Post Comment"autopsy photos from the murder, thoroughly aroused my interest"
The lead vocalist has the most annoying scream ever. He alone pretty much dissuaded me from ever caring about this band
This is one of the most generic-sounding piles of shit lambgoat has reviewed in a long while
this band is awful. nobody cares about this shit
Try listening to the whole album and then write an honest review about this band..........retarded f*ckin' core kidz.
I'd love to see the death metal fan that gets duped by the artwork into buying this record. That'd be the funniest thing since Terri Schiavo tried to talk to the balloon.
i love slayer,,, take of your white belt you gay
i cant see how anyone can call this emo-anything or generic sounding...this has got to be one of the most original sounding bands in a while...unless you guys have a broad realm of 'generic'...does black dahlia murder sound like poison the well...no...these guys dont sound close to anything else...if so, i wouldnt mind hearing what you think they sound like, specifically
Richard Simmons isn't even gay enough to like this band.
ATTN: Derek Beals. I tried responding to the personalized comment you sent me, but your email address doesn't work. If you want a response, how about giving me a valid email address.
Would hate to say but I agree with beaver man on this one....i've listened to this cd back to back and think its one of the most original cds to date just because it doesn't have black dahlia, through the eyes of the dead, or vehemence doesn't mean its shit...the newest shit the date all sounds the same....all slaves to the breakdown....where they f*cking start with a breakdown and end with one...that kind of music is getting weak...and I think vena amori has nothing to do with girls pants or ev
underoath = gay rock. these guys = gay rock. is that enough of a similarity for you?
First off you can diss your own shit. whoever you are....this album is interesting...you most likely listen to some country yeehaw shit...well shove it up your ass.. by the way the genre of music doesn't have anything to do with how people dress. they dress that way because they want to. kind of like how you wrote a horrible article on this cd the way you did because you wanted to. Face it, your not as cool as the people that like Vena Amori so go to hell. Thanks.
I smoked PCP with this band. Didnt know it at the time, but they were like, "Hey that has embalming fluid in it". I just thought it was regular old dope. It was like some shit straight out of Friday.
I bought this for 4 bucks at a used record store. The artwork and song titles led me to believe this was a grind band. Boy was I wrong! I popped it into my stereo and was subjected to generic, poorly-executed, unadulterated CRAP. This cd sucked beyond belief. Guess I'll use it as a drink coaster...
hah. this genre and the last line of this review makes me laugh.