Post CommentI did mention that it's only sixteen minutes. Read again.
are you kidding?! blood for blood is whats wrong with hardcore. these guys have no ethics or morals, theyre just a bunch of dumb OI! guys who learned how to palm mute. i saw them live and they were spouting out gay this gay that, f*ck this f*ck that, they have nothing to say, except negativety.
to the kid that posted blood for blood is whats wrong with hardcore...you are a f*cking idiot. great album anyways.
and you probably listen to sheer terror,
hey digestmybrutality, you are whats wrong with hardcore. please leave. now. thank you
Blood for Blood is what's RIGHT with hardcore. Positivity is what's wrong with hardcore.
if you want positivity then go to a phish show. this is hardcore punk kid. your in the wrong scene
you douche bags, hardcore is about change, in the positive direction, not about drinking and being a f*cking idiot and shit talking everything, youre all painfully new schoolers, go listen to from autumn to ashes and coheed and cambria.pin pricks
you douche bags, hardcore is about change, in the positive direction, not about drinking and being a f*cking idiot and shit talking everything, youre all painfully new schoolers, go listen to from autumn to ashes and coheed and cambria.pin pricks
you douche bags, hardcore is about change, in the positive direction, not about drinking and being a f*cking idiot and shit talking everything, youre all painfully new schoolers, go listen to from autumn to ashes and coheed and cambria.pin pricks
to whom ever reads this, i love lob of god and i think they should keep going and going with there albums because there so hard and i love them, each and every one of them!!!! please have somone e-mail me back k later dudes
The cd is good, but really short. Expect negative comments; its all opinion.
This is the best release of 2004. those who aren't into it are f*ckin gay and don't complain becase they say the word gay on stage. just becuase they don't hidde who they are doesn't make them dumb oi guys who learned to palm mute. Rob is actually a sick f*ckin guitar player...fool
You forgot to mention it's only 16 minutes