Post Commentterrible f*cking cd... this is the worst review ever
get this f*cking shit off of lambgoat. save a f*cking whale.
Southern Lord is overhyped. 9/10 , a joke.
I usually don't give a shit about this stuff and would even tend to agree with the "overhyped" comment, but this Earth record really is great. Unlike anything I've ever heard, in a very very good way.
One of the top 10 albums of the year. It's so f*cking good, you wouldn't even understand it until you heard it.
Everyone who doesn't like this should just go back to listening to their mosh call bullshit while they masturbate to midget porn wearing a military cap.
music to go beddybye to. f*ck breakdowns. f*ck metalcore. this is just boring. sounds like drool. don't like it.
dont buy expecting to get an album like Earth 2, still a good record
this shit sucks.. southern lord is the worst label ever
it's really lame how in this modern age of mediocre hardcore shit, if a song isn't fast, or like a cookie cutter of every other song then it's boring.
^^Or if a band and their music is so "different" it will be called good regardless of the fact that it is overhyped, long, drawn out, and just plain f*cking boring.
first of all, i haven't heard anyone overhyping earth especially on lambgoat. second, maybe it's just good.
Not just Earth, this whole instrumental metal genre. Artsy metal. I'm not an artsy fella.
another Ash Levitt review of a southern lord band... who is suprised that this got a 9.
Just wait until I review the new Sunn0)))! I'll give it an 11/10 just to spite you.
Seriously though, why can't someone just consider something as being good without it having to be good only because they heard some jocking or whatever? Plus, labels don't really have anything to do with it. There's releases on Southern Lord I couldn't give a shit less about. Not to mention I've reviewed a grand total of 2 SL releases. We're getting out of hand here.
this album is good; not pentastar good, but its good...this is better than the new Khanate!
This mp3 sounds like the soundtrack to some western gun battle or something of that sort.. I can get into slow, drone-like melodic monotonous stuff, but it must be interesting. There was like a total of one chord and snare used throughout the duration of the song. I gotta hear the whole album though to make sure it is overhyped simply for its unique aspect and lack of belonging here......
you guys are all gays. in another 2 years youll be abandoning your "moshcore" and slip into a droning existence. this is good. sorry maybe therell be blast beats and mosh parts with harmonic squeals and gang vocals on the next release...oh wait. probably not.
9/10 is a bit steep, but I do really like this cd.
This CD is boring, because it is boring. Everything on SL is crap. Not because its not fast, or whatever you want to call it. Just because its not good! 9/10 was given to it only because it is so called "defferent". Thats not really fair or just! This is something that isn't like anything you have ever heard before? It has plenty of influences. Some parts sound almost country influenced. Its just slow boring doom, nothing creative here.
This reminds me of southern attrition inside a backwoods concentration camp. Pretty moody and ambient, but it would probably be best to hear the whole album before I can pass judgement. Still, it's not nearly as bad as people are saying it is...
This CD is incredible. one of my top 5 of the year. Unlike anything out there. Earth has pioneered yet another subgenre. If it weren't for so man yof the songs sounding very similar to one another, I'd give it a 10.
yea br0 i love listening to droning d00m br0, its so like deep and slow br0... Sun 0))) invented music br0. Earth is the best band on earth brah. I love listening to music that drags harder than my long dick.. yea br0.
im open to almost every form of music there is... but this really is quite boring. maybe the other tracks are of better quality, but this is crap. give me generic moshcore over this boring ass drug induced coma bullshit any day. and no, its too "smart" for me... it just sucks.
in pieces 5/10, earth 9/10. music iis muerto.
I would've thought all the edge kids would get into this.
the only thing that impresses me is that an actual rating went over 8 this time.
if you think southern lord is "crap", then your favorite bands are probably the red chord and BTBAM. and in that case, you're a f*cking moron and fit right in on lambgoat. im sure Ash cant be bothered by the complaints of whiny 19 year olds who liked FATA a year ago. seriously, shut the f*ck up and at least pretend you have a f*cking clue.
well, I like this more than Sunn O))); it isn't white noise.
Though, it is drawn out and lacking variation. Pretty unremarkable.
Earth, Sunn o))), Sleep, Khanate, etc.....I just don't understand it
when did a bunch of gays get released into lg? i hate these little douchebags who fill up the review and news comments with their stupid whiny 13 year old f*cking opinions, but do not participate in any forum discussion. here it is: f*ck OFF, GO BACK TO MOMMY
are you kidding me, I consider myself a pretty opened minded guy, face the facts this is complete crap, there are some good southern lord bands but this isn't one of 'em. p.s. booo
i listen to way more stuff than just hardcore, and i can say without a doubt, that shit like this is BOOORRRIIINNGGG. doesn't make you any smarter to put this shit on your playlist. pull the tampon outta your dick and shut up.
I don't like Sunn O))) or Khanate or pretty much anything like that. I thought this was really good, though. If this was relative to all the other doom released this year, I'd give it a 9, too.
Shit, I AM into a lot of slow, sometimes instrumental, metal and the MP3 is really boring. It's incredibly droning and monotonous. I'll give the rest of the album a chance, but based simply on their sample I seriously doubt I'm going to enjoy this. It sounds like what should be a 45 second transition in a song, only stretched out to 7 minutes.
....this is why earth is one of the best bands in the world
Earth is great music to set on repeat and sleep to. That's not a knock to them, it just works best that way, just like alot of stuff on Southern Lord. Defintiely mood music.
ash recommend this to me, and i listened to it for 10 minutes and put it away. pulled it out again today and im enjoying in quite thoroughly. i know i wouldnt give it a 9/10, but its definatley better than most of the shit jocked on this site.
i really do adore the whole droning/slow/doom metal genre, it's one of my favorites and has been for years despite the recent popularity.But what i've heard off this album is just not good.....period. Yes the concepts are original but the actual substance of an album is just non-existant. It is boring, maybe i should just give the whole thing a listen through but whatever....what i heard sure as f*ck didn't deserve a 9/10.
wow. the MP3 is one big waste of time. I cant believe a group of people thought this was a good idea. horribly boring. Nothing exciting AT ALL happened. There are formulas to music, writing, and movies for a reason... they work. The formula for this song... turing it on, turn it off. forget it happened.
Saying Southern Lord doesn't put out quality records screams of "I take it in the ass!". Stephen O'Malley has been contributing and supporting the underground before most of you were accidentally (and unfortunately) conceived. Earth's Hex is a mood piece; an audio painting. It doesn't consist of breakdowns, fast parts, etc. It's music to be experienced on an atmospheric and introspective level. Southern Lord and Earth don't cater to fans of conventional songwriting, or those in need of instant g