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Ion Dissonance Solace

01. Play Dead...And I'll Play Along 02. O.A.S.D. 03. Cleansed By Silence 04. She's Strychnine 05. Nil :: Solaris 06. Lecturing Raskolnikov (or how to properly stab an old widow) 07. You're Not Carving Deep Enough 08. Shut Up, I'm Trying To Worry 09. Signature 10. A Prelude Of Things Worse To Come
2005 Abacus Recordings
Our score 8


"Kill yourself or someone you love, just kill yourself," screams the clearly unstable and potentially insane vocalist Gabriel McCaughry during the unforeseeable yet no less punishing breakdown in Solace album opener "Play Dead...And I'll Play Along." It is the album's longest track, next to Neurosis-like closer "A Prelude Of Things Worse To Come," and a stunning way for Ion Dissonance to kick-off their sophomore album, one which has seen them deservedly ascend swiftly in label home from Willowtip to Abacus. This considering the vast improvement in depth and reach that Solace holds when compared to their impressive yet still developing sound on debut Breathing Is Irrelevant. And therein lies one of the most exciting characteristics of this relatively new genre, that of disorderly, technical death metal: Its almost innate drive to continue evolving far beyond preconceived notions of structure and limits, and into a realm of complete artistic subjectivity, albeit one of increasingly intellectual, philosophical, and theoretical reflection. While leading death metal veterans Cannibal Corpse, Malevolent Creation, Cryptopsy, Suffocation, and Dissection continue to put out defining albums while continuously influencing their successors Vile, Aborted, Goratory, Necrophagist, and Deeds Of Flesh among numerous others, bands like Ion Dissonance, Despised Icon, and Neuraxis (all of whom figure heavily in the Montreal-led technical death metal insurrection) have invigorated the scene with a fresh ideology, void of the sometimes-constraining focus on disembowlment and the like. Album art from the newly-recognized movement closely reflects the bands' new approach in concept formation as well, with a greater focus on abstract shapes, forms, and an ambiguous representation of human beings as on Solace's cover, unlike the common images of bloodied and gutted women present on the majority of death metal offerings. A giveaway that Ion Dissonance, or Gabriel McCaughry at least, take interest in classic literature is expounded on one of the album's most musically straightforward tracks, "Lecturing Raskolnikov (or how to properly stab an old widow)." Having read Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment," in which Raskolnikov is the main character, I can offer a brief summary which is also telling of the musical and lyrical insanity that is Ion Dissonance: A man who borrowed money from an old widow but didn't want to give it back becomes wound up in a moral panic, so he killed her with an axe, and for the half-a-thousand pages alternates from feeling guilty, to mad, to pleased that he killed her. In the end he loses it and goes insane, which is where the reader is left. Similarly, it is where the band and predictably the listener are left after involving themselves with the music on Solace. I can furthermore attest to the band being completely drained following their always stimulating live performance, having witnessed them perform many times. Bottom Line: The constant swapping of lethally-quick and rumbling tempos convey a constant intensity in each of Ion Dissonance's new tracks. The manner with which they transition is flawless, even in their frequent inclusion of ominous lulls prior to most songs' final breakdown. Deconstructing the music's individual components would not only be tedious, it would take away from the startling means by which each song is intended to convey a vivid snapshot of insanity. As before, Ion Dissonance hits the listener from the starting point, however more now than ever do they require numerous listens before capturing the music's sheer scope. For the first ten listens, all that I felt were the pounding, Pierre Remillard (Cryptopsy, Krisiun) produced bass drums rolling over everything in sight, jagged, start-and-stop riffs, and haphazard screaming. And to be honest, that's about all I need to tell you about the music.


