Post Commentthis is the polar opposite of the review i submitted for the same record.
same reviewer who gave unearth an 8. im not surprised.
I bet the review you made would've received a D in a 10th grade english class though, flamer. I only saw one retarded review for this cd at pahardcore.com, I don't know about this cd really, the mp3 sounded good though.
same reviewer who gave unearth an 8. im not surprised. posted by mouse () on 8/22/2004 8:18:04 PM You should have falsities in your insults that null everything you have to say thus making you the idiot.
excellent review...one of my favorite albums of this year (so far)
its ok. not worth buying though. i didnt even read the review cause i dont agree with the 8/10.
this reveiw is bullshit, i think he works for Muchmusic. because we all know ( candians anyway) that MM is on their dicks
wow, this album is horrible, i lose forever for even downloading it. that guy needs death for talking highly of this album.
jesus, can hardcore get any cornier? what the hell are you thinking giving this such a good review?
something in his brain must have snapped because he gave asherahs cd only a 5. a5. seriously. He was definitely beat up after that and now has to answer to all the candian aof kids. Its not a bad cd though but THIS ONE DESERVES A 5, NOT THE ASHERAH
im happy to see this get a good review. AP gave it a 2, while giving from first to last a 4. i think its a great album. some of the songs at the end are blah, but 1-7 are great. i dont get why everyone hates it. it seems to be that they just hate it because of the style of music it is, which is fine. but, they do this style of music very well. a singer who can actually sing, harmonies, good guitar lines, actual memorable parts. yes, maybe its not for the lambgoat crowd, but its a fine album
"Alexisonfire has put out an album that has pushed their sound to an extreme and have partially redefined, I think, what this genre of music will begin to sound like in the coming years" WHAT!?!? This guys is sooo fired.
Finally, a review that does this fantasitic cd justice. AP gave them a 1/5, but they gave the new "Hives" album a 4 so theyre opinions pretty much don't count anymore anyways. Again, Jhonn knows his stuff. Good review.
I'm f*cking disgusted with you people. I tried talking about these guys 6 months ago and got the "gay band" bullshit and then they put out an album that's not bad... but not great and now you people are riding their nut hairs into oblivion. Screw you guys, I'm goin' home.
A great cd from a great band. I'm happy lambgoat decided to review this. Keep up the good reviews.
This dude is a moron...i am from niagara falls and st kitts...i went to alexisonfires very first show and have seen them countless times and the progression theyve made...but on this album it seems they have changed their sound to be more "radio friendly"..giving more of the vocals to dallas and taking away alot of the screams...this album, to me, will be the end of alexisonfires progression and the start of their regression! i loved the first album so i dont know what the hell this dde is talki
the screamers scream sucks and half of it is just distortion on the vocals to make it sound better. the singer can sing very well. i think they finally realized this, and decided to switch things up some
how can he speak of whoas without mentioning pennywise or the new with honor song.
You people are idiots. This cd is amazing, and Alexisonfire is amazing. I love the first cd, and this one is great too. Go listen to Good Charlotte you stupid motherf*ckers, and stop wasting your time beening elitest wannabe music critics when you actually don't know shit.
this dallas guy is one motherf*cking hell of a singer. somehow this has f*cked up my list of best cds of the year, because ive been listening to this the most out of all of them. these guys are gonna get big, and i would hardly call them hardcore but i dont really care about that.
:/ This CD ish oookeiy. It's not better than their older CD though.
i didn't enjoy this album when i listened to it. their debut is better. a lot of emo- like melodies here.. it deserves lower than 8. a 1 or a zero..
This was my guilty pleasure of last year. My soundtrack to a lazy summer on the beach playing football :o)
Yes i like this band...i am canadian.......this album other then the odd song was not as good as there self title....like them live.....and it is better then hearing screamo
Hey, i got this album straight away when it came out because i loved the first album so much. This album made me fall in love with dallas greens voice and i've been listening to his solo stuff ever since. The line "My greatest gift to you is a dance floor free from insecurity" is from Get fighted. Not happiness by the kilowatt :P
this album deserved a -8, not an 8