AlbumsNovember 29, 20116,818 views

Enlow The Recovery

The Recovery
1. Drawing The First Line 2. Calling Out The Oppressor 3. The Choice To Live 4. Building Bridges 5. Confronting The Malice Tongue 6. In The Face Of Uncertainty 7. Stand Up and Face Your Fears 8. Taking Chances MP3 9. The Fight Of Your Life
2006 Blood & Ink Records
Our score 4


Personally, I have never had a problem with any particular social/political/religious ideology presented by a band, so long as the music is good. I enjoy records from spirit filled hardcore to Christ-hating black metal, liberal platforms and conservative ones, the patriotic vs the anarchist, straight edge outfits to Murphy's Law. It's never really mattered to me; I've got my paradigm and it's not related to any particular music scene when all is said and done. Unlike many zines, clubs, labels and kids, I just don't care. The only thing I do not have much respect for is so-called "open minded" individuals and more often than not, this argument usually erupts when I try to talk to anyone who lives for "Christcore" or on the other end of the spectrum, those who try to tell me about who/what doesn't belong in hardcore/metal, namely Christianity, and these souls are more often than not people who either used to wear beads and beat on drums for Lord Krishna or are still defending some of the most ignorant organizations/individuals/bands that I can think of. So if you fit into one of these categories, you probably won't dig this review. If not, read on. I remember getting Enlow's previous album about three years ago and thinking it was by the book E-chord metalcore, not particularly awe inspiring, but pretty good. The band broke up about a year earlier, and recently reformed to release "The Recovery." Enlow still busts out copious amounts of chugga chugga parts for gawky, fruitcake kids in girl pants to do the "Losing My Religion" dance to, but unlike their first record, they've slowed things down, added clean vocals and are keeping the Cookie Monster oratory portions to a minimum, invoking comparisons to the majority of the Tooth & Nail/Solid State catalog and similar artists such as Dead Poetic, Underoath, Haste The Day, From First To Last, and Beloved. I don't think I really need to unleash a cavalcade of comparisons and metaphors, as you probably get the picture. I don't completely detest this sound, but at this point in time, it's so pathetic, it makes it hard to speak a good word about the bands who practice it. Enlow has some catchy riffs here and there, but every time they build up something decent with it, the cliches piled on top force an immediate descent in quality. When they try new things (dashes of old school hardcore and death metal), it's just not enough because soon thereafter they go back to formulaic breakdowns. I'd advise Enlow to focus more on their emo/"screamo"/indie/straight up rock tendencies, because while that is equally played out, they've got more skill in that sector and will likely achieve greater success instead of rehashing the mosh heavy material. There was no artwork/lyrics included with the promo but from the looks of the cover and the attached band photo, I don't think much would be said other than this is as standard as it comes. I'm really surprised Enlow didn't go with Barry Poynter as producer, since he's been behind most Tooth & Nail/Christian hardcore records; instead they made an unlikely choice to utilize the talents of Descendents alumni Stephen Egerton, whose roster of clients includes punk/ska names like MxPx, Less Than Jake, and Good Riddance. Egerton's definitely gives Enlow a raw sound, and while it helps them stand out from their fellow Christian metalcore bands, it's not enough to make a huge difference. Bottom Line: As I said earlier, it doesn't matter what your particular stance is; in the ears of any given listener or from a music critics keyboard, you're either good or you aren't. Enlow aren't the worst thing I've ever heard, but I wish they, like so many other bands, would make the choice of either playing hardcore/metal or emo/indie rock. Many groups have tried to blend the two and many failed; it rarely works. Until they settle on a direction, I just don't see these dudes getting much better or going anywhere. They have the musicianship, but the passion, the originality - that certain something is absent. Good luck on finding it guys.


