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Devilinside Volume One

Volume One
01. After The Prelude 02. Thirty Four Months For Nothing MP3 03. Batan 04. Conflicted, Conditioned 05. Glass 06. Hangnail 07. New Year's Day 08. California Burning 09. Dead Wrong 10. Tear The Veil 11. Confession 12. Ignis Fatuus 13. Last Dying Wish 14. Bane Of Existence 15. Canyons 16. Vodkalling 17. Kiss The Cynic 18. Breathing Fear 19. Transition In E Minor 20. Burden's Gift 21. Tortured 22. The Outlook 23. Outro
2004 Abacus Recordings
Our score 4

by Cory

While I'll be the first to admit that metalcore has become little more than a shell of its former powerhouse self as it was first imagined by bands like Integrity and Turmoil, I don't necessarily think that the best way to fix things is by reliving the early 90's in all their dropped-D glory and repetitive riffing. Devilinside seems to have made it their mission to remind people that Sepultura and Machine Head really were great and that their musical legacy is still somehow viable. Unfortunately, it's been a decade since this sound was pioneered and it just doesn't seem quite so fresh anymore. Their debut album "Volume One" seems to insist that there will be more where this came from, but hopefully Devilinside will rethink their musical approach before recording again. It's not that I don't like this sort of music -- although I did get into metal slightly after these bands had hit their peaks -- it's just that these things had their time and place, just as Slayer and Iron Maiden had theirs. Anytime a band shamelessly copies a style, no matter how well, without adding something significant of their own, I am always unimpressed. The members of this band were previously in Disembodied, an act which many would argue were pioneers in their heyday. While I'm (somehow) not particularly familiar with their work, it seems like all their inventive spirit must have gone into their previous projects because, production aside, this could be a carbon copy of any number of early 90's metal records. So if you aren't familiar with the sound I've been talking about, here's the gist: Chugging, heavily distorted guitars combined with high pitched squeals over thundering chunky bass and relatively simple drum patterns. This all adds up to something primal, brutal and ultimately a little stupid. In order to give the album a flowing structure, Devilinside has added interludes between nearly every track and expanded what would have been a fairly standard 14 track metal record into a 23 track muddle of half-completed ideas. Perhaps in all their efforts to produce something authentic and cohesive, they checked their creativity at the door. Additionally, the occassional clean singing definitely could have been omitted. Anyone who lived through the 90's once had to hear enough of this garbage. Let's not rehash the bad stuff too. Bottom Line: I'm as guilty as anyone of falling for nostalgia but this record just didn't do it for me. Perhaps it was the fact that this sound was done to death when it was around that keeps it from appealing to me now. Maybe I just don't care enough about it in the first place to be interested in its revival. In any case, Devilinside's "Volume One" has been one of the most underwhelming releases to pass across my desk this year. There are certainly moments that stand out and even ones that shine, but this album just isn't going to find its way back into my CD player any time soon.


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eadup_ 10/29/2004 1:39:23 PM

man, to each his own but I thought this album was great. songs like california burning and dead wrong just get me fired up and there are some interesting production decisions scattered throughout like the tom breakdown in california burning and a ton of disemobdied-esque lazer riffs...good breakdowns...I thought this would be pretty boring since it's not treading new ground, but I just really dug the songs.

jackdevilinside_ 10/29/2004 3:22:19 PM

OOOH, you don't like our music! boo f*cking hoo. Cry me a river fanboy. We have more talent in our little finger than you do in your whole body. What band do you play for tough guy? huh? probably some bull shit in flames rifoff. gays.

Tom_ 10/29/2004 5:00:44 PM

Anyone who rates this record 4/10 is retarded! Every other track is a instrumental interlude, some grooving, some ambient. I can't think of one band thats done that off the top of my head. "Shamelessly copy a style"? Name a style that hasn't been copied 9 million times over. If I hear another hardcore band rip Slayer off I'll scream!! Bottom line, this record crushes, start to finish.

moho00_ 10/29/2004 5:08:40 PM

I thought the EP was great, but I must admit I was very unimpressed with the full length..maybe next time.

dan_ 10/29/2004 5:39:29 PM

this album is amazing

Cory_ 10/29/2004 5:48:32 PM

the reason no band ever had every other song be an interlude is because its f*cking lame.

richard_ 10/29/2004 6:52:33 PM

" OOOH, you don't like our music! boo f*cking hoo. Cry me a river fanboy. We have more talent in our little finger than you do in your whole body. What band do you play for tough guy? huh? probably some bull shit in flames rifoff. gays." you just made yourself look like such a f*cking arrogant, illiterate dick. NO WAY. NOT IN YOUR "LITTLE FINGER"!

jwcp_ 10/29/2004 7:13:31 PM

i like a lot, but i do agree the interludes get annoying

Cory_ 10/29/2004 11:58:43 PM

I love that people still think that copy and paste is new every time.

buckwheat_ 10/30/2004 4:14:36 AM

hahahahaha, yes, its great, cory. As for the album, this band is shit. Their EP was shit, and this full length is shit. Nu-metal.

Cory_ 10/30/2004 12:37:42 PM

hey now. while the music that they're playing may resemble certain aspects of nu-metal, it's because nu-metal borrowed so heavily from bands like Sepultura and Machine Head. I definitely wouldn't go that far. I just didn't like it.

buckwheat_ 10/30/2004 3:13:02 PM

Eh, true. Its just that low-end heavy emphasis on groove.

richard_ 11/1/2004 11:25:36 PM

sorry about that. i usually don't check the comments and had no idea that that was a cut and paste.

bigkiller_ 11/2/2004 9:11:14 PM

dude, wrong. this record hauls so much ass. if you like metal bands that are influenced by hardcore youll like it, if you like hardcore bands that pose on metal, you wont. youd probably be better off listening to atreyu or something equally inane.

DoctorDooom_ 11/4/2004 12:01:32 PM

Seriously, this album rocks. No question. One more thing. How about Lambgoat sending my shit I won for the Terror contest? It's been like 2 months. f*ck that.