AlbumsNovember 29, 201110,425 views

Embrace the End Counting the Hallways to the Left

Counting the Hallways to the Left
01. It Ate Everybody 02. The Biography of Fever 03. Carbombs and Conversations 04. Headlines and Deathtolls 05. Memento Mori 06. The Devil Rides a Pale Horse 07. Frankie is a Cutter MP3 08. Tempest Tried and Tortured (The Bloodening) 09. After Me the Floods 10. The Father's Right Hand
2005 Abacus Recordings
Our score 7


I refuse to use the term "metalcore," which to me only describes less than one percent of heavy bands that don't even deserve to be mentioned. However, what should a band be called that is obviously equally influenced by the metal and hardcore genres Because they are generally one or the other. Anyone reading this has probably been to enough shows to know that more times than not the metal people and the hardcore people don't play nicely together. Whatever the name consensus is, if anyone cares, it will be the genre that Embrace the End fit into. With their debut album Counting Hallways to the Left, and featuring current members of First Blood and Killing the Dream, Embrace the End are perfectly suited to be the soundtrack to a hardcore dance floor while incorporating enough frenetic metal guitar work to keep the jaded entertained with air guitar mockery. Despite its usage, Counting Hallways to the Left is unrelenting in its ferocity. The dual vocal attack pummels the listener, with one vocalist opting for the high road, while the other takes the low, and sometimes cavernous, road complete with guttural growls. The dual guitars work well together, offering some interesting harmonic moments while also converging with the bass for the unison breakdowns. There is even the occasional "ah, isn't that nice" melodic breather amidst the heaviness. The drumming on this recording is very competent and utilizes tasteful fills in addition to the normal double bass heavy metal work. In short, the musicianship here is admirable, and clearly demonstrates the group's ability to succeed as a unit. However, the band does not always put this musicianship to good use. While the band makes a good effort at diversifying, in terms of tempo, feel, etc, they do tend to get stuck in some ruts. Many of the melodic guitar passages sound too similar for comfort. Likewise, many of the breakdowns are monotonous and unnecessary for a band like this; they could be replaced with something else that would make the music much more interesting as a whole. Bottom Line: Embrace the End have created something worthwhile in a scene of mediocre bands that invariably try to combine genres without much reverence or success.Clearly, Embrace the End knows where they came from and have a pretty good sense of where they're going as well. Though there are some less than memorable moments on this offering, they are tempered by some stellar ones. If some of the pitfalls common to this style can be avoided with future releases, Embrace the End will be something special to watch out for.


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Dethroned_ 7/29/2005 4:56:34 PM

The mp3 isn't bad at all.

Konstrix_ 7/29/2005 5:04:46 PM

this album is amazing. 8/10

ass magazine_ 7/29/2005 7:00:05 PM

I heard this band on their myspace and they sounded like shit. But the MP3 is pretty damn good, I might be getting this, considering i l0v3 the red chord and despised icon.

Ohhhhh_ 7/29/2005 7:36:47 PM

this cd is good, i really like it.

notalentassclown_ 7/29/2005 9:17:32 PM

sounds like despised icon

veganstastegood_ 7/29/2005 10:24:19 PM

i'm enjoying this cd a lot, i'm surprised nothing was mentioned about the lyrics, they are pretty clever.

xRYBREADx_ 7/30/2005 11:40:27 AM

sick CD. Can't wait to see them live. And playing the air guitar at shows rules. I do it all the time.

Lochlan_ 7/31/2005 3:45:11 AM

Excellent album

willxcore_ 7/31/2005 9:03:48 AM

i'm in love with this cd

Kizzle_ 7/31/2005 2:59:12 PM

Good friends of mine, great album. I see good things in the future. Def pick this up this band deserves to be known.

xshutupyour14x_ 7/31/2005 5:49:31 PM

actually this isnt their debut album, they have one release a few years ago, before they kind of went on a break, and i could be wrong but i dont think any of their members are in first blood, at least not anymore..

Ash_ 8/1/2005 12:40:01 PM

actually this isnt their debut album, they have one release a few years ago, before they kind of went on a break, and i could be wrong but i dont think any of their members are in first blood, at least not anymore.. posted by xshutupyour14x () on 7/31/2005 5:49:31 PM............................................................................................................................................................................................................I was just working off th

SMokeOutLoud_ 8/1/2005 3:42:24 PM

they have a song named after the red head "i'm too punkrock for you" chic from real wprld, and i know of this - both losses

faggot_ 8/1/2005 10:01:19 PM

Kyle Dixon from FB was in ETE he isnt anymore, ETE has 2 members of Killing The Dream! They never had a song called that either gay.

KILO_ 8/23/2005 3:04:42 AM

these guys are amazing. live and on disc. any band that has two front men and when one had to cancel and the other covers his parts too (almost flawlessly) something has to be said about their dedication. if you havent seen them live i suggest you make it a point to next time they are near you. plus ive made friends with them and they are all super friendly.

JB_ 9/6/2006 6:11:56 PM

To gay: The song is called Frankie is a Cutter, you are a f*cking moron. Great CD.

Carlvskansas_ 3/18/2007 3:13:38 PM

This CD is one of my favorites. Frankie Is A Cutter is pretty sick when Frank from Animosity comes in with "IN THE EYE OF THE STORM" nice stuff.

anonymous 2/7/2008 3:25:16 AM

this is an album, no matter how many times i listen to, or how frequently, i never tire of. probably the most underrated band in their genre.