Post CommentOne of those bands that i just couldnt get into, no matter how much i was suppose to. Anyone remember that rotten f*cking video for "Wired" ?
What a horrible record by a horrible band.
its not that its bad, its just more of the same. this mp3 is pretty fun. the cover art for this record is awesome too.
hahah gayy posted by thisisforever (webbykins@yahoo.com) on 5/6/2005 9:38:34 PM
both of you better watch your back.
watch your back... only if your liberal
all you grind gays, get off this page. this band is to legit for all your random noise needs. and choke would f*ck all you pussies up. anyways these guys are the shit I dont give a f*ck what all you emo grind gays say. take that talk to the norma jean review you gays.
All of you have no penis, especially the boston crew.
HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! "Boston Crew"? Internet threats? Boy, you guys are the tiniest, wailing, bleeding little girls I have ever heard of. OUTRAGEOUS group of cretins. Hahaha... "watch your back." Congratulations guys, you've really raised the bar of retardation so high, not even the Lambgoat messageboard itself can jump it.
If you like this band you are probably a.) gay b.) retarded c.) both
Norma Jean is WAAAAY better than Slapshot, and I'm not even joking.
go post on the b9 board if you like this shit.
wow thorp records. this is compleat shit, shity dirt punk.
will love this band no matter what they put out and to all the people saying they are gay they have been out longer then you f*cking have and i don't see you doing a band as long as they have so shut up.
"i don't see you doing a band as long as they have so shut up." Ahh... the classic argument of the stupid. HURR BLUHHH WHERE IS YOUR BAND FUFFF GLURRG?!??!? Well, I don't have one, but it certainly doesn't stop these guys from sounding like absolute shit.
"this band is to legit for all your random noise needs." and also too legit to quit
I haven't heard this record except Relight the fire (which is pretty good) but to me Slapshot are one of the all-time best in Boston hardcore, and are always great to see live. Come on, how can some retarded lambgoat moron can seriously compare Slapshot to Norma Jean?
We thought this record would make money, but instead it just sucks. Slapshot should have broken up and stopped recording years ago. But we were after the money. Its cool that in the video they talk about not being interested in recording the record but they got offered money.
what did you expect? slapshot gives us more of the same on this record. you either love them or hate them.
f*ck Ny? didnt hoya from madball just punch this due in the face in like febuary and he dint do anything?
great band, decent record. theyve done better. choke would destroy you gays. I didn't hear anything about hoya punching him...but i doubt its true.
hahah gayy