of 2007. jerk
oh and CHUGG CHUGG CHUGG CHUGG is what your mom did on my c-ck last night BITCH! f*ck you and your pathetic life
Great review. I will definitely check the album out! Thanks.
the guitars are tuned WAY too f*cking low on this record. f*ck this.