Post Commentawesome review. this is how people should write these things. "the guys that beat the f*ck out of me probably heard the future and were listening to the new How It Ends album, "Beloved" = classic line.
this stuff is f*cking horrible. 0/10. and lol you got your ass kicked. hopefully you've quit cigarettes at least.
good review. more stories. you should have a blog.
I clicked on an album review, and ended up with a livejournal entry.
good review. I think a 6 wouldve been more fitting. but Dysphoria will always be the best band Gravity has ever been the vocalist in, even though this is pretty much still Dysphoria. PAHC.
good review. more stories. you should have a blog. posted by sawtooth (sawtooth@toothface.org) on 11/11/2005 6:34:56 PM
this band played my guitarists house like last week they were pissed
Mr. McFeters should fight Mr. Gluck for the title of best LG reviewer. Oh yeah, Entombed rules!! promo sheet should've said: a cross between Hatebreed and Sworn Enemy with a touch of Integrity....sounds pretty sweet to me, brah!!
it's pathetic what passes as a "review" now a days
Umm.. "The guys that beat the f*ck out probably heard the future " How about learning english before doing reviews smart guy
"There is a ton of mosh. Mosh it up! *Spin kicks into your unsuspecting face*" I heard it comes with a bottle of lube as well.
This review is beyond dumb. It sounds like it was written by a 13 year old.... It gets a 5 but Rob makes no mention to why he doesnt like it... aside from "it gets old quickly" We don't care what happened to you. Get to the point and write a review. At least talk about some of the songs... jeezus
this band is from my town, they are awesome.. you're review is biased. I don't know why I even bother reading the reviews on this site
"this band is from my town, they are awesome.. you're review is biased." Sounds to me like you're biased as well there daddy-o
I love this band and the reviewer is a f*cking dork.
I liked the anecdote, but it didn't really tie in that well with the rest of the review (which was horrible).
youre all idiots; this review is excellent and should be submitted to Vice magazine. oh, and tough guy is the gayest scene
nothing about our band is tough. there is no crew shots or hard shots of us as a band and there's no lyrics about talking shit or even that much negativity to begin with. you don't have to like us but just because a band is heavy and has mosh parts doesn't make them a redundant tough guy band. this review was pretty stupid.
Great album. Reviewer on the other hand is a scrawny, pathetic f*cking wimp ass gay who deserved to get his head stomped in. Too bad it wasn't by a curb.
flawless review