Post CommentCould you say the word "brutal" a few more times in this interview, please?
You guys really should give this band a listen. They're heavy as f*ck, and they definitely have my support.
Instead of reviewing each album as if it's supposed to create a new genre, try reviewing it in the context of the genre it is in. I don't go to the misc store and say "I need a new genre to listen to today" or "let me find something that challenges me musically today". I want something good, heavy, and more importantly, something I like. It's funny that this gets a medicore review, but you've got rEVOLVEr in your playlist...
how about i review it however the hell i want?
Hello Mr. Generic metalcore band #39586495687495687. Your production makes you sound exactly like Heaven Shall Burn, with worse vocals.
I'm pretty sure this album is availabe at Wal-Mart.
Wow, I didn't know Wal Mart stocked releases before their street dates. Awesome.
It was a joke making reference to this album's being generic. You're not very smart.
actually, your initial wal mart comment has absolutely nothing to do with the album being generic, and you basically said that album was stocked there before the street date.
too already have had album for 3 months no care about review
Check this E-card out, you bastard! http://www.abacusrecordings.com/endorsedbyhate
i like this band, musically. The vocals are almost identical to heaven shall burn which is not a good thing at all. both heaven shall burn, maroon, and might as well add caliban would be 50x better if they were instrumental, or better vocal production.