Post CommentHorrible, HORRIBLE review. It's not supposed to be a riff album. You just don't get this album. It's great rock.
posts like the one above scare me. people are deaf.
well after the toiletbowl, that was figure number five, i have given up hope on this band, i'm not even going to check out this record.
I HATE people that say someone doesnt "get" an album, or band or whatever, shut up. If you write music that people need to "get" then youre a pretentious f*ck and should stop playing music and express yourself with something less intrusive like painting or a sculpture. Because i dont need to worry about accidently hearing that.. f*ck YOU.
It's catchy as f*ck. That's all that needs to be said.
Catchiest album ever, those looking for another Chainheart Machine are missing the point. I have listened to this album every morning on the way to school for the past three weeks, and if you aceept what they're doing, its approaching flawless.
hahahahaha! Thank God! I'm finally not the only one that thinks this band sucks!
Some solid catchy riffs and really good sung choruses...I actually liked Figure Number Five so to me this is more of the same
You f*cks have no clue. This is 100x better than Figure No. 5 and right up there with Natural Born Chaos. Different from their old stuff, but still awesome. No mention of the insane drums?!?!? You lost f*cker
hang on...is ken wregget really posting on lambgoat now?
I'm all in favor of experimentation or writing music you have to "get" (look at Sigh, or Voivod for great examples of that) but this album is terrible, just like the last Soilwork album. Natural Born Chaos showed infinite potential for changing their sound to a sort of atmospheric death metal and then they just decided to shit on that and pretend they're a metalcore band, or worse. Anyone who listens to metal (I mean for real, not just listening to Iron Maiden because As I Lay Dying said it wa
HAHA!!! Rob, when you mentioned the X, I thought there must be two dozen stations called the X. Then I realized it was you reviewing it and that you were referring to the X that I know and loathe.
Just because it's better than Figure Number Five doesn't mean that they're getting any better. They're reaching to a fan base that spends more money. It is so catchy that I will buy this an listen to it occasionally as a guilty pleasure...but this is not "good music" and there is so much "good music" out there. If you select your music based on some type of innovation or some type of nod to the music that got the "genre's" to this point, get the new Enslaved. the end.
soilwork have gone to the shitters with there latest albums. And who ever said that this comes close to chain heart machine is a f*cking dick head. None of their new shit comes within a f*cking mile of their old albums. I have now lost entire faith in soilwork. thanks god dark tranquility are still pumping out some awesome albums.
Best album of the year. So sorry it doesn't have breakdowns to keep you nerds interested.
this CD does have breakdowns, and it sucks.
i gotta say that I do like this album.. I am not totally in love with it like I was with Natural Born Chaos, but for what it is, I like it. its just catchy and for metal its easy listening. and no, I am not a mall metal head, but I don't mind this kind of stuff every once in a while (its a guilty pleasure)
this cd is not hardcore. half of the retards posting on this thread are not hardcore. lambgoat is loosing it. why am I looking at a slipkunt banner right in this window? f*cking mall metal kids. pieces of shit.
this is not hcore, or dmetal, or bmetal, it's horseshit......i actually heard chaos from these retards and thought they had something, when your wrong, your wrong, SW suck, talk about zero originality
there's no Isis worship on this album, so everyone on this site has to hate it...
do you people listen to yourselves when you talk?
Best album of the year. So sorry it doesn't have breakdowns to keep you nerds interested. posted by William Jennings Bryan () on 3/22/2005 10:30:39 AM Because they were ever about breakdowns, right? f*cking gay.
i thought every Soilwork album was kick ass, my favorite one a predators portrait. i havent heard "stabbing the drama" yet, but i hear a lot of people are bashing it saying its sounds like crap. well i do have to say that the previous albums all sound true to its nature, im sure some people out there like their new record, if i bought it and it dissapoints me i wont bitch about it like everyone else, sometimes you got to learn to like a change, and i know it doesnt always work like that...
Cool album much better than the last In Flames and Figure Number Five.
"I HATE people that say someone doesnt "get" an album, or band or whatever, shut up. If you write music that people need to "get" then youre a pretentious f*ck and should stop playing music and express yourself with something less intrusive like painting or a sculpture. Because i dont need to worry about accidently hearing that.. f*ck YOU. " ^^^ wtf ? you have to "get" an album you chimpbitch... thats how your taste in music is formed. if you dont "get" a band then you dont listen to them. i
"no...f*ck YOU" ^^^ hahaha... i agree but seriously ?
there's no Isis worship on this album, so everyone on this site has to hate it... ^^^ dont bother son, its lost on these dicks. ive commenting on 5 reviews and every person ive read a post by excluding me and you seems to have the mental capacity of an empty pea-pod.
"do you people listen to yourselves when you talk?" ^^^ id hazard a guess that would be "no".
first post.