AlbumsNovember 29, 201111,496 views

Vena Amori The Seduction Of An American Housewife

The Seduction Of An American Housewife
01. Loving The Dead, Literally 02. The Lady Huskies Are One Man Short 03. The Way Of All Flesh 04. Marilyn Merlot 05. The Seduction Of An American Housewife 06. Prayer To God 07. Fin 08. How Can Things Possibly Get Any Worse? 09. Rotting-Beef Carcasses 10. Interlude 11. Home Movies 12. Jesus Wasn't Loved in His Hometown Neither
2006 The Death Scene Recording Company
Our score 3


Before listening to this album, I flipped through the booklet, hoping to learn a thing or two about Vena Amori since I'd never heard them before. I quickly learned that The Seduction Of An American Housewife is a concept album, inspired by the Dalton murders that took place in Crawford City, Kansas, 1968. The artwork and photography, which includes what look like authentic autopsy photos from the murder, thoroughly aroused my interest in the album. Unfortunately, Vena Amori's music offers very little in terms of creativity and general aptitude. Their repertoire consists entirely of the same emo/pop riffs that have been recycled by acts on Trustkill and Victory Records for the past few years. At their best, Vena Amori resembles a Suicide Notes-era Atreyu and at worst they're simply a carbon copy of My Chemical Romance. Yeah, it's that bad. Vocal duties seem to be shared equally by all members. You think at least one member's voice would be appealing, but such is not the case as the album is filled with weak screams and whiny choruses including lines such as "I can't live with myself/with or without you." Bad fad music and cheesy lyrics aside, the production on Seduction... is one of the album's few selling points. Producer Jesse Cannon and the noteworthy Alan Douches at least add some sense of quality to this collection of otherwise generic and displeasing tracks. Bottom Line: Perhaps if Vena Amori had put as much time into writing original and creative songs as they did with organizing the concept behind their album, it might a bit more listenable. Give this genre a rest, please. Unless you like to borrow your girlfriend's clothes and listen to Underoath CDs, this album probably isn't your thing.


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xtroyx_ 5/8/2006 8:59:24 PM

hah. this genre and the last line of this review makes me laugh.

boooo_ 5/8/2006 9:03:46 PM

dont rip on underoath man!

HEEHEE_ 5/8/2006 10:43:15 PM

"autopsy photos from the murder, thoroughly aroused my interest"

tomgilk_ 5/9/2006 12:17:23 AM

im aroused too man, its ok.

hxcobd_ 5/9/2006 3:17:27 AM

The lead vocalist has the most annoying scream ever. He alone pretty much dissuaded me from ever caring about this band

bolognapony_ 5/9/2006 3:44:48 AM

So is this the beginning of gore-emo?

TheReapersSon_ 5/9/2006 5:30:08 AM

This is one of the most generic-sounding piles of shit lambgoat has reviewed in a long while

anonymous 5/9/2006 11:06:16 AM

3/10 is rite. this album blows

anonymous 5/9/2006 4:40:48 PM

this band is awful. nobody cares about this shit

fuckhardcorekids_ 5/9/2006 5:26:38 PM

Try listening to the whole album and then write an honest review about this band..........retarded f*ckin' core kidz.

Ohhhhh_ 5/9/2006 8:49:55 PM

this has victory written all over it.

anonymous 5/10/2006 10:20:47 PM

ONe word... QUEER

anonymous 5/11/2006 11:10:02 PM

I'd love to see the death metal fan that gets duped by the artwork into buying this record. That'd be the funniest thing since Terri Schiavo tried to talk to the balloon.

thejamesdeantrio_ 5/12/2006 5:10:13 PM

Has our first bass player in it. :(

josh213_ 5/19/2006 8:52:48 AM

i love slayer,,, take of your white belt you gay

anonymous 5/20/2006 7:07:11 PM

i dont get it

derek_ 5/25/2006 1:04:45 AM

i cant see how anyone can call this emo-anything or generic sounding...this has got to be one of the most original sounding bands in a while...unless you guys have a broad realm of 'generic'...does black dahlia murder sound like poison the guys dont sound close to anything else...if so, i wouldnt mind hearing what you think they sound like, specifically

Asshole_ 5/28/2006 11:15:35 PM

Like shit, specifically.

muffin_ 5/29/2006 12:22:50 AM

Richard Simmons isn't even gay enough to like this band.

anonymous 6/2/2006 2:08:40 PM

ATTN: Derek Beals. I tried responding to the personalized comment you sent me, but your email address doesn't work. If you want a response, how about giving me a valid email address.

BrotherFuckingDan_ 6/9/2006 12:01:37 AM

Would hate to say but I agree with beaver man on this one....i've listened to this cd back to back and think its one of the most original cds to date just because it doesn't have black dahlia, through the eyes of the dead, or vehemence doesn't mean its shit...the newest shit the date all sounds the same....all slaves to the breakdown....where they f*cking start with a breakdown and end with one...that kind of music is getting weak...and I think vena amori has nothing to do with girls pants or ev

anonymous 6/14/2006 2:19:14 PM

underoath = gay rock. these guys = gay rock. is that enough of a similarity for you?

Wannabe_ 6/18/2007 2:53:26 PM

First off you can diss your own shit. whoever you are....this album is most likely listen to some country yeehaw shit...well shove it up your ass.. by the way the genre of music doesn't have anything to do with how people dress. they dress that way because they want to. kind of like how you wrote a horrible article on this cd the way you did because you wanted to. Face it, your not as cool as the people that like Vena Amori so go to hell. Thanks.

anonymous 9/22/2007 8:41:19 AM

I smoked PCP with this band. Didnt know it at the time, but they were like, "Hey that has embalming fluid in it". I just thought it was regular old dope. It was like some shit straight out of Friday.

CT3_ 9/26/2007 11:28:00 AM

I bought this for 4 bucks at a used record store. The artwork and song titles led me to believe this was a grind band. Boy was I wrong! I popped it into my stereo and was subjected to generic, poorly-executed, unadulterated CRAP. This cd sucked beyond belief. Guess I'll use it as a drink coaster...