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mrwong_ 10/10/2005 7:47:33 PM

1st view/post

chadster_ 10/10/2005 7:47:49 PM

*swallows dictionary* -this reviewer

anonymous 10/10/2005 8:12:49 PM

I feel like I'm hearing a lecture in class when I read this review.

xtroyx_ 10/10/2005 8:19:54 PM

the review was well written, but it still didn't explain what makes this record so great. this is infact one of the best tech metal releases in the last few years. the dostoevsky reference made me smile.

anonymous 10/10/2005 8:31:17 PM

"Album art from the newly-recognized movement closely reflects the bands' new approach in concept formation as well, with a greater focus on abstract shapes, forms, and an ambiguous representation of human beings as on Solace's cover, unlike the common images of bloodied and gutted women present on the majority of death metal offerings." Soooooooo is that not the album cover above? Looks like every other metalcore band's CD cover. And I don't understand how incorporating breakdowns into techni

theguyfromcameo_ 10/10/2005 9:05:18 PM

I fair review, i think an 8 is a good rating

Hellaween_ 10/10/2005 9:27:00 PM

This Band is Really good, especially live.

PIG_DESTROYER_ 10/10/2005 9:30:27 PM

wow, try a little harder to sound smart. "ohhh i read a book and write long sentances! Be impressed!!" classic "i wish i was writing reviews for the new york times" review- a lot of big words, barely any description of the album. this cd destroys. it is more insane, way heavier (breakdowns and production-wise) than the last album, and is just completely off-the-wall brutal. thats all that really needs to be said.

Sean Loiselle_ 10/10/2005 9:36:16 PM

This album is terrible - it's nothing more than technical mosh metal with blast beats. Listen to Catharsis instead

chadsters_ 10/10/2005 10:18:01 PM


rainbowsatan_ 10/10/2005 10:52:29 PM

This album f*cking destroys!!! Every track just rips your head off and the breakdowns are huge! 9/10

hotaction_ 10/10/2005 10:55:58 PM

^^^^ so im guessing that these kids are the ones that werent digging on the new earth. "brutal!" "huge breakdowns!" "bigger breakdowns!" "mosh!" lame

Smarter Than You_ 10/10/2005 11:06:44 PM

Since when is Ion Dissonance death metal? That's right, since never. You suck at listening to things.

Mike_ 10/11/2005 12:32:23 AM

"barely any description of the album. this cd destroys. it is more insane, way heavier (breakdowns and production-wise) than the last album, and is just completely off-the-wall brutal. thats all that really needs to be said." posted by PIG_DESTROYER () on 10/10/2005 9:30:27 PM "the pounding, Pierre Remillard (Cryptopsy, Krisiun) produced bass drums rolling over everything in sight, jagged, start-and-stop riffs, and haphazard screaming. And to be honest, that's about all I need to tell you

dillon giedt_ 10/11/2005 12:39:27 AM

this cd is f*cking amazing I had it a month before and I still went out and bought it, its the best shit out ever right now.

killemokids_ 10/11/2005 12:41:18 AM

still enjoying my leaked copyof this, i need to buy the real one. better than breathing is irrelevant

LetMeEatThePooFromYourAs_ 10/11/2005 12:55:41 AM

quality review you dumb f*cks and awesome album. Come to Australia

gorebuzz_ 10/11/2005 2:16:35 AM

and unlike Vile, Aborted, Goratory, Necrophagist, and Deeds Of Flesh, Ion Dissonance can write a good song.

Strongarm_ 10/11/2005 2:18:42 AM

I love when people don't understand what is being said in reviews and likewise could never come up with as many reasons and arguments for liking an album, so they just get frustrated and make themselves feel better by saying that the reviewer is "trying" to sound smart. Maybe he is and maybe he isn't, but at least Mike has some depth when it comes album rearysis that goes beyond "huge breakdowns", "bad ass blast beats", "they're sooo br00tal"...

Greg_ 10/11/2005 4:14:39 AM

I really didn't like the production on this album. It makes the cd hard to listen to

captnigga_ 10/11/2005 5:00:14 AM

i complain about the production alot... but the songs on the cd make up for it. 8/10 is a fair rating.

horsecow_ 10/11/2005 9:15:19 AM

great cd, hope these guys get big.

