Post Commenti've seen this record at work for some time and always wondered about it. the mp3 was awesome. i will be picking this up. thanks ash!
This is an incredible album from start to finish, one of my favorites of the year. "Haunting Recollections" and "Freezing The Spirit" alone make this worth the purchase.
amazing album, but the drums sound like complete shit. why do so many great drummers insist on using triggers?
Quality review from Ash. Will have to pick up with the Cattlepress, Ripping Coprse, and Dim Mak bloodlines.
Great review...although I'd give it a higher rating.
good review, I agree with the 7/10. it's a solid album, none of the tracks are particularly "weak", I kinda just think two of the songs are awesome, and the rest of the album is just good.
I like what I am hearing here, but I agree with what the guy before me said about triggers. Unfortunately, not every drummer can hit as hard as Dave Witte.
picked this up today and it is pretty impressive. track 4 is the favorite first time through.. the only problem with this record is the length. i expected longer songs and a longer full length from a metal band. but it's still alright.
I can't understand why people think this cd is great. It's mediocre and really boring.
first post rad album