Post CommentGeorge Bush doesn't care about what "melodic death metal" is or isn't.
If it wasn't for In Flames this band wouldn't exist
With such an extensive vocabulary to his merit, i'm surprised Mr. Gluck has yet to decipher the meaning of the word "brevity". However, i'm mildly impressed with such a superb display of eloquence.
how about not reviewing cds 2 months after they come out?
The funny thing is I've been listening to these guys almost non-stop for the last week or so. I got this album back when it came out and last weekend found the rest of their stuff (released as one two disc set called "Truth Imagary Passage") and have been listening to two thirds of the aforementioned double CD like crazy as well. This band should FINALLY get some attention stateside as they are one of the most technical and mindblowing bands today!! Pick up BOTH of their releases on Willowtip (t
"If it wasn't for In Flames this band wouldn't exist" --- no if it wasnt for Death and Atheist this band wouldnt exist. In Flames is the retarded birthdefected child death metal would rather keep in the closet.
Um, In Flames, at one point, actually represented something experimental/intelligible and veered away from the typical Death metal gore/guts/massacre formula and subject matter. Retarted, I think not. More like the other way around.
I seriously don't understand what's great about this album. It sounds like a death metal album that would have come out around 1996. Reinventing the wheel does not a 9 warrent.
I like this band/cd.. bought it a couple of months ago and I thought it was really good. I say buy it
finally! this band deserves so much respect. good review as well.
"...with Willowtip's first Canadian band, Neuraxis..." uhh...Ion Dissonance? did no one else catch that?
this band is f*cking awesome. amazing album, awesome live show. well deserved rating.
I think these guys owe a little bit more to cryptopsy and mid era death than they do to in flames. either way, this is some pretty good shit.
to tell ya the truth ive never even heard of these guys
"I seriously don't understand what's great about this album. It sounds like a death metal album that would have come out around 1996. Reinventing the wheel does not a 9 warrent." - If your holding out on people to reinvent the wheel, you must have a very sparse musical collection. I do however agree it's not necessarily a "9" in my book, but it is a great album.
"...with Willowtip's first Canadian band, Neuraxis..." uhh...Ion Dissonance? did no one else catch that?.......he said "second"
That's great that we get a background of Motreal's hardcore scene and whatever. This is a Montreal hardcore scene review. I see something like three separate references to the cd itself. Way to write a review of a cd without actually talking about it. That's all I'm upset about. I don't even f*cking listen to Neuraxis.
awesome album. one of my fav metal releases this year.
the first sentence made me start respecting gluck all over again.
willowtip canada: goatsblood ion dissonance neuraxis electro quarterstaff
"both of which challenged while brutalizing the listener" I love teh br00tal! I waNtZ diZ
"I seriously don't understand what's great about this album. It sounds like a death metal album that would have come out around 1996. Reinventing the wheel does not a 9 warrent."....not enough breakdowns?
you've really outdone yourself with this one, mike. amazing album, fantastic review.
I have to admit, from the one mp3 this band has chops like a champ. For some reason though, I can't get into the vocals. I think for something with this epic of a review and the actual music itself being so sweet, that maybe the vocals would have been more. I think it would sound really good with some shrill and intense vocals. vokills, rather. eh, just my opinion and i'm a n00b so whatever.
I think the webmaster put up an ad asking for new reviewers, so why don't you review something, polesmoker?
amazing band. amazing album. great review.
"...with Willowtip's first Canadian band, Neuraxis..." uhh...Ion Dissonance? did no one else catch that?.......he said "second" He changed it. posted by burzum () on 12/22/2005 9:17:53 AM
willowtip canada: goatsblood ion dissonance neuraxis electro quarterstaff posted by joe () on 12/22/2005 1:40:47 PM Good call.
that first sentence is way too long.
wow, something that doesn't totally suck aids
great f*cking album. love this band. that's all.