Killa Cam_ 10/11/2005 9:32:46 AM

you Look Fruity Looty-you Smell Like Doodie Doodie-my Cereal Is Fruity-ooh I Gotta Doodie-i Like Green Apples-and I Drink Snapple-crapple, Papple-snapple Wit Green Apples

say10_ 10/11/2005 12:08:21 PM

i had big expectations for this (especially since she's strychnine was the teaser they put out) and i was frankly kinda disappointed. i'd say 6/10, just because i don't think any of these songs top their first 2-song demo and nothing is really that memorable or outstanding. the funniest thing is the title of the last track tho. cuz if they keep doing shit like that, it is most definitely something worse to come.

ion_stasi_ 10/11/2005 12:14:47 PM

great album, but I agree the production is not that great. A little better than breathing but still pretty bad. I was hoping for better... the demo version of She's Strychnine was better. Their guitar riffs are so fast and crazy that it must make it harder to mix a clean sound. Solid album nonetheless.

rainbowsatan_ 10/11/2005 12:30:19 PM

"so im guessing that these kids are the ones that werent digging on the new earth." f*ck off you pretentious little hipster scene boy. I've never heard of earth but I'm gonna check em out. Hell if Mogwai and autechure are remix'n their shit then I think that definately warrents a listen. So don't jump to conclusions dick, and yes this album is "brutal".

thereapersson_ 10/11/2005 12:41:27 PM

Good album and review, though after all this time of listening to heavy music, do I still not see why breakdowns are classified as an important part of a song. Breakdowns are seriously the simplest and most used part of any song, period, yet people still revere them as the key heavy moment. Granted they sound good, but they're still overrated...

notorious_dob_ 10/11/2005 1:25:39 PM

i hated the review, but 8/10 sounds about right.

Last_one_in_the_Noose_ 10/11/2005 1:50:04 PM

Great album. Very appropriate rating.

TheWood_ 10/11/2005 2:29:54 PM

Dissection = BLACK METAL, not death metal

hotaction_ 10/11/2005 3:01:50 PM

" Good album and review, though after all this time of listening to heavy music, do I still not see why breakdowns are classified as an important part of a song. Breakdowns are seriously the simplest and most used part of any song, period, yet people still revere them as the key heavy moment. Granted they sound good, but they're still overrated..." ^^exactly. and rainbowsatan dont be a gay. i like the first ion. this ones...ok. im just sayin i think its lame how all you dousches get amped up o

Konstrix_ 10/11/2005 4:40:57 PM

great album. every track good. 8/10

hangthedj_ 10/11/2005 7:48:09 PM

this cd is f*ckign great

buzzsaw_ 10/12/2005 1:12:48 PM

I'm a huge fan of Ion Dissonance. However, there are far to many comparisons to Breathing on this record. Matter of fact some of the stuff almost sounds indentical to the T. There impressive and great, but I was just very dissappointed this didn't have any real difference from the 1st record. Matter of fact there was even less emotion evoked than the previous. I will say though that lyrically they are so much less steriotypical cheese than alot of metal bands out there.

getafuckingclue_ 10/12/2005 7:09:26 PM

there are no big words -- just small brains.

JonClay_ 10/12/2005 7:30:04 PM

nice dudes

thereapersson_ 10/13/2005 1:40:18 AM

This review also features some of the longest continuous sentences that i've ever seen...

Kevin_ 10/14/2005 11:09:02 AM

hahahaha Amazing album. I'm just glad they asked me to collaborate with guest vocals. and actually spelled my name right. But once again this album kills, these dudes are amazing and kick all your asses live. Support Montreal metal.

corey_ 10/14/2005 8:09:19 PM

I am definatly an avid ion fan. I think that the production on "Breathing" was way better than this album. Im also going to have to say that I prefer the more straightforward aspect of the songwriting in "breathing" as well. Soalce, while being effectivly dimented and technical, for some reason doesnt strike me in the same way. Solace has it's great moments i.e. In-depth breakdowns, amazing drum work, spastic vocal styling. Im going to have to say though that "Breathing" is an album you can list

rob_mcfeters_ 10/15/2005 5:57:49 PM

i like it

HC4EverDistro_ 10/23/2005 10:57:46 PM

dillongiedt_ 10/29/2005 2:29:20 PM

this is one of the best tech-metal albums I've ever heard in my life, this is a mother f*cking 10 not an 8

slice0fnigplz_ 11/21/2005 2:15:15 AM

album has a thin sound, much like last release. no hooks, transitions, or "parts" on entire cd. just random nonsense that is definitely hard to play, but not linked in any perceivable manner.

No_ 12/24/2005 5:31:18 PM

Whats Monte from Roadrunner doing reading metal reviews?