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drewcifer_ 3/19/2006 3:52:33 PM

what a shitty label. didnt they sign that one f*cking band that has like, 7 members all with the same retarded haircut?

drewcifer_ 3/19/2006 3:54:34 PM

haha, blessed by a broken heart.

bv_ 3/19/2006 3:57:31 PM

this band just sucks, really no reason to write such a long review

bv_ 3/19/2006 3:58:58 PM

and haha @ cover art.. man these guys arent even trying

therighteousruler_ 3/19/2006 5:52:08 PM

weird...this band is still a band?

xtroyx_ 3/19/2006 7:05:02 PM

the mp3 makes me laugh.

bigego_ 3/19/2006 7:10:57 PM

wack band, no good. but what does the first paragraph have to do with ANYTHING

you_in_hawk_country_now_ 3/19/2006 7:12:23 PM

blood and ink signs the worst bands ever. please no more reviews on releases from this label.

Michael Gluck_ 3/19/2006 11:26:04 PM

I f*cking love Kirby's reviews. Know why? BECAUSE THE MAN HAS OPINIONS AND ISN'T AFRAID TO SPEAK THEM! Doing a review and simply rearyzing the album is kiddie shit, anyone can do that...ironically that's what most of the messageboard posters have been asking from my reviews...but it takes a real man with experience and a mind of his own to write reviews like Kirby's. Keep it up, I'm rooting for you all the way. Keep going off on tangents and personalizing the review. It's what makes us individua

bloodandsuck_ 3/19/2006 11:52:41 PM

complete thrash , the worst thing I've heard so far this year !

wizardsbeard_ 3/20/2006 7:39:21 AM

There is, of course, plenty of room for your opinions in your record reviews. That's what a record review is: your opinion. On a record. We ask that you keep other, inconsequential opinons to yourself, however. We come here to read about music; going on *at length* about anything else is self-indulgence, nothing more. Sincerely, The Herd.

panzram_ 3/20/2006 5:20:29 PM

Including your opinion is fine, just keep it brief. The first paragraph should have been no more than two sentences--the readers will get your point. And musically speaking, I have no idea what this band sounds like. They have "chugga-chugga parts," "catchy riffs," "emo/"screamo"/indie/straight up rock tendencies," and are similar to a bunch of bands I've never heard. Next time, less yammering about your paradigm and more music review.

Michael Gluck_ 3/20/2006 5:24:23 PM

The 4/10 should tell you all you need to know about the need to actually read about how the 4/10 songs break down? Man, you're a retard! If an album is 4/10, a fun, indulgent review is much more warranted than a serious rearysis of the music. Start using your brain, jackass.

Michael Gluck_ 3/20/2006 5:24:24 PM

The 4/10 should tell you all you need to know about the need to actually read about how the 4/10 songs break down? Man, you're a retard! If an album is 4/10, a fun, indulgent review is much more warranted than a serious rearysis of the music. Start using your brain, jackass.

picturesofmen_ 3/20/2006 6:01:59 PM

this record could have been summed up as "shitty nu-emo buttcore." and gluck, this review was 2489 times more legible than any sort of tripe that comes out of your c-m-and-tomato-sauce-encrusted keyboard. kill yourself.

haha_ 3/20/2006 6:31:01 PM

why the hell even bother with review if only the rating matters? gluck's a f*cking genius

buttchurch_ 3/20/2006 11:59:28 PM

Christcore=coke and 14 year old hussies. Enlow keeps this tradition.

wizardsbeard_ 3/21/2006 6:49:55 AM

If have no interest in talking about or rearyzing music, if you think that an arbitrary numerical score is all one needs to know about a record, then you are a pundit, not a fan of music, and have absolutely no right to be reviewing records. Start a blog.

Mike_ 3/22/2006 12:33:23 AM

Good records need to be showered with well-thought out and researched praise. Bad records need to be either not reviewed, or briefly shat on, or used as a vehicle for a self-indulgent review. That is my stance and you can kiss my pee hole.

kyle_ 3/4/2007 1:24:14 PM

band isnt good/cd isnt good. generic.